Shout Outs - Props - Kudos - Special Thanks

This space is to thank ppl for thankless jobs. Shout out individuals in the trenches call out your favorite Admins - food suppliers - kitchen monkeys - schedulers - permit holders - March leaders - drivers - chief cooks and bottle washers - media peeps - security - medic - water tent - thoughtful participant in GA - direct actors - best outfit - whatever!
If you saw something, say something ..
oswgwhe Mon 18 Aug 2014 8:43PM
I think we gained the respect of Sacramento. The Left, here and everywhere, is a divided movement. I think Sacramento's Left can now invest more interest in Occupy. We can grow from being righteously disgruntled citizens, to being rightful leaders.
I feel our movement's future will be strongly influenced by Native Americans.
oswgwhe Mon 18 Aug 2014 8:51PM
Thanks to the food people Les, Sergei, and Lucas. Thanks to LR and Lisa.
Lisa Mon 18 Aug 2014 10:19PM
Thanks to Andy, we were never without water. Thanks LR, for being there everyday, talking to cops when needed, many meetings and field trips beforehand to check out venues. Thanks Cal, for getting folks to volunteer to help in the kitchen. Thanks Les, for being the lead chef for every meal.

Tricia Mon 18 Aug 2014 10:26PM
Shout out to Laurie for Spoken Word and acting as MC
Lisa W for leading the march on Wells Fargo and for visiting Mike Buell in the hospital
Marissa for stepping In where needed - schedule, kitchen and driving me and Mike from Southside to the Capitol
Iwanka for brokering the kitchen at the hostel and being a lovely Mutual Aide - like an angel online
Jackie and Sally for coordination and keeping track of the info.
Donna for mini Zuccotti park and bringing in OLB and Occupy LA
Daisy Mae and Black Aether for security and medic.
Toad and all the farmers and food suppliers Operation Nom Nom was yum!
LR for holding down the site and patrolman wrangling.
Robert Anthony Cruz for holding down the media test all day at Southside and heavy lifting for SF Mime Troupe
Les the chef for delicious food
Les the legal observer for being on site and being a great listener
Andy for all the water and laughs
More to come...
oswgwhe Wed 20 Aug 2014 6:16PM
What are "Props"?
Kudos to Delphine. She overcame huge opposition here in Sacramento, within the orbit (InterOccupy), and generally, to "force" white people to face-up to the Gorilla in the corner that undermines us. That Gorilla is the privilege and racism and patriarchy built into most people, who can't escape their whiteness.

Jackie Wed 20 Aug 2014 6:40PM
@delphinebrody - I was unaware you had any problems with mayfirst and/or IO during your work with NatGat or the anti-racism training. Please clarify.
Agree, Delphine deserves mad props for bringing the training against many odds, as well as many volunteers in the last month, and various speakers.
oswgwhe Thu 21 Aug 2014 11:13PM
Thanks Donna, David, Jennie, Michael. You helped vindicate Occupy Sacramento's importance. Thanks Laurie Faygo, Charlotte, Michael. Thanks Tricia and Sally.
Thanks to everyone at the last GA on Sunday's sharing circle. It, and the two minutes of silence were conceived in LA and brought to Sacramento by Daniel, Donna, Sergei, Annabelle, Niki, and Sea.
Special thanks to Donna, Lou, and Niki for raising very difficult questions regarding who controls IO, the email lists, and Loomio. For raising the issue of accountability and transparency in general, amongst those who could sabotage us the most by manipulating nation-wide technology. Those whom we don't see at local GAs.
oswgwhe Fri 22 Aug 2014 6:09PM
Thanks to Sally, Tricia, Jackie and Cal, who it seems are the main folk carrying us forward from 2011 to 2014. They did hard work. All of us who labor in this way though, should be willing to accept criticism. So thanks for doing what you did and for being a part of the criticism process, so that our movement will become more powerful.
Occupy Our Homes FL Fri 22 Aug 2014 8:27PM
Thanks to all the many people who made NatGat2014 a success!!!!!
NikiV 路 Mon 18 Aug 2014 3:37PM
mad props to those who do this every day! ^ right on!