Thu 18 Apr 2024 7:55AM

Would people be interested in disabling images in favour of alt text for World Sight Day and the Global Accessibility Awareness Day?

JB Jules Bristow (afewbugs) Public Seen by 248

This toot proposes disabling images to highlight the importance of alt text descriptions on Global Accessibility Awareness Day and World Sight Day, May 16 and October 10. I wondered whether this was something Social Coop thought would be a good idea?


Calix Wed 24 Apr 2024 2:21PM

@julesbristowafewbu didn't happen unfortunately, others weren't available. Next meeting May 6th, meanwhile @mattnoyes kindly raised this in the Tech Working Group channel.


Dynamic Sun 21 Apr 2024 12:44AM

Sounds fine to me.


Louis Allaway Tue 23 Apr 2024 2:02PM

Sounds nice, but not everyone will know? A banner or something sure - maybe forcing alt text (should be permanent).

But is this not a bit intrusive to people just trying to toot?


Brian Vaughan Tue 23 Apr 2024 6:03PM

@louisallaway I think this is meant to be noticeable. That's one reason why we would want to discuss it before doing it.

As I understand, folks on social.coop are actually pretty good about using alt text, though there's room for improvement.

It's also a topic of discussion what constitutes good alt text. Making alt text more visible may help with that, along with reposting some guidelines.


Caitlin Waddick, FWG/OC Thu 25 Apr 2024 7:07PM

@Louis Allaway. I like the idea of having a banner to announce it for the day, ... or some other form of announcement.

Also, I am wondering about AI-generated alt text for images. I clicked to generate the alt text using AI, then I could edit the text before I l clicked to post. The AI-generated text identified aspects of the picture that I had not thought to describe, and it missed descriptors that I believed were important.

If we announce it the day before, we might post a wiki about how to use the alt text feature and the AI-generated text feature to "Detect text from picture.


Caitlin Waddick, FWG/OC Thu 25 Apr 2024 7:12PM

I suggest that you use this thread to start a formal proposal for people to vote on. Then, its implementation would be dependent on the Tech Working Group. ... The Organizing Circle discussed it, and we didn't feel it fell within our jurisdiction to decide for membership. Let members start a proposal and vote. Here is the tutorial for how to make a proposal: https://wiki.social.coop/wiki/Make_a_proposal


Poll Created Fri 26 Apr 2024 11:55AM

Should we disable image posting for Global Accessibilty day on 16 May in favour of alt text? Closed Fri 3 May 2024 11:00AM

What is the decision you need to make?

Whether this is something we would like social.coop to do, providing it's technically feasible.

Why is this important?

To highlight how important it is for the Fediverse to be accessible to everyone, and hopefully demonstrate to other instances that this is a good idea that can spread more widely.

What are you asking people to do?

Please help decide whether this is something we should proceed with.

For this proposal to pass, we need the majority of members to vote Agree.

If you Disagree, say why and what needs to change for you to Agree.


Results Option % of points Voters
Abstain 23.8% 10 DZ EB DT JF JDC DH D R ML K
Disagree 26.2% 11 MN JF NC BP GM SL LA DU G C N
Block 0.0% 0  

42 of 410 people have participated (10%)


Sky Leite
Fri 26 Apr 2024 11:55AM

(note: I am not visually impaired)

I love the idea of raising awareness about alt-text, but I feel like this is a bit extreme without actually accomplishing much. If the problem we're trying to solve is that people tend to not use alt-text, I feel like we could use established patterns to encourage people to do so, instead of forcing people to acknowledge that it exists for a day.

It seems I'm character-limited here so I'll expand on my point on a reply.


Sky Leite Fri 26 Apr 2024 12:09PM

For example, here are a couple things I feel would make a significant impact on the percentage of people who add alt text to their images:

  1. Making it so the Edit Media window appears automatically when an image is finished uploading. This will, along the lines of the original proposal, force people to acknowledge the functionality exists and make a conscious decision about adding alt-text or not every time an image is uploaded.

  2. Positive reinforcement. We could add a little badge / icon / checkmark to images with alt-text. This will make it immediately clear which images have alt-text to readers who don't use it (but still care about it), while also rewarding posters who choose to add them. It sounds silly but we all know the extents people will go for a colored checkmark.

I know changes like these take development time, and of course I volunteer mine to implementing whatever the community decides.


Jules Bristow (afewbugs) Fri 26 Apr 2024 12:16PM

@Sky Leite a lot of clients already have the latter, I use Tusky which does


nix Fri 26 Apr 2024 4:50PM

@Sky Leite These are probably better long term solutions, but it's also my understanding that they're more complex solutions to implement. And if they're long-term changes, that incurs maintenance complexity (especially when updating versions of mastodon, and then re-applying our custom changes) that these one-off events do not.


Alex Rodriguez
Fri 26 Apr 2024 11:55AM

Seems like a great idea to raise awareness through direct experience.


Dan Connolly
Fri 26 Apr 2024 11:55AM

raising awareness of the importance of accessibility is a good use of social.coop's reach


Luis Villa
Fri 26 Apr 2024 11:55AM

I have some slight concerns about implementation (eg, how do you make this comprehensible and educational, rather than merely just confusing?) but trust TWG to either work those out or say it is not doable.


Fri 26 Apr 2024 11:55AM

This seems performative in the strict sense of the word. How does this help vision-impaired people?

Towards materially helping vision-impaired people, could images redirect to a charity fundraiser image?

I know this might break images on remote servers. Seems like 403 redirecting images would also break images on remote servers, and this would at least put something in its place.


nix Thu 2 May 2024 2:09PM

@Katanova The idea is to remind/encourage people to write effective alt-text. Which does materially help people. Whether this is an effective way to do that is its own question.


Fri 26 Apr 2024 11:55AM

I'm generally on board with doing things to encourage more use of alt text, and I assume this proposal will accomplish that, but I don't have a sophisticated understanding of the underlying theory of change and am happy to let others decide.


Evan Boehs
Fri 26 Apr 2024 11:55AM

I support positive reenforcement, like @Sky Leite. I would change my vote to an "agree" if all images were replaced with the alt text, using something like CSS. This would more closely mirror what its like to use a screen reader.


Drew Harry Thu 2 May 2024 6:39PM

@Evan Boehs This is a clever idea! As a sighted person I write alt text maybe 50% of the time but I rarely read other peoples alt text or have much awareness of what it would be like to be dependent on it.


Fri 26 Apr 2024 11:55AM

It would raise awareness, and it's only one day. We can just try it. I do agree we should link to some sort of guide about writing alt text in the announcement banner because it would be really confusing to folks if we did not do that.


Deleted account
Fri 26 Apr 2024 11:55AM

Token actions, such as this serve no functional purpose. It would be far more useful for this community to enforce a requirement at all images posted by users on the server include alt-text. Short of such a requirement, everything else feels like nothing more than lip service.


Jules Bristow (afewbugs) Sat 27 Apr 2024 11:23AM

@Kalebsocial.coop there are many clients out there that do remind or require people to post alt text, but the reason I feel this suggestion is likely to be more useful is that I've seen many people get rid of these reminders by posting text like "a meme" or "a picture" which don't convey any useful information to visually impaired people


Matt Noyes
Fri 26 Apr 2024 11:55AM

Just blocking to ensure that the tech working group views are taken into account. See the thread on Matrix


Jules Bristow (afewbugs) Wed 1 May 2024 9:18AM

@Matt Noyes is there a date by which the twg will have made a decision do you think? Just conscious that the 16th of May is approaching


MarieVC (social.coop/@MarieVC) Wed 1 May 2024 4:46PM

@Jules Bristow (afewbugs) If I understand @Flancian's feedback correctly, unfortunately it's technically impossible at this stage (too many risks). I haven't changed my vote because I support the idea in principle and the proposal clearly states that it's up to the TWG to approve it if it's technically and easily possible (which doesn't seem to be the case).


Jules Bristow (afewbugs) Fri 10 May 2024 11:13AM

@MarieVC (social.coop/MarieVC) @Flancian @Matt Noyes Can I just confirm please that the twg have made a final decision that this is technically unfeasible? Many thanks


Matt Noyes
Wed 1 May 2024 5:56PM

Just blocking to ensure that the tech working group views are taken into account. See the thread on Matrix


Ben Price
Fri 26 Apr 2024 11:55AM

I generally agree with the other dissenters. This seems performative, technically under-baked and doesn't actually do what it claims it wants to do. I am not visually impaired and think we should strive to support those who are, but fail to see how this does that.


Stephanie Jo Kent
Fri 26 Apr 2024 11:55AM

We all need practice at including alt text and understanding how different communication modalities support better communication


Jake Franklin
Mon 29 Apr 2024 3:31PM

I would agree with others that this seems a bit performative, and puts a burden on the tech implementation without much benefit. I do strongly sympathize with the intent, but feel it could be better addressed through some sort of awareness events


Eduardo Mercovich
Fri 26 Apr 2024 11:55AM

Accessibility is crucial for many people, and this move may raise awareness for the need to do it more and better. It does require some initiative (notice, banner, mention, etc.) where appears to be understood as a voluntary act and not just as a temporary error or non-working setup.


Caitlin Waddick, FWG/OC
Fri 26 Apr 2024 11:55AM

I like the idea of doing something, especially something fun, to honor this day (or days). We would do it as a solidarity action or to promote awareness. ... I have a lot of questions, mostly raised by others, about how it would be implemented. And, it looks like (pun intended), if I followed the right conversations, the Tech Working Group thinks they will *not* be able to do it.


Thu 2 May 2024 10:09PM

This seems performative in the strict sense of the word. How does this help vision-impaired people?

Towards materially helping vision-impaired people, could images redirect to a charity fundraiser image?

I know this might break images on remote servers. Seems like 403 redirecting images would also break images on remote servers, and this would at least put something in its place.

edit: changing my vote to abstain.


Jules Bristow (afewbugs) Fri 26 Apr 2024 12:42PM

Another reason I feel this would be useful is that it would help show people what good alt text looks like - many clients have automatic popups requiring people to write alt text, or a colour changing icon that shows when it is included, but people can write things like "a meme" or "a graph" to deal with that notification without providing information that's useful to screenreader users.

To clarify, I don't use a screenreader myself, so I'm conscious I may be seen as speaking for people, but my partner's dad is completely blind and I have two followers who use screenreaders to my knowledge, which I why I feel it's important to make the Fediverse equally accessible to everyone.


Mitra Ardron Thu 2 May 2024 1:50PM

I agree with @Kaleb - token actions such as this do nothing except annoy people - especially in this case, when its not just bad behavior that is being penalized, but even people who do the right thing, and post WITH alt text, will have less engaging posts on on that date due to a lack of images. If you want all text then fix the UX so that it takes an action to specifically exclude an alt text. (e.g. a popup that says "Are you sure you want to post without an Alt text for the visually impaired")


cacu Mon 6 May 2024 11:27PM

I came late to the discussion, But I appreciate the propossal