Meeting #7 November 5, 2020 - Cycle2 Initiation

Thursday 14:00 - 16:00 UTC (<---ATTENTION - time change) @ discord server congregation
A container for preparations, documentation, and ripples from meeting #7 - initiating cycle2
Josh Fairhead Tue 20 Oct 2020 3:54PM
4pm CET my side; just for reference as I often get confused and loose threads here!

Ronen Hirsch Thu 22 Oct 2020 3:13PM
I've updated the thread title to indicate the rescheduled date to November 5th 2020 (same time, same place)
@Alex Rodriguez @Josh Fairhead and @Toni Blanco I'd appreciate a thumbs-up response from each of you if this works for you and you have placed this in your schedule!
Alex Rodriguez Thu 22 Oct 2020 3:40PM
Done! As a matter of fact @Toni Blanco and I did have a chance to catch up 1-on-1 during "sandbox time" a couple of weeks ago! :)

Ronen Hirsch Sun 1 Nov 2020 1:43PM
Soft reminder friends. We are meeting this week on Thursday to kick-off cycle2.
@Alex Rodriguez my understanding is that by then you will also have moved into daylight-savings which means our times should continue to be in sync.
If you have space and inclination, I invite you to listen to this TeamHuman episode:
It gave me a boost of energy in our context. Listening to it (especially as they CONVERGED towards the end) made me realize that the challange of finding others and converging on meaningful action is a MUCH wider need then I still imagine it to be. While there are plenty of tech out there for people to connect and find each other ... there does not seem to be much tech that helps those connections converge and solidify into meaningful action. It took me way beyond my own needs and left me feeling that there may be more to our inquiry then I can even begin to comprehend!
Alex Rodriguez Sun 1 Nov 2020 5:59PM
Thanks for this reminder @Ronen Hirsch ! Are we staying at 14:00-16:00 UTC or going back to 15:00-17:00 UTC? We did just change the clocks here so I'm now 5 hours behind UTC. I can meet at either time.
Also, wow, thanks for the podcast link! I'm a huge fan of her work and this field of study. Just starting to listen in now.
Josh Fairhead Mon 2 Nov 2020 10:58AM
Sorry for my delayed response, its been pretty turbulent my side but I intend to attend at 3pm CET on Thursday. Thanks for the patience, I've got it in my calendar :)

Ronen Hirsch Mon 2 Nov 2020 4:56PM
fuck time zones :) I am just learning that UTC is immune to DST. So thanks for the questions and clarifications. Meeting will stay, as indicated at the top of this thread 14:00 - 16:00 UTC.
@Josh Fairhead yes, that currently is 15:00 CET. @Alex Rodriguez I'm not sure what that works out to in Eastern US time. @Toni Blanco I don't know what you know :)
I will send out a time-sync-pulse-signal-ish-thingy = a message on Discord in the coming days at 14:00 UTC as if manifests in my part of the world ... so that you can all see it and sync up with it in your parts of the world!!!
keeping my fingers crossed that we DO THIS :)
Alex Rodriguez Mon 2 Nov 2020 5:23PM
great, thank you! I'll be there :)
Josh Fairhead Mon 2 Nov 2020 8:32PM
Amen brother, looking forward to seeing you guys!
Ronen Hirsch · Sun 18 Oct 2020 2:00PM
We've had two meetings in recent weeks which have not been "on the record" because, for different reasons, we were not all present in these meetings. However these meetings have given us a chance to catchup personally and re-vibe (except for @Toni Blanco and @Alex Rodriguez who have not had shared online time). So, I would like to make the next meeting a bit more official and to treat it as an initiation of cycle 2.
Cycle 2 is intended to be:
An experiment at working asynchronously instead of weekly meetings.
An experiment in using a meta-generative process for giving our asynchronous work direction.
An experiment in using this meta-generative process to co-create a generative process that may shape remote-microsolidarity.
Open ended. Our initial plan was to start in September and work a soft end-of-year ending. However we are starting later than planned and so, at this point, there is no defined end for this cycle. I ask and trust we will tend to the "containment" of the cycle during the cycle as the cycle becomes more tangible for us.
We will continue to keep the wekkly time-frame (though an hour earlier) as a default space for scheduling time together when needed/desired.
I've created a team space on hackmd with the documents that pertain to this cycle. To access the space (both for reading and co-athoring) you will need to login to hackmd:
The outling for the meeting is:
Opening the space - held by Alex.
A "Generative" warm up conversation - held by Ronen - seeded by Josh's drawing ( @Josh Fairhead please have it with you).
Practicing (synchronously, as if asynchronously) the meta-generative process applied to the seed remote-microsolidarity process.
Closing the pace - held by Alex.