Co-op College / Sheffield Business School Survey on Co-op / SE Education

Our survey to find out about demand for co-operative leadership and social entrepreneurship education closes in 7 days. If you have already filled out the survey, thank you. If not, we would be grateful if you could take the 5 minutes needed to answer a few questions.
Best wishes
Cilla Ross / Rory Ridley-Duff
The Co-operative College (in Manchester) and Sheffield Business School (at Sheffield Hallam University) are exploring the possibility of running joint UK based post-graduate level programmes on Co-operative Leadership and Social Entrepreneurship.
Our intention is to reach people working in the co-operative and social economy internationally who want to develop co-operative leadership approaches and behaviours, and who are interested in socially entrepreneurial approaches to working and organising.
The programme is primarily concerned with:
- leadership in the contemporary co-operative movement
- collective approaches to entrepreneurship
- the development of a social economy
- social entrepreneurship that supports decent work and sustainable development
The programme will encourage a reflective and scholarly approach to developing co-operative leadership practices, responsible management and the achievement of sustainable development goals.
Regardless of your own qualifications, as someone associated in some way with the co-operative movement and social economy, we would be really grateful if you could take a little time to complete this short questionnaire. We value your views and input.
It is our view that these are exciting times for co-operative and social business models and that we need to revisit in a robust way the educational options for co‑operative leaders and managers who want to engage in social entrepreneurship to meet local, regional and international development. Thus the aim of this survey is to ‘test the water' to assess demand for a new programme.
Please complete the survey by 15th April:
Best wishes
Dr Cilla Ross (Vice Principal, Co-operative College)
Dr Rory Ridley-Duff (Reader in Co-operative and Social Enterprise, Sheffield Business School)

Rory (FSA) Tue 23 Aug 2016 8:25PM
Hi Colombia - we've having a meet up at the Quebec conference, still sorting the website, not had any online meetings recently but there is good collaborative work developing between some of the members.
colombia perez · Fri 12 Aug 2016 6:40PM
Hi! i've been disconnected! what's new?