Wed 21 Mar 2018 6:56PM

Moving Away from MiniMe tokens in favor of the Leaderboard

GG Griff Green Public Seen by 325

Our current donation address is really cool cause it gives MiniMe tokens... but i think we are evolving away from that and it costs a lot of gas to donate to us this way :-( I am thinking we move away from MiniMe tokens and just do the Leaderboard and have people send straight to the Multisig.


RJ Tue 27 Mar 2018 7:19PM

Is this just for the current donation address? Or are you thinking for dacs/campaigns within the dapp?


Quazia Wed 28 Mar 2018 5:07PM

I think in general people are moving away from MiniMe for the reasons stated. Donations will need to be routed through the multisig/bridge anyways... If we're giving people MiniMe tokens it should be on the foreign bridge side.


Kay Fri 30 Mar 2018 12:57PM

https://leaderboard.giveth.io - It's live

But: Signing your transaction with a message depends of course on the length of the input string, but adding considerable gas cost - I signed :tada: which is 6 characters for 156000 gas