Wed 21 Mar 2018 6:56PM
Moving Away from MiniMe tokens in favor of the Leaderboard
Griff Green
Seen by 325
Our current donation address is really cool cause it gives MiniMe tokens... but i think we are evolving away from that and it costs a lot of gas to donate to us this way :-( I am thinking we move away from MiniMe tokens and just do the Leaderboard and have people send straight to the Multisig.
Quazia Wed 28 Mar 2018 5:07PM
I think in general people are moving away from MiniMe for the reasons stated. Donations will need to be routed through the multisig/bridge anyways... If we're giving people MiniMe tokens it should be on the foreign bridge side.
Kay Fri 30 Mar 2018 12:57PM - It's live
But: Signing your transaction with a message depends of course on the length of the input string, but adding considerable gas cost - I signed :tada: which is 6 characters for 156000 gas
RJ · Tue 27 Mar 2018 7:19PM
Is this just for the current donation address? Or are you thinking for dacs/campaigns within the dapp?