Mon 21 Sep 2015 12:06PM

ADI alignment and need for bank account to receive funds

PP Priya Prakash Public Seen by 208

There is a need for a bank account to receive funds. The bank account holder will need to disburse the funds to Katmlara craftsmen.
Please use this discussion to define all the bank account options dependencies/solutions/needs.

Once there are 2-3 options/solutions/directions - put it for a vote so people can define which approach works best.



Shailaja Shah Wed 23 Sep 2015 9:03AM

And, personally while I have no reservations of option 1, after going through their own document from the NEC, I prefer the option of testing the waters before formally selecting ADI as our formal funding agency, as I believe that we (DIF) and the concerned project beneficiaries should have sole decision making (transparent) power, adaptable if required to changing situations (with supporting documentations and reasoning) and complete accountability to stakeholders or donors


Shailaja Shah Wed 23 Sep 2015 9:05AM

Option 3 maybe a longterm goal, but depending on outcome of our katlamara chalo project can materialise or not. We need greater clarity in terms of what we are setting out to do longterm before we can say we should be an entity.


siddhartha chatterjee Wed 23 Sep 2015 4:32PM

Haha. Have done @priya. Then noted only 1 vote in. I.e. you haven't thumb-upped yet :)


Mugdha Sethi Thu 24 Sep 2015 4:23AM

@siddharthachats - are you saying I haven't voted? I have, I thought.


Deborah Zama Fri 25 Sep 2015 7:58AM

I just have one question. how do we fund our immediate concerns? For example, (if the plan is still on), we really must confirm orders for the bamboo chairs by this week with Katlamara. the Puja festivals are looming and it is not fair to keep them on hold. Where do we get money to finance that? Can ADI loan us money while we try to collect membership fees to fund it? OR will a rich generous member loan us the money? when can we start collecting membership fees? Sorry guys but my focus is really immediate for now. (i will call Susanth again sometime today and get as much info for him and will update whoever is working on the final document for the furniture bit)


Priya Prakash Fri 25 Sep 2015 9:40AM

how much is needed?


Shailaja Shah Fri 25 Sep 2015 10:38AM

Still waiting to hear