Sun 25 Feb 2018 9:27AM

Articles of interest in the local press.

JR Jane Riekemann Public Seen by 25

The Chronicle has just published this - without any prompting from us ( a shift since being taken over by Trinity Mirror?) It's an excellent opportunity for us to flood their comments' section, write letters etc. to show why this could have such a profound impact on Bath Excellent stats for us to use too! https://www.bathchronicle.co.uk/news/bath-news/number-eu-workers-coming-bath-1253328


Ian Bartle Mon 26 Mar 2018 8:59PM

The letters keep flowing in the Chronicle. If anyone feels inspired to write, possibly in response to the leaver letters, please do. Posted below are two from last week's edition (March 15), one remain, one leave. The leaver letter repeats old nonsense about getting a good trade deal because German car makers and French wine producers will still want to sell their wares here. Also posted is the leaver Roger White's letter from the week before which I think Nigel Jones responded to well.


Claire Thomas Wed 28 Mar 2018 10:06PM

I have drafted a letter in response to Pete Burns letter. I might run it past Jane before I send it!


Ian Bartle Mon 9 Apr 2018 1:52PM

An excellent couple of letters in the Chronicle last week, one from Claire, great stuff!

Anyone who feels inspired please write to them or other local/national newspapers. I think there's a wider range of us remainers getting letters in the Chron compared to the leavers, and given its likely audience (older, more brexity?), worthwhile continuing with.

One subject could be Jacob RM and his dodgy ideas on the effect of Brexit on prices . The Chron published a article online about it but not prominently and not in print. https://www.somersetlive.co.uk/news/jacob-rees-mogg-urged-take-1394313

Getting a letter in would raise its profile.


Claire Thomas Tue 17 Apr 2018 12:40PM

Just to let everyone know I have written a short response to Roger White's letter last week and used it to call for a People's Vote. Just emailed it now - hopefully not too late. In addition to Ian's ideas above, please can we also write letters supporting the people's vote campaign - particularly tackling the 'but we had a vote/it's undemocratic' argument against.


Ian Bartle Tue 17 Apr 2018 9:43PM

That's great, let's hope they publish it. I guess it would be too late for this Thursday but we'll see. And yes would be good if anyone else can write to the Chronicle or other media. I'm a bit overdue writing something more myself but won't be able to for at least another 2 weeks.

We've just been talking this evening in the media meeting about trying to get the people's vote into our various messages. Connecting the national and local is important. Good that the national event on sunday got media coverage, but all the local events on saturday didn't as far as I could tell. Also this evening we got onto talking about the need for more coordination of our strategy/messaging with the people's vote initiative. Perhaps something to be talked about at the next steering meeting.