Sun 16 Jun 2013 7:24AM

EXTRA Q 1 : Would you like to show actual data?

CP carla paloma Public Seen by 5

drop some actual facts → google scholar articles → some ESL learning case studies → actual data //// JUST MENTION THE ABSTRACTS //


Poll Created Sun 16 Jun 2013 7:27AM

do you want to mention/drop some facts? Closed Tue 18 Jun 2013 10:00PM

this would be brieft as to emphasize the importance of tech in the classroom. The main goal is to show some evidence that technology can help students that learn in different ways from the conventional manner. As well as demonstrating the positive effect that technology has on the following factors:

  • retrieving information into long term memory (no shallow learning).

  • diminishing affective filters such as social anxiety when making mistakes or trying to communicate.

  • managing limited attention spans depending on the age and developmental cognitive stage of the students


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 2 CP RB
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 2 M J

2 of 4 people have participated (50%)


carla paloma
Sun 16 Jun 2013 7:36AM

if you guys can find extra readings that would be awesome. I agree w R, we can just mention it as a final remark


Robbie Blackburn Sun 16 Jun 2013 7:33AM

Sounds good. I especially like the linked study's breakdown of technologies into "tools that serve as a tutor", "tools that assist students in engaging in the learning activity".

We don't have to spend a lot of time on it, but i think it'd be great to talk about it during the introduction.


carla paloma Sun 16 Jun 2013 7:35AM

cool Robbie, make sure you vote love so we can visualize how this proposal evolves. As I mentioned before you can use abstain as to indicate that there is need for change/updating.