Sun 7 Jun 2020 12:28AM

Online open tech meetups relevant to OAE folks

DS Danyl Strype Public Seen by 138

Let's make a list of online open tech meetups relevant to OAE folks and try to keep it up-to-date.

Update 2023-07: I kind of abandoned this thread (and pretty much everything except baseline survival) over the past couple of years, due to suffering a complete life collapse at the end of 2020/ start of 2021. I'd love to see it refurbished and brought up-to-date. If anyone has any info about upcoming online events - either one-offs or regular meetups - please share!

Conferences and other annual or one-off events:

Regular meetups:

  • Open Tech Will Save Us - virtual meetup with invited speakers, second Wednesday of every month at 5pm UTC, using Jitsi and matrix.

  • Agaric's "Show & Tell" - weekly on Wednesdays at 11:00 - 12:00 ET, using Big Blue Button.


Danyl Strype Sun 7 Jun 2020 12:38AM

The Open Coop have an annual conference that usually happens in London. My wife and I attended in 2018 and it was great to meet a bunch of OAE folks in person. This year it's an online event (for obvious reasons), which is being collaboratively planned for 11-12 June, with webinars before and after. See:



Oli SB Sun 7 Jun 2020 11:47AM

Thanks for highlighting OPEN 2020 @Danyl Strype ;) we miss you over here in the UK... sorry the times don't work out so well for NZ and AUS... but we would love to see everyone from OAE that can make it.

We will be using open source tools brought to us by meet.coop (Yay!) and trying to define a suite of other collaborative tools we can use to unite our ongoing working groups, and other networks and projects... plus we will be discussing the language of the commons and how we can coordinate our efforts using the Murmurations protocol... and trade in mutual credit... So it should be an ex citing two days!

More details here including registration details - and the full list of sessions is here
Hope to see some of you there ;)


Danyl Strype Wed 24 Jun 2020 5:57AM

Hi Oli, apologies for my absence from Open 2020, I hope it went well. I was really excited about participating but I got confused about the dates (I assumed it was a weekend) and things have been a bit chaotic recently.

Can you answer this question from a friend on the fediverse?

Do you know the licensing of the open.coop/2018/08/26/open-2018… videos and whether they are also available from a freedom-respecting service?

I would extend the question to apply to videos from other years, including 2020.


Danyl Strype Sun 7 Jun 2020 12:43AM

The Matrix team are hosting a monthly meetup, with speakers from a range of projects. Questions for the speakers are taken from the accompanying Matrix room.

"Open Tech Will Save Us is a virtual meetup, taking the form of a monthly live video stream broadcasting on the second Wednesday of every month at 5pm UTC."



Danyl Strype Mon 8 Jun 2020 11:19PM

ournetworks.ca is hosting their annual event online this year, from August 7-9, with the theme "Growing Our Networks in Uncertain Times↔Places"


Lynn Foster Tue 9 Jun 2020 2:15PM

Thanks @Danyl Strype for starting this thread and your continued posting here... as not-really-a-social-media-person, I do appreciate knowing what is going on! Without having to work for it. :)


Deleted account Thu 2 Jul 2020 12:08PM

I'm liking Agaric's weekly "Show & Tell", Wednesdays at 11:00 - 12:00 ET. Recently switched from Jitsi to Big Blue Button, which folks are still getting used to taming. Details at



Danyl Strype Sun 26 Jul 2020 10:29PM

Thanks for sharing that, I've added it to the list.


Danyl Strype Sun 26 Jul 2020 10:17PM

The Hackers on Planet Earth conference is being held online this year, from July 25-August 2: https://scheduler.hope.net/hope2020/schedule/

Sorry I didn't catch this one earlier, but if you see any sessions that interest you interest the remaining days, I'm sure late registrations won't be a problem.


Danyl Strype Sun 26 Jul 2020 10:22PM

The 2020 ActivityPub conference is also being held online, opening on October 2: https://conf.activitypub.rocks/#roadmap

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