Sound camp

Not an AP but contributions welcome.
This is a sound camp to make use of and addopt the round house + bar . Make a dream for the platform. Then some kind of loose or not so loose curation process. comments, ideas, pictures welcome on all thoes things.
Victoria B Mon 31 Jan 2022 1:43PM
Hey Sam, love the idea of working in some Celtic folklore. Similarly I had posted about a camp idea on the spreadsheet but think it might actually lend itself better for the roundhouse but it was around the Oran Mor concept (celtic origin story) but also theres the tree of life in there and I thjnk it could be cool to construct either a central tree in the roundhouse or probably at the entrance to save space that we could decorate with twinkly lights/ candles of some sort etc... and then use the wider theme of underworld inside?
Victoria B Mon 31 Jan 2022 1:46PM
And then inside I think it looks cracking the way it is being a replica and all but we could jazz it up with some tapestries, wall hangings etc. In terms of the bar, and thinking about licensing or lack of, is this something we could provide or just have there that people can deposit a bottle for collective drinking. We could float the idea of a communal bar and people can help themselves rather than having someone manning it or providing drinks. (Or put a dream up for a basic drinks cabinet as a base)

Sam Lee Tue 1 Feb 2022 8:44PM
Could you find some pictures of some of your thoughts? I like the tree of life at the entrance. There once was a camp called The Glade who greeted you at the entrance with silence and got you to read some rules and then walk through the woods in silence with actors in the woods around and speakers hidden under bushes. Then to enter into the glade where there was a sick party happening. I like the idea of an entrance ritual (not all the time but just when we feel like), things that are more than they are.

Sam Lee Tue 1 Feb 2022 8:45PM
I think we would be some responsible bar tenders :)
Emily H Wed 2 Feb 2022 9:56PM
I would love to make a playlist and can get some help mixing it so it is smooth :) i would love to see a space that has different music at different times for different vibes, maybe encouraging or even fully arranging a broad range of genres? happy to contribute to it as well ;]
communal bar - always good fun, in cases where i've seen bars organised with pre-arranged shifts they are always the first to be filled as it's so fun to do, or people have just thought 'yup i'm in the drinks zone right now' and done it - it's a nice touch!
i also like hte entrance ideas - getting you into the zone/right place and also getting hyped up :)
i also think some super funky decor would be bangin- underworld sounds great to me and we can do some really fun work with that. what about trying to make some underworldy papier mache lanterns with some kind of safe light inside? that is a fun project. perhaps some underworldy long and rustic bunting as well? it's already such a beautiful space so wouldnt want to swamp it too much but it would work super well with underworld.
also - given the history of the space, what about thinking a bit about archaeology? i'm not sure where that fits with the sound zone but i'll mull on it a bit, i would love to a) know a bit more about the site (maybe the site itself has some material but it would be fun to set out a laminated copy to drool over how old the thing we're raving in is) and is there any way we can incorporate its ancient history into the theme? i don't have any good ideas for this now but i'll dig out what i can about its age and have a bit ofa think and curious to hear if you think it's a good idea and what we could do if so ;]
Emily H Thu 3 Feb 2022 5:17PM
was looking for some archaeological info and took a closer look at details on the roundhouse -
it is next to one of the fire spots and also features an outdoor bench
there is a hot shower associated with it! perhaps in a mini house next to it? i think some kind of "washing with sound" shower with funky lights experience could be organised/featured at some points?
there are also basic cooking facilities right next to it! we could prep to have some party snacks at some points?? would be super fun to emerge in the middle of a party with amazing treats to share around, also keeps everyone on their feet for longer... ;]
defs also regular tea supplies in the later evening
these are smaller ideas than like general theme but thought they may be fun additions
Ria Smart Wed 2 Mar 2022 1:38PM
Hey! I was thinking some collaborative Spotify playlists with different genres that anyone can add to- I made one for rock/indie sing-along hits (like red hot chilli peppers,Florence and the machine,the Clash!) And a reggae themed playlist for fans of that 🙈 Will share them on the dream page too.
Sam Lee · Mon 31 Jan 2022 9:52AM
Theme - I looked up Celtic gods deities legends for anyone dance related (doesnt have to be dance related). The two that I found that are very loosly related to dance are Goddess Habonde and Arawn - God of the underworld.
I was thinking an underworld theme could be quite cool. Use something like the start tent (above) as the bar/ entrance and make a cool entryway to the space. I think the space is pretty cool as it is, perhaps with some different lighting.