WELCOME and getting started

Welcome to the XR Future Democracy Hub Discussion Platform. The main aim of this hub is to provide a discussion and support space for those actively working to embed new and existing democratic tools into the the DNA of society, the Army of Facilitators.
The FDH support team is new and growing, we are also finding our feet but will support the community as active members just as we call on you all to do. Please come along, engage with others and ask for what you need to help us all to transform our democracy. Our community already has a wealth of expertise and so please make good use of this and we can learn and grow together.
We do ask that you abide by the XR Principles in all conduct on this site and in particular interact in a respectful manner at ALL times. Thanks
Andrea Mon 9 Sep 2019 6:07PM
HoLa from XRNOLA New Orleans :)
Dean Bowles Wed 11 Sep 2019 10:25AM
Dean form Plymouth, always up for a new way of working.
Phil Green Wed 11 Sep 2019 5:01PM
How does this discussion platform relate to https://discourse.citizensassembly.org.uk/ ? Are they doing different things? Or for different people/interests? Or overlapping?
schekn Thu 12 Sep 2019 12:25PM
Hi @philgreen it looks like they would like to do it alongside the XR: "We had a discussion about this last night and we want this resource to not be just part of XR so that whatever happens with XR we are still talking about Citizens’ Assemblies and experts that don’t want to be overly associated with XR can take part."
Willow Fri 13 Sep 2019 11:18AM
Hi from Melbourne, Australia. We’re working on a two pronged approach to participatory democratic renewal for the climate and biodiversity emergency https://www.pplsassembly.com/ and http://coalitionofeveryone.com/ these work along side xr but are not xr and independent. Keen to start a conversation about the need for global citizens assemblies too...

Rosa Zubizarreta Fri 13 Sep 2019 5:39PM
Willow, some time ago I contributed to a proposal that Miki Kashtan coordinated, for a model of an alternative form of global government. I believe that the materials are publicly available. You may want to contact her about this...
Perry Walker Fri 13 Sep 2019 11:53AM
Hi (again) Willow, do you mean assemblies consisting of people from across the globe? And how might we start the conversation? All my best, Perry
Willow Fri 13 Sep 2019 12:04PM
Hi @perrywalker I think we just did 😜! Yes in short! I’ve read a few micro pieces here and there about others thinking similar - it is after all a global issue, and requires global awareness and frameworks. Even after the gigantic task of embedding the various assembly types at local to country level for healthier democracies, it still doesn’t solve what are global issues, particularly if not all countries are on board...what system infrastructure will this require? How could it be created in a lean manner for speed? I’m not pretending I have answers at all, many many questions yes...

Bob Bollen Fri 13 Sep 2019 1:30PM
Hello, I'm Bob Bollen. A retired IT project manager aiming to change the way we do politics in the UK, and then the world! Working towards greater sustainability, peace, justice, equality and freedom; by building on successful examples of better discussion and decision making that encourage real understanding of differing points of view, starting from the ground up. Joint founder of Talk Shop www.talkshopuk.org
Bernard McCarty · Mon 9 Sep 2019 3:18PM
Hi everyone, excited to find out about Future Democracy and looking to see how I can help.