Thu 31 Mar 2016 2:06AM

Option for comms on the day

MM Matt McGregor Public Seen by 300

The OERu have kindly offered us the use of their Rocket Chat channel on the day. The technology works in the same way as Slack, except it's open source.

This might be a good way for everyone to keep in touch with what they're up, especially as we've got a dozen or more 'virtual' participants.

Keen to hear any thoughts!


Deleted account Mon 4 Apr 2016 9:52AM

Sound good to me, especially with the open source element.


William Mckee Wed 13 Apr 2016 3:59PM

This seems an excellent solution. I have signed up.


Amie Parker Sun 17 Apr 2016 1:02AM

Sounds great, I'm joining now


Elizabeth Heritage Wed 27 Apr 2016 3:02AM

We've had 51 people sign up through the website, of which 14 are in Wellington and 7 are in Whanganui, leaving 30 people who are joining remotely. I've just sent out an email to all participants asking them to join the Rocket Chat and introduce themselves.