Andrew Adonis and Joe Swinson's appearance at the Bath Festival
Ian Stockley, the CEO of Bath Festivals has asked if BfE will publicise as widely as possible Andrew Adonis who is talking at the Forum on Saturday 12th May and also Jo Swinson (lib dem) who is appearing at the F Rated Day at the Komedia on Sunday 13th May. Tickets are available now.

Alice Hovanessian Sun 25 Mar 2018 11:01PM
Will put it in the next newsletter.

Olivia Leydenfrost Mon 26 Mar 2018 7:57AM
I will do a post on our website and share on Facebook with our group and Bristol for Europe.
Maggie Turner Mon 26 Mar 2018 10:00AM
Thanks Livy - please can you also circulate it with the Lib Dems - great opportunity to see Jo Swinson.

Olivia Leydenfrost Mon 26 Mar 2018 6:56PM
All done!

Ruth Malloy Sat 31 Mar 2018 6:08PM
I found this short film of Jo Swinson at the recent 'Brexit: Should I Go or Should I Stay' event in London - to give you an idea of how she speaks:
Maggie Turner Tue 3 Apr 2018 11:34AM
Have had a second nudge from Bath Festivals (4 days ago) about Andrew Adonis and his visit to the Forum. Their ticket sales are very slow indeed and I know that Livy and Sally have already started to promote it on Facebook. Would it be possible to widen it by including Wells, Bristol and also Britain for Europe?
Jane Riekemann Tue 3 Apr 2018 11:38AM
Will do a promotion on Twitter
Alan Champneys Wed 18 Apr 2018 6:16AM
Also, should we "reach out" to Andrew Adonis' people to see if he could meet with us while he is here. Should we go through the festival's office or is this something that Sally Kemble-Smith was going to do. In my mind, if he could spare an hour, could we even shift the Pulse to the Saturday, following his talk?
Maggie Turner Wed 18 Apr 2018 12:31PM
I know it is on the agenda of the Events Group meeting tonight so we can bring it up then Alan.
Alison Born · Sun 25 Mar 2018 9:35PM
Can we also ask Bristol for Europe to do the same, especially Andrew Adonis as there are a lot of seats to fill at the Forum? Were we going to see whether Andrew Adonis would be willing to do something with us after his talk at the Forum which I think is from 12-1.30 on the 12th?