Mon 11 Sep 2023 11:05AM

Extend Employee Owned Business tax benefits to worker co-ops.

JA John Atherton Public Seen by 124

Workers.coop and Co-operatives UK have been working together on a response to a Government consultation on the Taxation of Employee Ownership Trusts and Employee Benefit Trusts.

Our shared response is here (74.4 KB) written so you don’t have to. But the more worker co-ops that respond directly the greater our voice.

TDLR: Employee Owned Businesses get a tax benefit worker co-ops don’t get and we are asking for it to be extended to worker co-operative societies as well.

Action you can take

  1. Download (and read!) workers.coop and Co-operatives UK response here

  2. Attach and Email this response to: asres.consult@hmrc.gov.uk by 11.00 pm on 25 September. Add your support in the email by saying something like:

“[your co-op] is a worker co-operative business registered in the UK and we fully support the response of workers.coop the federation of worker co-ops and Co-operatives UK attached to this email.”

Main discussion thread here.