Mon 5 Sep 2016 2:52AM

Thoughts from the August 4 Predator Workshop

DU Deleted account Public Seen by 316

There was an enormous amount to be learned from the Workshop.

It is hoped that all who attended add their notes to this thread, so that we can accumulate all the relevant information in one spot.


Deleted account Mon 5 Sep 2016 6:23PM

My random thoughts and memories

All DOC200s should be checked at least annually. They should be set so a 50g piece of alkathene pipe does not set them off, but a 100g piece will set them off.

Lures – we should allow our volunteers to apply the lure of their choice, so that rats are being offered a variety. Peanut butter, Nutella or Soy.

Possums are generally running at 10 per ha. So we possibly have over 2000 possums on Victoria Domain.

As possum numbers deplete, so the techniques to draw them to a trap becomes more difficult, as there is so many other food choices.

We have to keep traps clean, but avoid applying our human smell.

We have to be aware that mice will eventually have to be dealt with, once stoats and rats are depleted.

It appears that the DOC GIS system is the way to go, especially as it now interfaces with Catch IT and Samsung phones.

We need to share our volunteering system to the DOC programmers as they are building volunteer management into their system.

We need to add Eraze lure to our list for the DOC200s

All animals follow tracks when they are available, including human tracks. Possums travel up and down trees and ridges. Rats travel more horizontally.

We must establish our desired outcomes and then measure these.

That's it from me for the moment. I hope everyone adds their thoughts and comment on mine and others.