Funding - how much money do we need to raise?

This thread is to brainstorm how much money (or equivalent in-kind donations) to run the sprints.

Matt McGregor Wed 14 Oct 2015 11:23AM
If anyone has any ideas or thoughts, do fire away.

erika pearson Wed 14 Oct 2015 6:27PM
perhaps a good way to start this thread is to ask "what do we need money for?"
do we need to pay a project manager person, or for online space/server, for tea and biscuits.... :)
Melita Wed 14 Oct 2015 8:32PM
I was going to ask the same thing erika :)
Also - does each group/area try and raise funds/get sponsorship or do we pool and share?

Matt McGregor Wed 14 Oct 2015 10:04PM
Good question @melita - Maybe do both? We (CC) could approach some of the bigger national companies, and everyone could also keep their eyes open for local companies / orgs that might be interested in helping out?

Matt McGregor Tue 27 Oct 2015 5:28AM
Hi all - just back from overseas & ready to tackle this. How about I develop a template document on the events which I'll use to approach some bigger national companies / agencies. All funding we raise will be split between the events.

Matt McGregor Tue 27 Oct 2015 5:34AM
And on @erikapearson's point - CC can cover some of the setup costs. I can do some of the wrangling / project management this year, and we can maybe get an intern in to help out in Feb / March. The final products can be uploaded to Pond (if they are docs), or otherwise listed there. Otherwise, we can put stuff on a CC space.
My initial thought was that we'd need money for:
- space (though we may get some free space)
- internet (maybe?)
- food
- drink
- design for promotional materials (though we may be able to cover that)
- printing and design for some support materials on various issues.
What am I missing?
Melita Thu 29 Oct 2015 11:53PM
Hi Matt
Looks like a good list :) I'm wondering as well whether it might be good to develop some consistent 'blurb' we could use in each area so we could approach local business for support, and start to let people know it is coming up and create some interest. e.g. What is an OER sprint? Why is it important? What happens to what is developed? Are there sprints overseas? etc.
We have a reasonably supportive community here (and it is quite small), so it is likely that we may be able to get enough support to cover all the items you've noted above (we're happy to provide free space and internet which may be a reasonably high cost in larger centres).
Just one final point - those of us who are not working in schools don't have access to Pond, so I'm wondering whether there are other places to share OER materials for tertiary/vocational/community? I'm familiar with OER commons, but there could be something more NZ focussed elsewhere that I don't know about.
Thanks heaps!
Melita :)

Matt McGregor Fri 30 Oct 2015 12:03AM
Thanks @melita! I don't have any specific preference for Pond - and it is a relatively walled garden. could be a good alternative, run out of the OER Foundation in Otago. We could start a page there, and use it as a repository.for OER created during the sprint?
I've started work on the blurb / template sponsorship proposal - will share something early next week, that we can all adapt / improve / reuse.
Melita Fri 30 Oct 2015 1:40AM
@mattmcgregor - yay! That seems like a great place for it :)
Thanks for all your work!
Matt McGregor · Wed 14 Oct 2015 11:20AM
So, let's start with the bad news! We applied for a UNESCO grant, but were unsuccessful. This means that we're going to have to ask for sponsorship - though hopefully not too much.