Sat 19 Oct 2013 1:03PM

Install Diaspora easily with a Juju Charm or PPA

GL Guillaume Lakano Public Seen by 27


One of the problems with Diaspora is the difficulty to install it correctly on a server.

There is any plans to create a PPA repository and/or a Juju charm to make it quick and simple ?

Is anybody have the necessary knownledges to do it ?



Jason Robinson Sun 29 Jun 2014 6:30PM

Hey I finally submitted the charm for review to the charm store: https://code.launchpad.net/~diaspora-ppa/charms/trusty/diaspora/trunk

The actual code will be maintained on github: https://github.com/jaywink/diaspora-juju

It mainly works, but only 1) trusty, 2) apache and 3) postgresql for now. Will add to it slowly. Pulls welcome of course :)