Fri 22 Jun 2018 5:49AM

Place to dicuss the formation of the Tech Admin Ops Team proposal.

RB Robert Benjamin Public Seen by 25

Put up a proposal after a round of poll feedback to facilitate the formation the Tech Admin Ops team. Open to feedback and adjustments to proposal as needed.



Poll Created Fri 22 Jun 2018 5:56AM

Formation of the initial/interim Tech Admin Ops Team Closed Thu 28 Jun 2018 5:03AM

by Robert Benjamin Mon 2 Jul 2018 6:06PM

With the passage of the Initial/interim Tech Admin Ops Team Formation proposal Nomination/Voting polls for (2) Coordinators, (2) Critical Infrastructure Maintenance Developers, and (1-10) Project Developers
are now open!


With the recent passage of the Admin Ops Proposal the Tech Working Group is now empowered to set policy and form their Admin Ops Team.

In service of expedited transfer of critical coverage duties from current volunteers to an Ops Team this proposal officially forms the initial/interim Ops team and sets the minimal policy to run it with the expectation that it will be reviewed/revised as soon as is appropriate.

Initial/interm team positions: (2) Coordinators, (2) Critical infrastructure maintenance Developers, and a (1-10) Project Developer Pool


Eligibility: Ops Team Members must be Social.Coop members in good standing.

Team member recruitment:

(A) An urgent (4) day recruitment check poll for each fo the positions (starting with the Coordinators) shall be created inside of the Tech Working Group and shared onto Social.Coop platform and Loomio.
(B) Where more members have volunteered than there is positions a Rank Choice poll inside TWG will be created with a (3) day voting window.
(C) All master admin access shall be handed over to the voted in Coordinators.
(D) Coordinators shall provide the initial Ops Team configuration and interface org chart to the Tech Working Group.


Admin Access: Coordinators shall give/revoke team members admin access as they deem necessary.

Term: The term of the initial/interim team shall be no more than 6 months.

Reporting: After 2 weeks of the initial Ops Team Formation the Coordinators shall submit a progress report to the Tech Working Group. Thereafter process reports shall be given in 1 month increments.

Hours: Team members shall track and compile hours volunteered on a monthly basis (for use when/if a Tech Ops Team Remuneration policy is put in place and budgeted for.)

Review: Within 6 months of initial/interim Ops Team formation the Tech Working Group shall have reviewed/ratified the Ops Team policy including documentation, mutual education, equity/inclusion, and team member change out period .


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 88.9% 8 MC S RB MN D GSF ES DM
Abstain 11.1% 1 ELP
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  

9 of 33 people have participated (27%)


Edward L Platt
Fri 22 Jun 2018 2:57PM

I'm not sure what's being voted on here. The proposal mentions a poll, but I don't see one. What am I missing?


Matt Noyes
Fri 22 Jun 2018 6:06PM

Thanks for moving us forward. Can I suggest as an approach (we can add/change language when we finish our Equity policy) that equity be a criterion in recruiting volunteers? I.e., instead of passively waiting for volunteers, reach out.

Vote removed
Vote removed

Robert Benjamin Fri 22 Jun 2018 5:21PM

@edwardlplatt the Polls will be created on the passage of the Proposal. What is being voted on is the creation of the Tech Admin Ops team by way of the process described in the proposal.


Nick S Thu 28 Jun 2018 10:02AM

Sorry for not voting. I procrastinated, since I was unsure how to respond to the poll with a simple overall yes/no answer to this, then missed the deadline (was in bed).

I want to agree but have unanswered questions about the scope, and what still needs to be done when we have elected the team place.

I'm a bit concerned that the new team will flounder without either clear guides and/or input from @victormatekole and @mayel, who seem to be unable to provide very much help currently. Perhaps we need to clarify what we can expect from them as part of this process, plus negotiate a way to get critical questions responded to when we really need that. Basically, how to help them help us.


Victor Matekole Thu 28 Jun 2018 12:45PM

Additionally, and as I have said previously.... Perhaps, the best course of action is to simply reset and do a new deployment as the new team sees appropriate... In this case I am sure there are enough of us with the skills and experience to do this. If not, perhaps we should rethink if we can run an instance ourselves.


Ed Summers @edsu Thu 28 Jun 2018 1:49PM

From my perspective (just reading the docs) a lot of fine work has gone into setting up the social.coop Mastodon instance. I think it will be a good foundation to build on, and can be adjusted as needed as we move forward. I also think that now we are set up to fill the various roles that have been identified, we can move forward with (hopefully) our first task -- coming up with a process for upgrading the Mastodon instance!


Victor Matekole Thu 28 Jun 2018 12:42PM

I'm a bit concerned that the new team will flounder without either clear guides and/or input from @victormatekole and @mayel, who seem to be unable to provide very much help currently. Perhaps we need to clarify what we can expect from them as part of this process, plus negotiate a way to get critical questions responded to when we really need that. Basically, how to help them help us.

@mayel and I have given a tremendous amount of time and effort to this project, with no compensation (apart from a kind gesture from @matthewcropp where he personally sent me Faircoin), in fact, we have also given financially to this project too ...

We made it very clear on a call that everyone was invited to, but failed to turn up to (apart from @matthewcropp) that we could not lead the process of installing an operations team... We have both been cooperative and continue to give our time to critical matters.... I apologise if I have not participated in the multitude of polls and discussions but frankly I am totally confused as to how to engage in this process, from where I am standing there is a lot of noise coming from Loomio and there are other projects I'd like to engage with, that are suffering from my lack of attention as a result.

We are here to cooperate as best we can, it might not be to a level that some others may expect — @mayel and I do not have the time to write extensive documentation as some would like... I insist that what is being asked for in terms of documentation has been largely done by the Mastodon team... What remains is some context in the particulars of our deployment, happy to join a call and discuss these as we did with @erikmoeller5 some mths ago and I believe his feedback of the session was positive at the time.

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