The federal and other stuff at Congress in Birmingham
Hi All,
In case you don't know there is a consultation session on the new worker co-op federal taking place on Fri 17th June 11.40-12.40 see email here for more details. This is free to attend for all worker co-op members of Co-operatives UK it would be great to get as many worker co-ops as possible there, both involved already in the federal or those interested in finding out more.
This session is taking place at the national co-op conference in Birmingham and there are ludicrously cheap bursary tickets available if you want to attend other parts of the event.
Book through that link if you want to attend other bits, or if you just want to attend the worker co-op session contact direct.
Tim Blanc Thu 9 Jun 2022 10:22AM
I am afraid that I am not able to attend Co-op Congress. Meanwhile, a 1 hour consultation session is a very brief opportunity to discuss the important issues of the proposed new Worker Co-op "federation". I believe that as much consultation as possible will be needed to both evaluate whether the wider worker co-op movement (i.e. outside of the Loomio world) wants such a move & if yes, what they might want from such a new membership body. Maybe the Worker Co-op Council, with Coops UK could organise a Survey Monkey to gather opinions & views. A Zoom conference might help as well.
John Atherton Thu 9 Jun 2022 10:26AM
Yep absolutely, the Worker Co-op Council has a meeting this Friday so expect more info to come out following that. We are creating a mobilising circle (anyone willing to put in a bit of work can join it) so when it kicks into action expect webinars and other digital engagement to gather more insights and feedback from worker co-ops, particularly those not able to make it to the worker co-op weekend.
Shaun Fensom Thu 9 Jun 2022 1:27PM
Wondering about co-ops that are owned and led by the people who do the work, but are not classed as 'worker coops' in Co-operatives UK's taxonomy because they have no employees. Like CBN, all of whose members are freelance. Can we attend?
Graham Thu 9 Jun 2022 1:34PM
As I understand it Shaun this is exactly how lionised worker co-ops like Outlandish are structured, so I'd say yes, absolutely. It's about worker control rather than any legal niceties in my view.
John Atherton Thu 9 Jun 2022 1:35PM
Yes, any co-op that self-identifies as worker co-ops, worker led etc, such as co-ops of self employed people
Shaun Fensom Thu 9 Jun 2022 1:41PM
Thanks both. Thought so, but best to check!
Philip Coulthard · Thu 9 Jun 2022 9:56AM
It would seem that something kicked off at the Coop weekend meeting or perhaps there are wider influences we are unaware of? May I ask, why reorganize now, what is driving the apparent need for change?