Wed 13 Feb 2019 6:09PM

Some organizational tweaks

K Kay Public Seen by 169

This thread contains a few tensions and proposals to solve them. Mostly little things that continually proved to be to squishy to catch.

This proposal thread is the outcome of a work meeting and we immediately wanted it up for voting.

A total of 5 tensions was grouped into two proposals.

Full meeting notes:


Bowen Sanders
Wed 13 Feb 2019 6:55PM

I've had good experiences using the old-format forum and newer reddit-comment type threaded discussion systems, do we have anything in mind that works? I'm for using something for this - However, I think we need to pick one that does what loomio does too, so we dont have to add another discussion platform


Jeff Emmett
Wed 13 Feb 2019 11:16PM

For my side business, we have a master google doc that has updated links to all google docs, organized by function. It's amateur, but it works! Excited to see what kind of tools are suggested though!


Thu 14 Feb 2019 4:38PM

Establish a technology? Sounds like a lot of work! Aren't there other great forum platforms we can use? What exactly are ya proposing here? I don't feel well informed enough to vote... perhaps you are suggesting we use a forum already in existence and if so please do throw out some names of ones you think would work :)


Poll Created Tue 12 Mar 2019 3:57PM

Redirect This Month’s Roles Process Closed Thu 14 Mar 2019 10:02PM

Every month since the fall we’ve had a Roles Meeting, and this month I’d like to switch it up!


Roles Meeting process is a bit out of date, and I need some time to freshen it up so it still makes sense for our team.

You can view the Roles interface dreams here and it's funding progress here

These solutions are proposed ONLY FOR THIS MONTH, not setting a standard for all roles process going forward.


Results Option Rank % of points Points Mean
We do “Roles hang outs” only. No Loie reminding ppl to update or give feedback in the sheet, just a few scheduled and spontaneous calls to chat about our roles. No Thursday roles meeting. 1 25.9% 35 3.9
We don’t have a Roles Meeting (or the preceding process of updates and feedback) this month, and Loie redirects her efforts towards building out an interface for the roles process. 2 24.4% 33 3.7
We have a Roles Meeting but none of the updating your roles/giving feedback beforehand. Let tensions come up as the meeting flows. 3 20.7% 28 3.1
We split into groups of 2 or 3, and have one-on-one roles check ins. After this loomio finishes Lorelei will help people pair up and give them tasks to work on as a break out group, and a way to bring their reflections back to the larger group. They will have one week to work together and then will bring their learnings to the regularly scheduled Roles Meeting on the 3rd Thursday after community mtg. 4 16.3% 22 2.4
We keep the process the same as in previous months, with updates and feedback in the Roles Sheet in the week leading up and a Roles Meeting at it’s usual time. 5 12.6% 17 1.9
Undecided 0% 0 0

9 of 46 people have participated (19%)


Josh Fairhead Tue 12 Mar 2019 5:21PM

1 - We have a Roles Meeting but none of the updating your roles/giving feedback beforehand. Let tensions come up as the meeting flows.
2 - We do “Roles hang outs” only. No Loie reminding ppl to update or give feedback in the sheet, just a few scheduled and spontaneous calls to chat about our roles. No Thursday roles meeting.
3 - We split into groups of 2 or 3, and have one-on-one roles check ins. After this loomio finishes Lorelei will help people pair up and give them tasks to work on as a break out group, and a way to bring their reflections back to the larger group. They will have one week to work together and then will bring their learnings to the regularly scheduled Roles Meeting on the 3rd Thursday after community mtg.
4 - We don’t have a Roles Meeting (or the preceding process of updates and feedback) this month, and Loie redirects her efforts towards building out an interface for the roles process.
5 - We keep the process the same as in previous months, with updates and feedback in the Roles Sheet in the week leading up and a Roles Meeting at it’s usual time.

I like the Schelling point of "roles meting" as a way to propose and agree on individual directions as a collective unit. Synchronous vs Asynchronous... (aka. blockchain vs graph, ordered vs unordered list) integrated thinking would suggest "both and"!

If we do the graph thing first (asynchronous small groups) we can then blockchain it after (synchronous larger meeting for consensus)... which is exactly how the Economic Space Agency are doing "design your own design constraints" consensus!


Kay Wed 13 Mar 2019 10:41AM

1 - We do “Roles hang outs” only. No Loie reminding ppl to update or give feedback in the sheet, just a few scheduled and spontaneous calls to chat about our roles. No Thursday roles meeting.
2 - We don’t have a Roles Meeting (or the preceding process of updates and feedback) this month, and Loie redirects her efforts towards building out an interface for the roles process.
3 - We split into groups of 2 or 3, and have one-on-one roles check ins. After this loomio finishes Lorelei will help people pair up and give them tasks to work on as a break out group, and a way to bring their reflections back to the larger group. They will have one week to work together and then will bring their learnings to the regularly scheduled Roles Meeting on the 3rd Thursday after community mtg.
4 - We have a Roles Meeting but none of the updating your roles/giving feedback beforehand. Let tensions come up as the meeting flows.
5 - We keep the process the same as in previous months, with updates and feedback in the Roles Sheet in the week leading up and a Roles Meeting at it’s usual time.

Excellent set of choices Lorelei! I really wish there was a decision making tool that made it easier to decide on conditional flows.