Tue 2 Mar 2021 10:10AM

20210302 - March All-Hands

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1h to our monthly All Hands Meeting - March Edition

Where we will reflect on what we achieved throughout the short but sweet month of February 🚀


For everyone who is active at isgood to learn what’s occurring across the organisation



Max & Judith

Team updates:

  • Growth Team: Simon

  • MarComms: Malia

  • Web Developers: Matt + Hamid

  • Data Science - Sanee + Murthada

  • Team Success: Judith + Thaís

  • Founder update, including progress on OKRs, review of teams and planning for 2021, announcement of the “Guru of the Month”: Max


Our team is up-to-date on key activities and understands the work to be done for the upcoming period.

Guru of the Month Awarded to @Murtadha

Quarterly Team Survey

Following the All-hands meeting, this evening we’re releasing the Quarterly isgood Team Survey.

This survey is for everyone currently contributing to isgood.

The objective of this survey is to hear about your experience working with isgood. With your feedback we want to learn and make things better. :muscle:

The survey is anonymous, quick to answer and will go a long way to helping us improve isgood. :hugging_face:

Survey closes Friday 12th March so please make sure to submit yours before then. Thank you!!!


Max Tue 2 Mar 2021 10:15AM

WebApp Report by @Hamid

After our last year experience in using scoffoldhub platform and due to its limitations we decided to change our approach.

We researched many alternatives and later decided to select blitz web development tool as a good choice for our project implementation.

Starting from blitz template we developed a new full-stack application it's up now and waits for our team dev members for coding and implementing the application in the desired way.


Max Tue 2 Mar 2021 10:16AM

DS Report by @Murtadha

The team has done great work and we are progressing. We are just a few weeks away from having a system that is ready to launch.

This month we have completed the followings

- AWS structure has been finalized.

- Database has been finalized.

- Table of indicators has been populated.

- Function to populate globel_related has been created

- Function for calculating distance between indicators has been created.

- Function for mapping the indicators to their vectors has been created.

In the coming weeks, we will pursue the following.

- Enhance the vector representations such as using 500 instead of 300 dimensions and incorporating all text available into the vector representations.

- Receiving input text from a user.

- Combining all functions.

- Testing the code.

- Deploy the code onto the AWS

- Testing the algorithm effectiveness.

The aim is to have a running system within the next two weeks.


Max Tue 2 Mar 2021 10:17AM

Growth Report by @Simon


  • A go-to-market strategy for isgood.ai is in development

  • We're tidying up our digital enablement strategy for Solutions for Humanity

  • Meeting this week to discuss rolling the Growth OKRs out into a roadmap for the next months

  • Work is ongoing regarding messaging and developing a balanced brand narrative

Digital enablement - Solutions for Humanity

  • Good conversations with SENVIC about supporting their digital enablement strategy and with Infoxchange about being part of their Digital Transformation hub

  • Refine the offer

Market & Community Mapping

  • Kavishka has been doing some great research into Impact consultants, and how they work, as well as foundations, to help inform our growth strategy

  • As we develop the go-to-market strategy we will further focus in on the relevant customer groups and markets and continue to refine our understanding of who they are and what they need


  • Unsuccessful with the Lord Mayors Charitable Foundation - awaiting further feedback

  • A break through with the GIF video story - hurrah. Waiting on the next draft of the brand narrative and will then finalise script and press on.


  • I just want to give a big shout out to Malia for jumping in with both feet and her hard work in sorting out our marcomms processes and getting things moving along nicely!

  • Malia will provide more details about the work that's being done.

  • And putting isgood website more firmly onto the radar so that we can showcase the wonderful content being developed.


Max Tue 2 Mar 2021 10:21AM

MarComms Report by @Malia Stauffer

... please see video recording ~26:45 for Marcomms update from @Malia Stauffer


Max Tue 2 Mar 2021 10:25AM

Team Success Update by @Judith Baeta

First official All-hands update for Success Team! 🎉

But first of all, would like to start with welcoming the amazing new contributors that have joined isgood this month:


  • Suresh (DS/API)

  • Miguel (Dev/server)

  • Hsinih (API/server)

  • Vignesh (API/server)

  • Namrata (DS/server)


  • Sushmita (graphic design and UI)

  • Luci (MarComms & Growth)

It's been an exciting month of setting the foundations of the team and understanding how we can better support other functional areas. Some of the main achievements of the moth have been:

  • Support in the definition of OKRs and planning of the Growth Team and helped in the team restructure (merge Partnerships & MarComms)

  • Working on Product Roadmap for Q1 and Q2 in order to help with planning and task breakdown to achieve our milestones.

  • Started a project with DS supporters to consolidate DS documentation (https://www.loomio.org/s/7o2Xp3dv) — and looking forward to support Dev team with this in the upcoming weeks too

  • Also a heads up that we will be sharing a survey with all of you after the meeting. This is a quarterly survey, so if you've been with us for a while you've probably responded it in the past, of course as things evolve we ask you to complete the survey again! The objective of this survey is to hear about your experience working with isgood and with your feedback we want to learn and make things better.


Max Tue 2 Mar 2021 10:29AM

Founder Report by Max

Well ... given that we only kicked off this years activities in earnest less than a month ago, with an updated team structure and approach ... I must say I think we have had some GREAT progress.

Our Sherpas have really stepped up and are doing amazing work, and those active and collaborating are really doing the right thing by your team mates ... there's a real feeling of being able to rely on each other and hope this is helping promote our emotional safety and trust to be able to enjoy and belong in our tribe  

WELL DONE for working as a team, communicating and collaborating  

We are half-way through the y-Combinator Build Sprint .... DS is well progressed, with a LOT of gratitude and thanks to @Sanee Salim and @Murtadha - you have both been super-stars ... you are bringing out the best in yourselves and others .. and you should both be very proud of yourselves and those in the ds team you have enabled to SHINE.
- > we'll have Scott and Gareth to come in and start testing it all with you ✊ 

WebApp Devs are now well positioned to quickly implement the UI, as we have been able to progress the WebApp base challenges to a great build ... with an amazing effort from @Hamid props to you mate ... supported by @Matt Sirkis , and our new crew in @Thomas Judge , @Ilias Ibrahim and @Yash Shelatkar.

Special mention that @Hamid and @Matt Sirkis have shown great tenacity and resilience working through some challenges and different approaches to things, and Ilias coming in to bework across both ds and webapp (and helping on dcos) is just a great example of teamwork and supporting each other.

The starting basic API has not been started, with the crew to work on the API and devops as their owned responsibility being @vignesh murugan and @Hsinih Tu who have just joined us, as well as @Miguel Vicente Ortega Santiago alongside webapp dev. The requirement and previous work for this had been done, but we need to do a quick assessment and rebase, for our current deploy on AWS. @Shonik will be helping coord this, as his first product support and PM task   Our kick-off call for this part of work is tomorrow.

We should have the public view of the basic "indicator recommendation" webapp by the end of the YC Build Sprint in a couple of weeks ... and test and make sure all is OK and tested again and again by the end of Q1 ... and WILL be hitting our Q1 Goal  


Now ... to celebrate the super-stars in our community, who've helped us get this far:

  • @Murtadha - Guru of the Month Feb 2021

    ... you are really truly deserving to be our Guru this month ... how awesome you have been  

  • @Julien Leyre - became a full member of Solutions for Humanity Coop .. overseeing our governance and compliance, both in regards to our internal values, as well as our operating requirements ... as he continues his work as editor and clarity in messaging.

  • Will be taking applications for SFH membership in a more structured and formal approach from this month, so keep an eye out for that if it interests you.

  • @Penelope Stephens has had to step back a little due to her other commitments, but it is the amazing work she did throughout the second half of last year that got our people ops, toolbox and other resources and systems in play, for us to be able to be making the progress we are now .... thank you Penelope for this amazing work, to get us to where we are ... and know that as an SFH coop member you are available as an advisor both from your years in MarComms, and also you Social Impact and Evaluation expertise (and connections).


As we progress towards end of Q1, this month we'll be getting ready for the Q2 work to start ... and that is a big coord between teams, to get docs, specs, roadmap and tech-familiarisation underway, so the tech teams can roll straight into Q2 with full confidence and speed.


Keep up the good work with your team mates, being collaborative, and communicating well ... it is this that makes us all feel safe and able to trust each other ... and have meaningful work that is OH SO CLOSE to being out there in the world .... not only making the lives of others better, but also getting closer to "real" jobs, where we can get paid to work on #techforgood projects like isgood.ai full-time - not far now !!!!

Please put any questions, comments, etc on the record in loomio.


Max Thu 11 Mar 2021 8:08PM

update is that Julien is becoming inactive, so will not be an active contributor or SFH member, but will support/advise from the sidelines.