Sftp Book Initiative.
I have had this idea in mind for some time now, but my proposal is for Sftp to develop the sequel to Hogben's Mathematics for the Million. We can add it to the agenda for next meeting.
The working title is Ecology for the Billions: Intellectual tools for self-defense for the curious mind. The idea is to develop a short hand book for small/urban farmers, community members/public, and all disadvantaged groups. Perhaps we could have teams of 2 people write a very short chapter of interests (3-5 pages?)
Here is a short outline for chapters (nothing definitive, feel free to add/delete)
how populations grow
how leaves change colors
how energy flows
why space matters
time as discrete and continuous
why healthy food tastes good
how climate warms and cools
how microbes function
how small farmers manage
how biodiversity counts
Ellen Loubert · Sun 1 Nov 2015 8:46PM
I think this is a great idea!