Tue 19 Aug 2014 12:35AM

Aro Valley School Holiday program

KA kelvin aris Public Seen by 27

Hey wunderbikers!

I'm putting together the program for Sept/Oct School Holiday Program.

We have a bring your bike day and I'd love to have someone from Mechanical Tempest/Wonderbike do a bike safety and maintenance check - it would be a couple of hours and good chance to show off the new workshop/bike space in the garage.

any day between 29/9 and 10/10

Is anyone keen to do this? I need to know by this time tomorrow.


Arthur Price Tue 19 Aug 2014 9:53AM

Hey Kelvin I'm definitely keen. I should be free Mondays Wednesdays and Thursday mornings if any of those suit? Happy to meet closer to the time though to work that out. Cheers, Arthur


Stephen Parry Wed 20 Aug 2014 11:06PM

I'm also keen, although only available on weekend days.
