Managing our online identity as research students

Using social media can be a great way to connect with coursemates, academics and even the outside world (!) But how should we be managing our online identities as research students across different social platforms? Do you create different Twitter accounts for 'fun' and 'work'? Do you have rules as to who you friend on Facebook versus Twitter? What happens when these rules are hard to maintain? I would love to hear how others manage their professional identity online. If we think it is important to do this, how do we make the time to do it properly? Is it important to delete old accounts?
I think it would also be useful to consider managing group accounts e.g. having a Digital Civics Twitter or Instagram profile - how can we use these tools effectively as a group? How are groups already managing this? What can we do better?
If this workshop receives support I could approach the sociologist Mark Carrigan and see if he would be interested in speaking (his recent book is 'social media for academics'). If anyone else can suggest good speakers on this topic that would be welcome.