Need For Extra Planning Calls - Proposal to Extend Call Tonight (7/9) to 3 hours.

Hey folks,
Only 5 people have replied to the poll to have extra calls. The best time for those 5 are Mon or Tues next, at 2 PM PT/5PM PT.
In the meantime, there is no way to get through all the agenda items facing us. There are many new items and schedule we must discuss tonight (printing deadline before next call, July 15), as well as the 8 items that were already on the agenda.
Therefore, I Propose we extend tonight's call to 3 hours, decide to create extra calls and/or extend the final two calls to 3 hours as well.
Xtra Planning Calls
The agenda is building; there's many large and small decisions to be made in the next few weeks. Past experience shows us we will be scrambling to set up xtra calls in these final weeks. There's currently 8 agenda items, 5 of which will take up considerable time. And we haven't even gotten to the actual scheduling, logistics, etc. (Last year in the final 6 weeks we had a day time planning call and an evening planning call)
I added this item to the top of next week's New Business agenda:
Calls (jumping stack for calls-there's only two left-feel xtra calls are *urgent-js)
Schedule an extra call a week for final two weeks (July 16, 23)
Call July 30? (Many will hopefully be at in person meeting in Sac)*not urgent
DeBrief Call Aug 13?*not urgent
Healing Call
It would be great if we could get the jump on this and not take up the time on next week's call.
I propose at least one more call a week until the gathering, and have set up a
whenisgood scheduler (this seems easier than doodle - at least from an admin standpoint - less to set up - you just paint in your times available)
Please weigh in!
Other calls to consider:
keep scheduled call for July 30, though many of us will be on the ground? have folks in Sac meeting on ground at same time to relay info. Need to check time for anti-racism training, and adjust call time accordingly.
DeBrief Call
suggest Aug 13; same wed night time. (Aug 6 will be too soon, some still travelling)
Healing Call
this has been mentioned many times in several places (loomio, email, call) and is an agenda item for next week. Perhaps we can set up a separate call and give it the time it deserves.

Jackie Sun 6 Jul 2014 5:53AM
No, Titan pads 46 & 51 are just the Table of Contents for all known docs. As a body, they are documentation of our planning process.
Some you will never care about; some you may want to check like the activities spreadsheet or the developing draft schedule, or what wg x has been doing. or the early Process discussions. or the early undoing racism discussions.
We don't need more planning - at this point we need collaborative coordination of what is in place and of on the ground logistics.
Re: titanpad 60, the spkrs-structure group working agenda (the product of many hours of meetings, emails) [this pad is simpler-has the confirmed, etc. alone on the page: Activities Confirmed, in the works and suggested ]
Yes, yes - it was the task of the spkrs group to pull together the pieces and present recommendations to the group for the look of the final schedule. This would then take several more calls, feedback, amendments and coming to a final agreement. This is one of the main reasons for extra calls. This cannot be physically done on the 3 remaining calls. can't be done. may I put it another way? can't be done.
The speakers-structure group had a timeline to have the schedule already complete and on the websites before it was brought to a screeching halt 3-4 weeks ago, and resulted in 3 key people leaving, myself included.
It has taken time to rebound from that. The concrete info being brought to the group by two key Sac people, one a woman and one a poc, are sorely missed and have left huge holes in the ground to online comms flow. Two Sac women are stepping up to fill some of that gap. At least 3 Sac folks are in the spkrs group. 99Rise, while a great boost in many ways, also diverted much need focus.
I have decided that my commitment to Occupy and to this event outweighs my personal reactions to talk of subterfuge and psyops, accusations and disrespect for organizers' time, commitment and feelings, and am back.
I am not back without reservations, and feel we must as a group air the elephants in room, take accountability for the process and breakdowns so far, as individuals and as a group, perhaps even leading to a larger discussion on these constant pitfalls in Occupy organizing (all social movements?) at NatGat.
So the rub is, how do we address this without taking away from the needed focus to nuts and bolts work, and risking re-inflammation in this community?
I suggest the best way is a stand alone call; and that somehow, in the depths of our humanity and commitment to Occupy values and the current collective of organizers who have given months of their lives to contribute to this evolving community and event, we find a way to compartmentalize, and are able as a community to both move forward to make natgat happen and to begin some process to continue work on accountability and conflict resolution processes, both the occurrences of this year, but more importantly, how it effects the larger Occupy community, and the worldwide social movements.
The spkrs group met Fri., will meet today, and I hope have something for basic structure by the next call. and will probably have to schedule extra calls of its own to bring the filled out version with activities to the next week.
NatGat or Bust! Let's roll up our sleeves. We can do this.
here's the timeline I proposed to the spkrs group on June 7
deadline for getting the basic schedule to the group
so that we have a couple more weeks to refine based on feedback and amendments on the call, and still be able to get it out on the websites/social media by end of June, early July
proposed timeline for structure group to NGWG calls
June 11 GA temp check
June 18 Basic Schedule decision (Start, Finish, Meal, Evening Activities)
June 25 Whole Schedule decision
July 2 Final Whole Tentative Schedule Vote - (nothing is ever in stone)
July 9
July 16
July 23
i left June 9, Lisa June 14, Br. Carter June 18 (announced on call)

Jackie Sun 6 Jul 2014 6:07AM
I just changed the discussion setting to private, only seen by members of the ONG group.
Tricia pointed out quite a while ago that discussions where people used vitriol at each other, were readily available by google search.
There's just no use publicizing bitter personal attacks within the working group, imo. It's not lack of transparency. It's embarrassment. Keep that shit at home - or better yet, don't do it.
Bottomline, it effects the gathering, scares people away. Who wants to join and be criticized and called names?

Sally G Sun 6 Jul 2014 9:29PM
Thanks, Jackie—even those of us who stayed have been uncomfortable at times, I think—I know that I have. Yes, we need to GSD—and we also need to NOT sweep things under the rug. As my “Energy Committee” meetings/calls wrap up this week, I will have more time. Yes, a stand-alone healing call makes sense to me.

Jackie Wed 9 Jul 2014 4:57PM
Only 5 people have replied to the poll to have extra calls. The best time for those 5 are Mon or Tues next, at 2 PM PT/5PM PT.
In the meantime, there is no way to get through all the agenda items facing us. There are many new items and schedule we must discuss tonight (printing deadline before next call, July 15), as well as the 8 items that were already on the agenda.
Therefore, I Propose we extend tonight's call to 3 hours, decide to create extra calls and/or extend the final two calls to 3 hours as well.

Jackie Sat 12 Jul 2014 1:31PM
The best times so far from the poll are Monday and Tuesday (14,15) @ 2PM PT/ 5 PM ET.
7 people have filled out the poll. I will be setting up the call tomorrow - fill in the poll. to weigh.
oswgwhe · Sat 5 Jul 2014 7:15PM
I agree we need more planning, and that titanpad document 60 has the most complete list of usable points or agenda items that have been proposed for the actual gathering. I hope the Loomio discussion parallels the extra calls. I hope Allstreets and others speak more clearly and specifically about what they are doing.
Was titanpad documents 46 and 51 supposed to present additional specific usable points and agenda items? I didn't see any.
I spoke at length with NikiV this morning and its clear that our overall plans are good while sadly our details are poor. I hope the calls deal with specifics like document 60.
My reporting on 99Rise has led to confusion. I hope the calls can deal with that problem as well.