[newsletter, sent] pre-election
Renaud Van Eeckhout Sat 13 Oct 2018 11:58AM
I don't think any of the french-speakers who would be able to translate articles are interested in translating the one with the Antwerp posters (because no one seems to be happy with these posters).
The Braine-l'Alleud article is interesting but just got published and has not been translated yet, I don't know if anyone wants to do that, as it''s really long? (maybe @koenvdp can give his opinion?). The Liège article has basically no interest for people outside of Liège.
koen_v Sun 14 Oct 2018 8:47AM
I guess you mean the article “Braine-l’Alleud : Les Pirates déposent un recours au Conseil d’État”, Posted on 10th of cotober 2018 ? –
Well, to begin with, I like to contribute to the pirate party, & among the possible contributions, at this moment, translating to Dutch is my favorite, I like to help that way. It could happen once and a while that I do not have the time to translate, but when I do, I’m a volunteer for it, & if you think I didn’t see a certain invitation to translate you can always send me a message (or , like you did right now, mention my name in a Loomio-post, so I receive an automatic mailed message then when I really have to pay attention to a certain Loomiomessage).
Concerning Braine-l’Alleud: for me it’s ok, I agree to translate it. However, I see that parts of the text clearly refer to a pre-election time, whereas now it is post election time. Would I adapt the Dutch text a little so it is adapted to after-election time? E.g. a pad where my translation can be seen & so others can look if I adapted to after-election time (& translated) the way it should?
Plus: when should the translation be ready? Would it be ok if I made the translation within e.g. a week?
Ilja Sun 14 Oct 2018 10:24AM
Ah, no, it wasn't meant like that per-sé '
It's mostly 'cause we had in the past that events on the FR-site where different from the NL-site. That gave the impression on the Flemish side that nothing was happening on the Walloon side and vice versa. The reason was that the events where on the wordpress and because those really are two sites, the FR-events didn't show on the NL-event page and NL-events didn't show on the FR-event page. We solved that by switching to use the wiki for calendar/events. I was mostly wondering if we had similar technical constraints. If it's just that they don't exist 'cause no one had time /energy/motivation to translate it, that's fine IMO.
Of course the nicest thing to be would be to always have everything in two, or even more, languages so that everyone knows whats happening, but that's just too impractical to get/organize :laughing: We're all volunteering so the most important thing to me is that we don't burn our self out either ;)
koen_v Sun 14 Oct 2018 12:01PM
Ok, no problem.
Concerning your sentence:
“If it's just that they don't exist 'cause no one had time /energy/motivation to translate it, that's fine IMO.”: I believe sometimes another cause (than ‘no one had time /energy/motivation’) could be, that someone would have been interested to translate it, but didn’t understand/saw that it would be useful that something would be translated: or, yet another possible reason, that a person read it but forgot about it?
Renaud Van Eeckhout Mon 15 Oct 2018 3:03PM
Would I adapt the Dutch text a little so it is adapted to after-election time?
Yes, of course! It was meant to be published before the elections, but it would totally be ok to adapt it (apparently the mayor will still be the same so nothing has changed in Braine-l'Alleud this Sunday). There is no emergency at all for this translation, take all the time you need :)
(we just didn't think about a possible translation : first we were focused on the writing itself, then we focused on the newsletter)
koen_v Mon 15 Oct 2018 4:22PM
Ok. For the occasion of the translation (& minor post-election-update), I made a pad:
Renaud Van Eeckhout Sat 13 Oct 2018 11:54AM
For me too, it's ready. Some changes have been made (added François Tuyishimere Halleux, the pirate on the Ecolo list in Molenbeek ; last sentence also is more gramatically correct and links to the documentary Démocratie(s)?
À Anvers, nous présentons la liste Paars (Mauve) aux élections communales et provinciales. Nous présentons également une liste en tant que Parti Pirate à Tubize. Un pirate, François Tuyishimire Halleux, se trouve à la 12e place sur la liste Ecolo à Molenbeek. À La Louvière et Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve nous participons aux listes citoyennes Cum Lupis et Kayoux. Cependant, ce ne sont pas les seules listes citoyennes crédibles qui se présentent.
Ne vous énervez pas trop et rappelez-vous : élections et démocratie ne sont pas synonymes !
HgO Sat 13 Oct 2018 12:59PM
Ok, I'm sending the newsletter. Shout now if you want to change something !!
Renaud Van Eeckhout Sat 13 Oct 2018 1:02PM
koen_v Tue 16 Oct 2018 7:50AM
A translation to Dutch of the text “Braine-l’Alleud : Les Pirates déposent un recours au Conseil d’État”, Posted on 10th of cotober 2018, is now available on the pad https://pad.pirateparty.be/p/recours-au-conseil , including some minor change to adapt it to post-election times. It would be good if someone looks/some look if the translation I made, is correct. A+, K
Josse Thu 18 Oct 2018 5:32PM
Do you use deepl to translate? It can use some extra reading.
koen_v Fri 19 Oct 2018 6:57AM
I used several sources to translate the text: my brain, google translate, deepl, the internet (online dictionaries, Wikipedia,…),… It took me several hours to translate it, and I read it over a lot of times, each time making it a little better. I can not or almost not make the translation you see better than it is, it’s about the best I can. Maybe going further away from the original, French text could make it a little bit better, but I don’t think that is necessary, the French text was ok according to me.
koen_v Fri 19 Oct 2018 10:07AM
I read the text once again, and changed some things. I couldn’t change that much, since I can’t do a lot better than that. I hope the text seems better to you now,
Josse Fri 19 Oct 2018 7:04PM
Ok, as my criticism was not very constructive, I took the time to reread the entire text and you will see my comments in light green. (some small changes (some strikethroughs)) And maybe 'in beroep gaan" is just simpler than "beroep indienen". I always think it is difficult to translate from French to Dutch as it does not feel so "bloated" in French as in Dutch. Or maybe @hgo just writes in a bloated way. Seems more than ready for publishing. If I offended everyone else, I could do it tomorrow.
koen_v Sat 20 Oct 2018 7:37AM
I implemented your proposition ‘gaan in beroep’, it’s true that it is better. Concerning your other changements: I think at least more than half of them, maybe almost all of them (or all of them?), make the text better. Concerning your remark that translations sometimes seem a little bit ‘bloated’: I understand that opinion, and it’s true that it also goes for this text. I also ask myself what could be the cause, I do not know. I’ll think about it if and if (if) I would have an idea how it could be solved/countered, I will implement it in future translations I work on. However, I also think the ‘bloatedness’ in this text is, yes, a characteristic, but at the same time, it is not a big problem, maybe a small one; I’ve got the impression you think the same.
Ilja Sat 20 Oct 2018 12:38PM
This really is a nice article to have in Dutch as well :heart: Thanks for this!
Unrelated to the translation, the copyright notice wasn't very clear to me what licence it was. The French article now links to the page of the license (thx @hgo ). I also changed on the pad to have the full CC BY-SA 4.0 and added the link to the Dutch page of the human-readable version of the license. Something we should have for all articles IMO
This is also made me notice we don't have copyright notices on the articles as a whole. This makes them copyrighted in a non-free way by default. We may want to ad a notice on the whole as well? We could put it in the footer of each page for example
Ilja Sat 20 Oct 2018 12:41PM
If someone at the next lab can give me access, I can check if I can do it '
These seem like nice first issues as well -_^
koen_v Thu 25 Oct 2018 9:19AM
I happen to see something which something which made me think of the newsletter concerning lack of transparency in Brain l'Alleud... : https://www.bruzz.be/actua/sint-pieters-woluwe-dient-klacht-voor-laster-tegen-transparencia-2018-10-24
Ilja · Sat 13 Oct 2018 11:53AM
I noticed that there are other articles in the Dutch and French version. Is there a reason beyond the effort translating takes? (and yes, for me also do send, I'm just wondering, not trying to hold back the sending of newsletters :nerd: )