OC on Finance and the Finance Working Group: topics to discuss with FWG

Let us use this thread to brainstorm what we want to talk to the Finance Working Group about when we next meet with them. [Next is Sept. 26, 2024 at 1 pm -NYC time]
As written in February on Loomio by Matt Noyes:"" Hi all, according to the proposal we passed for creating an Organizing Circle, the OC is supposed to, among other things:
Provide financial oversight for Social.Coop, creating and approving an organizational budget, including budgets for each working group (WG); approving any expenses above budgeted amounts; and approving expenses not coming from WGs.
Pay stipends to OC members, modeled on the stipends currently received by CWG ops team members. (Not all working groups -- for example the Tech WG -- will want to receive stipends, in which case they can receive a budget they can spend on needed resources, tools, services.)
Facilitate a strategic planning process and adopt a strategic plan (subject to member approval), with regular periodic reviews and updates of the plan. Finally, because budgeting flows from strategy, we need to facilitate a strategic planning process."
For your reference, the first Annual Budget was passed by our membership in this thread Toward an Annual Budget.

Eduardo Mercovich Mon 9 Sep 2024 10:44PM
Does the FWG has a clear, explicit and known domain/scope so as to be sure wether it is sovereign to take desicions? If not, that is a point to work on.
Are the FWG communications/ reports standarized? (like every 3, 6 or 12 months and what do thy cover). If not, ídem. :)
Kathe TB · Sun 8 Sep 2024 11:17AM
I'll throw in this as a possible set of discussion prompts:
What does FWG do? What are your workflow?
What do you want to be doing?
How can OC help support your work (which connects to the topics above)?