Declarations and Documentation Working Group

People are coming to a national GA with a proposal to be passed (which is improbable) how about we encourage them to come with their own declarations and consensed documents to share with ppl from all over.
Like this Voice for the Voiceless Declaration that was submitted this week from Florida which I posted on the page.
I had said I'd create a Documentation WG for collecting the docs for them to be accessible.
Are there others Wiling to work on this ? I'm running out of time and it would be a good project for ppl who are able to be online.
What do u think?
Occupy Our Homes FL Wed 30 Jul 2014 6:18PM
Also, is the teach-in already on the agenda? Or do we have to put it on the agenda and, if so, how?

Tricia Wed 30 Jul 2014 8:49PM
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Occupy Our Homes FL Thu 31 Jul 2014 3:08AM
I wrote to them, but fyi it's ".net" not ".com". Am trying to get Nadine Hays to communicate with you when she gets to Sacramento. I'm taking a shot at inter-weaving some of the stuff above pre-teach-in...So the declaration will be a little different than it was earlier, mostly in the "goals" section.
Poll Created Thu 31 Jul 2014 5:03AM
Voice to the Voiceless Occupy Solidarity Declaration Closed Fri 1 Aug 2014 2:43AM
Voice to the Voiceless Solidarity Declaration
We, a diverse group of people brought together by the spirit of resistance, recognize that the time has come for bold cooperative action to throw off the chains of our current broken and out-dated political and economic institutions. We, the 99%, hold that all life on earth is inter-connected and endowed with certain natural rights which cannot be granted or permitted by any coercive institution.
Because we are deeply concerned with the violations of these rights perpetrated by the United States Government, both here and abroad, and fear for the future of our planet and our children, we declare our moral and spiritual outrage regarding the failures of our current oppressive political and economic systems. Rising to the challenges posed by tyranny, we stand in solidarity with one another and all people who strive not only to survive, but to lead lives of dignity, integrity and freedom.
We, along with others who are part of the global resistance movement, envision a new society for our nation and our world, one in which compassion, wisdom, equality and love of life guide us, rather than materialism, militarism, greed and prejudice, which will lead inevitably to the destruction of all life on earth. Our government has proven it is incapable of fairly representing us or addressing our grievances, and so we are compelled to rise up together, using direct democracy, non-violence, and the forging of collective will to guide us towards the creation of a new and more cooperative society.
In contrast to the exploitative political agendas of those currently in power, we declare that we are together committed to the following principles of unity and intentions:
GLOBAL PEACE, DISARMAMENT, AND NON-COLONIALISM; Immediately dismantle the military-industrial complex, and weapons of mass destruction; end wars of aggression and foreign bases/occupations. Stop the hypocritical and counter-productive“War on Terror”. Prosecute our own governmental/corporatist terrorists and war criminals.End all participation and support of current Middle Eastern, Ukrainian, Asian and African wars and destabilization, including the attack on Gaza.
HUMAN RIGHTS FOR ALL PEOPLE, including quality education and healthcare (as well as alternatives), housing/land & safe food, water and environments. An immediate foreclosure moratorium to investigate and prosecute bank crimes. Respect for the rights of the indigenous to their lands and culture.
A FAIR ECONOMIC SYSTEM. End income disparity and poverty. Disallow the hoarding of scarce resources. Separate wealth and state.
A REDEFINITION OF HOW PRODUCTIVE & REPRODUCTIVE LABOR IS VALUED. Fairness for workers and for women, whose traditional work is not paid.
RESPECT & PROTECTION FOR THE NATURAL WORLD--Protect animals' rights, as well as the earth’s natural climate and water systems. Sustainable, natural development.
SUSTAINABLE, NATURAL AGRICULTURE; Affordable organic food; End the factory-farming of animals. and end to the dangerous genetic manipulation of our food sources.
TRUE DEMOCRACY; A United States government truly representative of the people, open to Third-Party voices. An end to corporate control. A government which is open, egalitarian/horizontal, and transparent.
RESTORATION OF OUR CIVIL LIBERTIES; including the rights of freedom of speech and the press; an end to the police state, including police brutality, the "War on Drugs" which has led to mass incarcerations, National Security Agency spying and the prison-industrial complex; respect for the rights of the institutionalized and the imprisoned. End the death penalty.
We pledge to support one another and/or participate in direct actions, creative protests, non-violent resistance, boycotts, strikes, teach-ins, people's assemblies, and in any other ways which we together feel called for the purpose of enacting the collective will of oppressed people everywhere. Another world is possible.
This is a living document that can be edited in the future by a direct democratic process of the people.
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 100.0% | 2 |
![]() |
Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 52 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2 of 54 people have participated (3%)
cres vellucci
Thu 31 Jul 2014 5:15AM
Rights to all peoples and species. Forward thinking.

Dennis Burk Lintz
Thu 31 Jul 2014 1:32PM
I believe those who have the support the capability to build up a forum to ‘create’ an action should. Those who may be the vanguard, run the risk of suffering adverse public hindrances. The initial hindering force would be the police. ☮

Dennis Burk Lintz
Thu 31 Jul 2014 1:40PM
I believe those who have the support and the capability to build up a forum to ‘create’ an action should. Those who may be the vanguard, run the risk of suffering adverse public hindrances. The initial hindering force would be the police. ☮

Dennis Burk Lintz
Thu 31 Jul 2014 1:40PM
I believe those who have the support and the capability to build up a forum to ‘create’ an action should. Those who may be the vanguard run the risk of suffering adverse public hindrances. The initial hindering force would be the police. ☮

Dennis Burk Lintz
Thu 31 Jul 2014 1:42PM
I believe those who have the support and the capability to build up a forum to ‘create’ a peaceful action should. Those who may be the vanguard run the risk of suffering adverse public hindrances. The initial hindering force would be the police. ☮
Occupy Our Homes FL · Wed 30 Jul 2014 6:17PM
Great idea. However, I think it is important that we have at least one summarizing document that can be discussed and edited at a teach-in and group editing event. Something like the Voice to the Voiceless Solidarity Declaration. I'd be interested in working on looking at all of the various solidarity-types of declarations and putting them together, if this one doesn't fly.
Whatever declaration about objectives is passed it must include what is happening today and weave in all the main ideas. Here are some ideas for the editing of the V.V.Solidarity Declaration that Michael Novick, Anti-Rascist Action head, the publisher of a radical newspaper and great activist in LA suggested: I think there has to be a clear statement that the empire means death and destruction -- fracking, carbon-loading the air and water to the detriment of all species, US/NATO aggression in eastern Europe and central Asia, US/Israeli massacres in Gaza and destabilization in Africa and SW Asia, the police state/surveillance state, death penalty, isolation torture in the prison/industrial complex of mass incarceration and police killings with impunity must all be called out and specifically opposed if our intentions for a better world are to have any force or credit." Would love to be with the group-writers/teach-in to help weave these things into it. Will anyone be live-streaming it???