Fri 1 Feb 2013 8:45AM
Remove the post form in the result search tag page

When you search for a tag, a form is displayed on the top of the result page to allow you post a new message. Now that this form is available on the profile page (#3918), I think this form should not be displayed on a result page, no one will go to this page making a search to use it.
What we can do :
- Removing it without doing anything else
- Make a survey with the DiasporaHQ account to know what the users think about it
- Look at the stats to know if this form is currently used. (asphyxia proposed

Flaburgan Sat 2 Feb 2013 1:23PM
My point was, I don't think that someone post from this form. Usually, you do not have a form on a result page. But if people uses it, no problem to keep it.
Sean Tilley · Fri 1 Feb 2013 10:03PM
I don't really see the point in removing it; technically it's a great functionality for anyone wanting to post to that specific topic from the topic's stream itself.
From a usability standpoint, I'd say that there's no real harm in keeping it there, and removing it would create an extra step for anyone reading the tag's stream to post to it.
Old use case:
1. Read hashtag Stream
2. Post directly to it.
New use case:
1. Read hashtag Stream
2. Go to profile.
3. Post the related status from your profile page.
Removing it would create a whole extra page load and step.