
Revised proposal to reactivate standing committees.

VST Vincent S Tola Public Seen by 16

Hello MGP.

I originally made a proposal at our 8/24/21 meeting (a week ago). It turned out that there was no consensus for the original proposal. It has been revised. This new, revised proposal was submitted to listserv on Saturday, 8/28/21.

The proposal is to restart two of our standing committees: The Bylaws Review and Rules Committee, and the Meetings and Assemblies Committee. Both committees have important roles to play in our upcoming Emergency Assembly.


Poll Created Wed 1 Sep 2021 1:40AM

Revised proposal to reactivate standing committees. Closed Sat 4 Sep 2021 1:02AM

by Vincent S Tola Sat 4 Sep 2021 2:23PM

There was consensus among the CC members who registered their vote for this proposal.

Revised Proposal to Reactivate Standing Committees

This is a procedural motion, requiring 50% + 1 for passage.

The MGP shall re-activate the Bylaws Review and Rules Committee and the Meetings and Assemblies Committee.

The Meetings and Assemblies Committee shall plan the logistics of the Emergency Assembly, which was officially called for on 8/24/21.

Each Local is entitled to designate one member to each of the committees.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 8 TWM VST MTR OR DD RT K ASE
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 7 NWD CMW MGP

8 of 15 people have participated (53%)


Vincent S Tola
Wed 1 Sep 2021 1:40AM

It's important to restart these committees, particularly for the looming Emergency Assembly.


Olivia Romano
Wed 1 Sep 2021 1:40AM

Long overdue to re-activate these committees! Great proposal, Vince! Thank you!


Robb Tufts
Wed 1 Sep 2021 1:40AM

Anne Arundel supports the MGP's efforts to restart the standing committees.


I thought we already voted on this. Didn't know about the revision but I'm on board either way.


Steve Wollett Sun 12 Sep 2021 1:51AM

I support the proposal