Sun 31 May 2015 12:58PM

Aim 2: We aim to challenge organizations like IATEFL to abandon their elitism in favor of a more bottom-up orientation

PW Paul Walsh Public Seen by 197

Helen Waldron Sun 31 May 2015 2:37PM

Oh well, I'm here now...:-). Couldn't find the "next" button (it's the "mailbox" symbol) and kept getting kicked out.


Bill Templer Sun 31 May 2015 2:41PM

we aim to create more bottom-up, 99% orientation in the field of EFL and encourage discussion and action around this, an egalitarian dynamic often missing in professional organizations EFL teachers may belong to

<== such a rephrasing does not target IATEFL directly and avoids invoking 'elitism' as a charge, so less 'confrontational' in a rhetorical sense


Paul Walsh Sun 31 May 2015 2:42PM

Oh ok - thanks for joining and for your comments Helen!


Bill Templer Sun 31 May 2015 3:21PM

many of us want more 'horizontal' structures, on the job, in the classroom, and more broadly in the society

here something on the spirit of 'horizontalidad': http://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/horizontalism-and-the-occupy-movements many national EFL teacher associations have little horizontalism so making verticality more horizontal is a general aim, however one may see the metaphorics


Bill Templer Sun 31 May 2015 3:58PM

Concretely, this can mean building EFL teacher communities of face-to-face interaction and exchange at the scale of local: for example,in a given small or larger city, or a district, a province. How much interaction, creatively structured, do you have with other EFL educators in the explicit geography where you work and live?

In Thailand, I worked in a metro area in the north where there were three universities (two largely working-class, one more elite). All three have substantial English depts. There was virtually no contact (even social) between the EFL teachers at these three universities, maybe 20-30 minutes apart by car or even traditional tuk-tuk. There are a number of primary and secondary schools in this city. Little regular contact between the EFL teachers at these institutions as far as I could judge. In many cases, perhaps zero contact. Privatism is trump.

Thai TESOL, a highly even remarkably 'vertically' structured architecture as a national association, did virtually nothing to encourage such bottom-up hands-on grassroots interchange. I suggested creating a local EFL teachers' association in our city in Thailand, bottom up, but got nowhere.

One locally based EFL teachers association I think is in part a paradigm along such lines is PELLTA in Penang/Malaysia http://www.pellta.org/ This is indeed a very local teachers' community with much face-to-face interaction centered on the island/city of Penang.


Paul Walsh Sun 31 May 2015 5:03PM

Totally agree with you on horizontalism Bill - and getting teachers to network among themselves to encourage more of this.


Mura Nava Sun 31 May 2015 5:47PM

rewording as Bill says


Rosemere Damasio Bard Tue 2 Jun 2015 1:26PM

I agree with Bill and that is what I'm working towards to now. My aim is to create collaboration and an RP group locally. For the development of teachers language proficiency, I am to work with iTDi courses and for digital literacy (google for educators local group). Then, I want to learn how I can explore with the groups I'll help to start to look at matters more deeply and think of actions. Thanks to TaW motto and these group discussions I'm feeling more empowered to go out there and actually do something about it. If we think about, we encourage from the bottom and dialogue will start to happen with the top naturally as we move.


Theresa Gorman Tue 2 Jun 2015 2:08PM

I agree with what all of you are saying. I think I may have been the one who wrote this line about elitism in IATEFL on the google doc, and it was just brainstorming. I'm ready to abandon it.


Paul Walsh Tue 2 Jun 2015 3:07PM

The question does have an inbuilt value judgement and could be reworded. I think something like this might be good:

To develop an praxis of grassroots organising and promote this as a viable alternative to hierarchically structured institutions


Blair Matthews Wed 8 Jul 2015 11:48AM

I feel strongly that we should not mention other organisations in our own aims. It will bite us in the bum in the future.


Paul Walsh Tue 29 Sep 2015 9:26AM

What about:

We aim to nurture grassroots, self-organised, horizontal activism in the field of EFL.