Preparing a new sustainability service
In our last meeting together, I proposed a new consulting service based on our experience and in response to customer demand.
We agreed to continue the discussion on Loomio, and enable people who were not at the meeting to participate.
Attached is an initial description of the service. I would love to hear your ideas and concerns so we can build a new service together we are proud to take to market. 馃檹
Jaiyush Devi Thu 1 Sep 2022 5:38AM
I love this idea Chloe! I'm keen to support you and will dive into the service description. Hope to get my comments back to you later this week 馃
Vivien Ivanov Thu 1 Sep 2022 5:55AM
I was excited to see the service outline, and agree the timing seems right. Several of our customers have expressed interest in this service and I'm sure it will be a hit 馃檶
@Takashi Kim how are you placed to help Chloe with the financial analysis?
Takashi Kim Thu 1 Sep 2022 5:58AM
Thanks for the prompt Vivien. I'm already working on an analysis and should have a draft ready to post in a few days.
Can you tell me how many customers will be interested and what price you think they're prepared to pay?
Chloe Miller 路 Thu 1 Sep 2022 5:37AM
Specifically, I need help to complete the service description, marketing, pricing, costs and financial analysis.