Map for Caravans
I started this map on a Web site I found: here is the “about us” description: Click2Map is a new Rich Internet Application (RIA) developed by Click2Map SARL, a [F]rench Web company. It is easy to use, I set up a free account; so far, I have not figured out if there is a way to work on or see the map without user name/password; when it is ready for prime time, I THINK we can embed it (if that is the right term) in our Web site. It seems that click2map may also have smart phone apps.
Jackie Wed 28 May 2014 5:13PM
I don't really understand what a sub-domain is, and have seen you use the term a few times - can you educate me?
Julia Clark Sat 31 May 2014 4:43AM
My domain is ( well one of them ) is a sub-domain of
I have it redirected unmasked (meaning where it goes is shown when it gets there) to at the moment
Jackie Sat 31 May 2014 4:58AM
ah! so anyone going to gets directed to the hub on IO.
Julia Clark Sat 31 May 2014 5:00AM
yes, I could create a webpage there, but I did not take the time. I had erased the one I made before
Julia Clark · Sat 24 May 2014 6:46AM
Until content arrives use a sub-domain for the interactive map.