
SAP-9 Termination of Membership

AR Andrew Reitemeyer Public Seen by 281
  • Termination of Membership: Changing requirements for members of PPI
  • Sponsor: Pirate Party of New Zealand (PPNZ)
  • Member(s) of Pirate Party proposing Patrick Schiffer, Andrew Reitemeyer *Contact data__: [email protected], [email protected]


VII. Termination of Membership

(3) A Member’s affiliation ceases automatically upon dissolution, disqualification, liquidation or in cases of temporary administration, court-ordered settlement or insolvency. The Membership also ends automatically when this Member does no longer fulfill the criteria that were necessary for its preliminary recognition as a Member.


VII. Termination of Membership

(3) A Member’s affiliation ceases automatically upon dissolution, disqualification, liquidation or in cases of temporary administration, court-ordered settlement or insolvency. The Membership also ends automatically when this Member does no longer fulfill the criteria that were necessary for its preliminary recognition as a Member. If a member fails to attend either of the two past General Assemblies their membership is terminated as well.

  • reasoning and motivation Having members of PPI that are inactive in the organization only makes the interaction between members harder and statutes will be harder to pass, e.g. reaching the quorum on general assemblies.

Nikolay Voronov Fri 1 Jul 2016 9:41PM

i remember that i had debate with Brendan Molloy on the similar proposal in the begining of 2015, and i suggested to change wording from "termination" to "suspension". I believe that expansion of pirate movement and PPI is one of our goals, and some parties can be active locally rather than internationally. Maybe we need to found out the way to fix "quorum issue" without "kicking off" PPI-members