Mon 27 Jan 2025 4:34PM

PLANET - Outreach

OS Oli SB Public Seen by 169

Hi All,

As mentioned in the recent poll, part of our plan for 2025 is to conduct an outreach campaign to make other groups and networks aware of our mission to build an mvp of PLANET and encourage collaboration. Eleven people expressed interest in helping to spread the word to others, so I'm hoping we can use this thread to share ideas and coordinate outreach.

The initial plan is to spread the word to people we know, using the PDF attached and to point people to sign up to the mailing list and this Loomio group, via https://open.coop/planet-2025/

We can develop more resources as we go...

I kicked off an openly editable file with a starting list of groups and networks I'm hoping to reach out to...
Please feel free to add comments and more groups to the list - and to kick off your own outreach :)

Let us know in this thread if you have ideas and about any progress.

In collaboration,

Oli S-B


spirit Mon 27 Jan 2025 5:01PM

I’m presuming the Open Projects Hub is not completed yet. I saw the example and explanation of the Bounty system along with the linked GitHub issue. But since the doing of work is a large percentage of this project…

For example, let’s say I wanted to make an issue and fund a task — how would I do that?

Or let’s say, I want to browse all available tasks to see if I want to complete one (and am satisfied with the bounty amount) — how would I do that?

Perhaps these things are yet to be designed and maybe it’s a bit of a chicken or egg problem.

But at least a clearer example of how the system of “doing” will actually work will go a long way to inspiring people to contribute their issue requests and for others to solve the issues with the accepted bounty.

This, to me, seems like it is the most actionable necessary first next step of the project from what I can read in the pdf.


Oli SB Tue 28 Jan 2025 6:07PM

Hey @spirit - good to hear from you :)

You are correct - the Open Projects Hub is not completed yet - it's yet another concept which is fairly well spec'd but needs thrashing out in detailed User Stories to make it into the PLANET plan. As is stands it is not part of the Phases plan... yet - (see the Spec thread for more details - let's try to keep this thread focused on Outreach.)

But to answer your question, before we have a functioning bounty system, we can simply run a poll here on Loomio to determine which features are most popular for crowdfunding, and then boot up related Goals on the Open Collective. If anyone feels like making an Open contribution, or spreading the word, the OC is up and running already https://opencollective.com/open-coop


Billy Smith Tue 28 Jan 2025 2:49AM

One group of people that would be interested is Sensorica.


They're already working on grant-funded, distributed R&D for Open-Source HardWare, using the bounty model that you describe. Nice example of parallel development, though i think that a couple of them were following the development of the Murmurations protocol, so it's possibly parallel diffusionism.

They've been working on a wide variety of OSHW designs:


Their current project, Breathing Games, has been funded by grants from the Canadian Health Ministry and the World Health Organisation:


It's a good example of a long-tail project. :D


Oli SB Tue 28 Jan 2025 6:13PM

@Billy Smith Thanks! I think Tibereus (from Sensorica) is part of related groups, so will hopefully hear about the PLANET 2025 plan soon... Their mission is 100% aligned with what we're doing... if anyone knows them, or other related groups, please add links here or reach out and tell them what we're up to! :)


Billy Smith Wed 29 Jan 2025 4:19PM

@Oli SB I've been working with Tibereus on hardware design projects for the last couple of years. :D


Oli SB Tue 28 Jan 2025 6:50PM

The Docs.plus file I linked to above crashed out :( but I told Ed from Newspeak and they're working on a fix. Meanwhile I created a Framapad with a list of Orgs and Networks to reach out to... Please feel free to add ideas there :)


Edward Saperia Mon 3 Feb 2025 11:45AM

Oli somehow managed to find a bug we've never seen before... anyway, it's fixed now! https://docs.plus/pb7se7ji3d


Oli SB Fri 31 Jan 2025 5:10PM

Hi All,

Here's a short blog post which explains a bit more about the PLANET 2025 plans… and includes some (very draft) screenshots to explain various features. We're working on the assumption that Offers and Wants might be one of, or perhaps even the only, features in phase 1 of the MVP...

Hopefully this is a useful post to share if you know anyone else that you think might be interested in collaborating!? Don't forget to mention that everyone is welcome to help shape and make PLANET a reality :)

In cooperation!
