Tue 18 Oct 2022 4:02PM

Payment for MapSwipe Hackdays 10-2022 in Heidelberg

B Benni Public Seen by 18

Benni Tue 18 Oct 2022 4:18PM

What did we do?

@Laurent Savaete and I worked on MapSwipe backend maintenance tasks in Heidelberg from 10-12 October 2022 and some further hours before and after the office time in Heidelberg.

During this session we worked on the following things:

  • moving MapSwipe production and development servers from Google Cloud to Hetzner Cloud to reduce the monthly costs of running the MapSwipe backend.

  • upgrading the version of the postgres database from v11 to v14

  • review and test the backup and restore workflow for MapSwipe results

For more details about the server moving you can refer to the dedicated thread. Although this work did not include any new features, it was essential to ensure that the app keeps running. At the same time it helps us to reduce monthly server costs by about 150€ each month.


I would propose that we pay this using the money from OpenCollective as follows:

  • 4 days of work in total (including preparation, time in Heidelberg and small tasks the days after session) and use a daily rate of 640€ --> 4 x 640€ = 2560 €

  • travel costs for train ride from Paris to Heidelberg and back --> ~150€ (there was no cost for accommodation or local public transport)

We would need to split the payment into these two parts for tax reasons. Travel costs could be transferred directly to Laurent, whereas details need to be specified for the "income" part.

Benni's working hours were covered by HeiGIT.

Takeaways for future similar projects:

  • as we stated earlier we should have agreed on payment before the actual work starts

  • working together in the same place offers a great opportunity to get big chunks of work done as a team and promotes learning from each other and can help to reduce the bus factor


Johnny Tue 25 Oct 2022 2:08PM

Amazing stuff! So good to make this significant change and thanks for the summary Benni! Totally agree on benefit of face to face.

All sounds good to me for payment. Should also bill back for the setup costs paid by Laurent?

For the day rate - I know we discussed this before. Maybe we could document it somewhere so that this and future work can refer to it and how we got to that amount?


Poll Created Wed 2 Nov 2022 4:20PM

Confirming of payment for hackdays 10-2022 in Heidelberg Closed Fri 4 Nov 2022 10:09AM

by Johnny Fri 4 Nov 2022 10:11AM

All in agreement for payment, with @Laurent Savaete abstaining for obvious conflicts of interest. Payment can proceed!

All details are above. Do you agree with this proposed payment? Agreement will kick-off the payment process from Open Collective.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 80.0% 4 J B JV D
Abstain 20.0% 1 LS
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 0  

5 of 5 people have participated (100%)


Laurent Savaete
Wed 2 Nov 2022 4:20PM

Abstaining for obvious reasons of conflict of interest.

Item removed


Poll Created Wed 2 Nov 2022 4:26PM

Setup recurring payment for servers from OpenCollective? Closed Mon 7 Nov 2022 10:02AM

by Laurent Savaete Mon 7 Nov 2022 10:04AM

As this is approved, I will request a virtual card from OpenCollective and set it up as payment method on our hetzner account.

As detailed above, this is a vote to agree on setting up a virtual debit card with OpenCollective that would be used to pay for server costs with Hetzner.

The first bill came in for November 11-31, at 42.56€. This would put the recurring monthly bill for a full month at around 62-63€, a bit less once we have removed temporary volumes that were required for the data transfer from previous servers.

The payment is currently taken off my personal bank card, so I'll add to the scope of the vote, approval for me to get reimbursed for this invoice from OpenCollective (although the invoice is already addressed to OpenCollective). Please comment along your vote if you need clarification.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 4 J B JV D
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 0  

4 of 4 people have participated (100%)