Change copyleft and decentralised icons

I'd like to change two icons on the website. One is the "against-copywrite" icon[1], the other the "descentralised" icon[2]
They are located at the section most at the bottom, above the articles > section "Internet Libre" > section "Een vrij internet "
Pirates are not "against", if we see problems, we try to find solutions. The solution to the current copyright problems is the idea of copyleft. For this reason I would like to change the "against-copywrite" icon with the copyleft icon. A quick search gave me three possibilities
1. Simple black symbol on white background[3]
2. Same, but different color[4]
3. Pirate-thingies with symbol[5]
The decentralised is the Mastodon-mascot. I love the link to the fediverse here, but it would be more fitting to use a more general symbol. I propose the colorfull fediverse-logo[6] as it is shown on wikipedia[7]
What do y'all think? Yes/No/What icons would you prefer?
[4] Same as [3], but under the section "Other versions"

HgO Thu 25 Apr 2019 9:00PM
Could you remind us where are those icons on the website ? :sweat_smile:

Ilja Thu 25 Apr 2019 9:15PM
Section most at the bottom, above the articles > section "Internet Libre" > section "Een vrij internet "
(I'll add it to the description too)

HgO Thu 25 Apr 2019 9:19PM
Ah ok ! Then I'm ok with your propositions, as those icons are more general than the current ones :)

Ilja Sun 28 Apr 2019 9:26AM
Alright, I changed the images. You can view them at > section "Internet Libre" > section "Een vrij internet "
Josse · Thu 25 Apr 2019 8:47PM
Text is certainly up for improvement. Simplest option is ok.