Banner for next Pulse
Following Reasons to Remain chain discussion at last steering group, I have made a very long banner (20m) with lots of reasons to remain painted on to it. I need to stick the two halves together. It will need about 20 people to hold up. If held in a circle it will be a diameter of about 6-7m. I've used acrylic paint so should be fine in rain - I've tested a sample under the tap. Will try to attach photos later.
Claire Thomas Tue 20 Aug 2019 7:51AM
@alicehovanessian I will either drop this off at @alisonborn or at Marcom on Thursday. Unfortunately I will be on holiday for the Pulse. I have another 10m of fabric left however and plenty of paint for another banner at some date or an extension to this one!

Alice Hovanessian Tue 20 Aug 2019 10:28AM
That is fantastic Claire, thank you! We look forward to using our new banner, will be a hit at the marches too.

Ruth Malloy Tue 20 Aug 2019 10:09AM
The banner looks great, Claire!
I think Sharpie pens (dark colours) would work quite well, and the ink should be water-proof.
Misha Carder Wed 21 Aug 2019 10:31AM
It looks great Claire. Anything about regulations are not red tape. Sajid Javid is set for a huge slash and burn on hard won and painstaking protective measures... Actually this deserves a flag/poster of it's on its own.I will have a go.
Jane Riekemann Wed 21 Aug 2019 11:56AM
Great Claire.
Claire Thomas Thu 22 Aug 2019 6:43PM
I have dropped the banner off at Alison’s. She’s not sure if she’s going to Pulse so may have to pass it onto someone else. Hope you have fun with it.

Ruth Malloy Thu 22 Aug 2019 8:32PM
Thank you so much for doing this, Claire. I'm sure we will have fun parading through the streets of Bath with your positive pro-EU banner. Enjoy your holiday with the family!

Alice Hovanessian Thu 22 Aug 2019 9:09PM
Thanks Claire, have a lovely holiday.

Alice Hovanessian Thu 22 Aug 2019 10:58PM
Claire, would you mind if I use the photo of the banner in your garden in the next newsletter?
Claire Thomas · Tue 20 Aug 2019 7:49AM
Here are some photos. There’s room for more words if people can suggest. Ideas - good for investment in U.K., protects U.K. from substandard goods, free healthcare in EU27 (to go next to EHIC), supply of radioactive isotopes next to Euratom, something about NHS not being threatened by US trade deal,
More detailed info could be added in smaller text if I can find a waterproof pen.
Could someone confirm no. of nonEU countries we trade with - I think it is 168.