Sun 27 Jan 2019 10:47PM

How do you feel about using Loomio for XR?

LF Luke Flegg Public Seen by 73

Have a play with it. I'm inviting you to try it because Loomio was built out of the frustration of some very active members of Occupy struggling to communicate effectively. It's open source software created by a nonprofit workers' co-operative called Enspiral, passionate about social change and self-organising.

With GLOBAL as the umbrella group, groups for every location XR is active in, and sub groups for XR working groups we can be connected (support + learn from each other) but also separate (not flooding each other in messages we don't have capacity for)

Conversation is structured (inside threads) helpful for discussing more than one thing at a time if necessary

and proposals can be made for things like *key facts / messages / actions / branding - as a way to check for insights, ideas, opinions and ultimately, alignment. *
I thought it could help us effectively harness the collective intelligence of our group + quickly and efficiently make insightful decisions that are actually in the name of us all (as much as possible in a self-organising movement)

Where is this already used?
Loomio is used in thousands of co-operatives, activist groups, movements and nonprofits already. I use it most for Borderland - a burning man festival in Denmark. We use Loomio to gather advise on proposals every week from the community of 500+ people and it can work at any scale very effectively.


Paul Martin Sun 3 Feb 2019 5:16PM

Hi Luke, Have you set up a paid for loomio account for XR? Two of our working groups in Cornwall and one of our local groups are using Loomio but are currently constrained by the member limits.


Luke Flegg Sun 3 Feb 2019 10:47PM

Ah, just seen this, yes, let's unify the groups under the XR Global group on Loomio (yes I'm friends with the founders so they gave me the paid version) the Cornwall and other group can be Subgroups of the Global group - thus making us separate yet connected (as much or as little as we want to be with each other) and no member limits.I'd love our Brighton group (and others) to be able to see and learn from how you guys are using it.

Happy to chat on phone and play on Loomio together - I think we might be able to migrate your group over into the Global group. 07851054199

Luke078 510 54 199
lukeflegg.co.uk ( http://www.lukeflegg.co.uk )


Paul Martin Sun 3 Feb 2019 11:27PM

Hi Luke,

I've emailed you as well. I assume it's too late to talk tonight?



Jade Northrup Mon 20 Jan 2020 9:20PM

Hi Luke. My name is Jade and I’m a tech coordinator for XR San Francisco Bay Area. We are evaluating Loomio. Would it be possible for me to see the XR Global group you are mentioning? Is this distinct from the Loomio instance running on the XR organize.earth server? Thx!


Paul Martin Sun 3 Feb 2019 11:29PM

When I looked earlier this was a gold account and now its a pro account! Nice one.


Paul Martin Mon 4 Feb 2019 12:11AM

Hey Luke, we haven't met yet or spoken but I really tempted to edit the context of this thread.

At the mo it says:
"With GLOBAL as the umbrella group, but sub groups for every city XR is active in, we can be connected (support + learn from each other) but also separate (not flooding each other in messages we don't have capacity for)"

And I'm going to edit it to say:
"With GLOBAL as the umbrella group, with groups for every location XR is active in, and sub groups for working groups we can be connected (support + learn from each other) but also separate (not flooding each other in messages we don't have capacity for)"

I assume that:
1. You wrote the thread context when this was a gold account.
2. You live in a City hence used the word "city" instead of "location."


Paul Martin Mon 4 Feb 2019 12:35AM

@lukeflegg the edit I did does kind of highlight a potential issue. The XR organograms tend to show working groups and sub groups but we may be constrained if the XR working groups are already using Loomio sub groups. Would this would leave the XR sub groups being forced to operate within threads?


Luke Flegg Mon 4 Feb 2019 12:52AM

Heya Paul!
Apologies if I say stuff you alread know - Loomio pro allows Subgroups. This means we can have
1.Loomio group: Extinction Rebellion GLOBAL
2. Sub group: A sub group for EVERY city / location XR is active in
3. Topics: Inside each subgroup, conversations are started inside TOPICS
4. Threads: Inside each TOPIC, conversation works similar to Whatsapp, Messenger, etc, except for when you reply to someone's comment, Loomio (elegantly I think) creates a 'thread' which appears like an indented response, right next to the thing you're replying to - as opposed to at the bottom.
This is great if you're replying to a comment that was posted a few hours ago and a bunch of new comments have been added since then. It keeps multiple 'threads' of conversation structured. If only this could happen in other conversations, I think more 'open loops' would be successfully concluded!


Paul Martin Mon 4 Feb 2019 1:28AM

Hey Luke,

No need to apologise if you are telling me stuff I already know. Always best to start with a plinth. Better to repeat stuff we may know that to labour under misapprehensions.

You say "loomio pro allows subgroups" but the upgrade tab says that gold allows subgroups whilst the pro version allows 10 groups and ALSO allows subgroups.

Also elswhere you mentioned "unlimited numbers" but the upgrade tab says 1000 limit on pro and 100 limit on gold.

You talk about Topics and Threads but Loomio make no distinction between topics and threads and says "A thread is where everyone can discuss a topic and make decisions together."

If in Cornwall we cannot make groups or even sub groups then that is already a problem if we could only use threads for working groups.

So my reading of the functionality of pro is that you can create 10 groups plus subgroups all of which can contain threads. So this would mean that we can have:

  1. Loomio group: Extinction Rebellion GLOBAL
  2. 10 GROUPS for regions or locations2. Sub group: A sub group for EVERY working group in a local group4. Threads: Inside each GROUP and SUB GROUP, conversation works similar to Whatsapp, Messenger, etc, except for when you reply to someone’s comment, Loomio (elegantly I think) creates a ‘thread’ which appears like an indented response, right next to the thing you’re replying to - as opposed to at the bottom. This is great if you’re replying to a comment that was posted a few hours ago and a bunch of new comments have been added since then. It keeps multiple ‘threads’ of conversation structured. If only this could happen in other conversations, I think more ‘open loops’ would be successfully concluded!



For evaluation purposes

Features include:

  • Up to 10 people
  • One group
  • Discussions
  • Decisions
  • File attachments


$39 / month

or $390 / year

For groups doing serious work together

Everything in Free, plus:

  • Up to 100 people
  • Slack integration
  • Subgroups
  • Category tags
  • Data export (CSV or XLS)



$149 / month

or $1490 / year

For online engagement and organisations with several groups

Everything in Gold, plus:

  • Up to 1000 people
  • Up to 10 groups

I'm thinking we may need to have a chat to get clear on this. We have both been using loomio for years but have both arrived at different ideas about the functionality of the different service levels. I have never used pro only free and gold.

Anyway, I gotta sleep. Sweet dreams Luke :-)

Best Wishes

Paul Martin

Social Economy & Co-operative
Development Cornwall Limited

Trading as KABIN Ltd
Company No. 3441384

07752 818759

www.cornwall.coop ( http://www.cornwall.coop )

www.swcs.coop ( http://www.swcs.coop/ )
www.cooperatives-sw.coop ( http://www.cooperatives-sw.coop/ )

www.uk.coop/advice ( https://web.archive.org/web/20110721000907/http://www.uk.coop:80/directory/filter/cdb/member )

"Does my society
look big in this?"

T-shirt slogan circa 2010


Paul Martin Mon 4 Feb 2019 10:54PM

Nice talking. Sorry I'm a bit fried at the mo, it's been a real long day.

Perhaps have a think about using this account as an umbrella for 10 localities and give each locality a group. They would then be able to set up sub groups for working groups and each sub groups would have multiple threads.

I realise that that detracts from having a global hub but it would enable greater functionality.

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