2025 Memberships and Budget AP
Decision on the Membership and Budget Advice Process (AP)
AP closed on: 12/11
Decision made by: Isa & fox
Celtic Burn 2025 membership sale will start on December 15th, midday UK time (more detailed information about the event as a whole will be available on other pages of the website)
130 regular memberships will be available via a Google form to collect identifying information, with bank transfer details provided upon submission of the form. The link to the form will be available on Loomio and Wrike. The membership page will contain an invitation and a kind request to join Wrike, along with an explanation of our participatory ways of working, but this will not be a condition to proceed with the purchase.
There was a concern expressed by some that funds may be low before Christmas. To accommodate for this, we will extend the payment window into the new year by including a note: “Please make the payment within a week, or by January 15th.”
Membership prices
Based on advice received, the basic membership cost will now be 110 GBP (instead of 140 last year)
and all contributions for Art/Dreams will be voluntary this year: £ 30/50/70/choose your own
{{ Sam Lee + Mark have an idea to instigate a co-created fundraiser in Edinburgh before Celtic Burn to add to the Dreams pot. }}
Optional Celtic Kitchen membership (breakfast and dinner): 30 GBP
A separate membership registration form is to be filled and submitted for every CB25 participant; participants under 18 must be registered alongside a legal guardian and will receive their membership for free.
The terms and conditions for minors to attend are subject to change based on the results of the Child Safeguarding AP: https://www.loomio.com/d/ZoHG563k/evaluating-capacity-for-adequate-safeguarding-of-minors-at-celtic-burn/0
Build & Strike
The Build initiative has received supporting advice and will go ahead - a cost of 600 GBP for the additional day will be included in the fixed site cost.
If you’d like to arrive early for Sunday Build (instead of on Monday), please add your name to this list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z8wpSPZqDqbYvnWTsZpxaScby6SIWwLG72LNFeA0jd4/edit?gid=1757554534#gid=1757554534&range=A1
The Strike initiative did not receive enough supporting advice and will not go ahead this year.
Hi everyone,
I've had conversations with some of you about the different options for this year's membership sale (both at the recent in-person CB meetup and online).
Following on from those, I've now written down a proposal for how all the membership information could be published on our new website, plus there's an additional proposal (see last section below - this second part is not meant for publishing on the website in this form, but is for our discussion and decision here).
Looking forward to your plentiful comments, questions and suggestions for improvement! :-)
This AP will remain open for 2 weeks, until November 11th, to gather advice and discuss, then I [Isa] will update the final proposal with any new or improved ideas and close the AP.
Proposed membership information on celticburn.org (i.e. publicly available):
"Celtic Burn 2025 will take place 14th-21st of April near Dumfries, Scotland (the exact location will be shared with membership holders later). This is an event inspired and guided by the 10 Principles of Burning Man.
Please read all of the below important information. If you’re a first time Burner or first time Celtic Burner and if you’re feeling unsure about anything - you're invited to join our Telegram group and say Hi! <3 We would love to pair you up with a lovely member of our community who can show you around the different platforms we use to organise this Burn in a decentralised way.
The basic membership covers site rental and other fixed costs, it does not include food. You can buy an optional kitchen membership at the same time.
[Total fixed cost will be very similar to last year:
venue hire: GBP 12600
events insurance: ~200
fees (website, bank account, etc.): ~200
modest safety buffer
This means overall membership prices could stay the same as last year:]
Basic membership 140 GBP = 105 GBP fixed costs + a minimum additional contribution of 35 GBP (the same as last year) from every member
These contributions would go towards art/creative projects, as well as must-have non-venue costs that will benefit all participants like Welfare, AND - here is the new bit in this proposal! - can also be used to fund 1 day Build & 1 day Strike either side of the Burn! 2 full extra Burn days without an increase in membership prices, you say? Yes; please read below* fox’s proposal with details on this new part!
Extra Dreams/Creative projects contributions (optional) - for those who are comfortable spending a bit more to support the Arts: 0/15/40/choose-your-own GBP
Kitchen membership 30 GBP (optional): vegan/vegetarian dinner plus breakfast, proposal is to now include breakfast in kitchen rather than Dreams budget
Dream proposals will be made in Wrike (this year’s community-chosen replacement for Trello), and the Dreams contributions will later be allocated to Dreams/Art/Creative projects through a community process conducted by a yet-to-be-assembled Dreams-team.
SALE Memberships are sold through a simple sale, on a first come first serve basis. There are 130 regular memberships available.
GETTING INVOLVED This event is co-created by us all, using Holacratic, decentralised, distributed, do-ocratic, cooperative, and as-transparent-as-possible organisation. If you’re coming to Celtic Burn, we would love to meet you and we want to co-create with you!
Before you buy your membership:
If you’re not on Loomio yet (where we make decisions), please sign up now.
if you know anyone who is already part of our community, please ask them to invite you to our Wrike workspace (where we manage tasks), so can share your Dreams proposals, adopt spaces and co-create many more wonderful things. If you’re newly joining us, you can also email [email protected] and someone will invite you to Wrike.
You will find the form to enter your membership details (name, email, phone number) and get the bank transfer details in Loomio and Wrike (because unlike the rest of what’s written here, we prefer not to make the bank account information publicly available on the website).
PAYMENT In order to save on significant Typeform/Stripe fees, payment will be by simple bank transfer this year. After you’ve filled in the form with your details, secure your membership by transferring the full amount. [Experience has shown us that a deposit option is hard to administer without an automated system and caused confusion and lots of extra work on reminders; this was one of the main points of feedback that the Reception Creatures wanted to do differently this year. For these reasons we are not, at this point, planning to offer the deposit option for CB 2025.]
CHILDREN Accompanied children under the age of 16 years can come for free. If you plan on bringing children, please let us know when buying your membership. Humans 16 to 18 years old must purchase a regular membership, and also be accompanied by a legal guardian.
RESALE / MEMBERSHIP TRANSFER You can resell your membership as long as you don't charge more than you paid for it. There will be no waiting list. Transfers are the responsibility of the members. When you have agreed on a transfer, email your Reception Creature to let them know and to affect the change.
REFUNDS There will be no refunds. If you cannot attend, you are welcome to resell your membership at any point (see above).
After you’ve made the bank transfer, you will receive a confirmation of your membership from a Reception Creature. These will be emailed manually, so please be patient with us.
Celtic Burn is non profit and any surplus goes back into the community."
[Proposed launch of membership sale is December 15th]
*CB25 Build & Strike proposal
(this part is for our discussion here and will not be published on the website in this form)
I (fox) have a big dream for Celtic Burn 2025 that I want to share with you all today:
A dream where anyone who feels called to can arrive a day earlier for Build and/or stay a day longer for Strike, and we all get to enjoy two additional full Burn days!
I feel that there are good reasons that many burns have their dedicated Build & Strike days (outside of the official event dates), and that it's time for our burn to have those as well!
With our Monday to Monday booking as it currently stands, the booking would yield us 6 full burn days - Tuesday to Sunday inclusive.
If we do have Build on the preceding Sunday, and Strike on the following Tuesday, then we'll get two extra burn days (i.e. workshops and parties, content days; as opposed to "build/strike only" days) - making ours a true 8-day burn - Monday to Monday inclusive.
I am in favour of the second option and would love to hear if there are another 20 or so participants (hopefully more!) who feel similarly.
I have spoken with the site owners and asked about the option of booking the three family yurts (Larch, Wych Elm, Oak) on Sunday the 13th and on Tuesday the 22nd.
Both dates are possible at a cost of £100 per yurt per day (i.e. £600 extra booking)
+ £10 per day per camper ⛺ for however many people would like to join, and the site owners will throw the Roundhouse (our dancefloor) in as a freebie!
So: Build of the major communal spaces (yurts+roundhouse) on the 13th and Strike on the 22nd April- both possible and provisionally reserved!
A concrete request: Please let me know if you would like to be part of this dream and could commit to being there for either of those days!
This cost could be subsumed into the existing (planned) Dreams budget, so there would be no need to increase or change the overall membership price for it, same as with any other dream.
The reason why we’re proposing this now (not only later at the Dreams allocation stage) is that we’d need to make the decision about extending the yurts booking now, in order to confirm this with the site and secure them for the 2 extra days.
THE END. Thank you for reading it all! :-) Please let us know your thoughts.
fox of light Tue 29 Oct 2024 8:52PM
The STRIKE plan summarised:
Official closing ceremony on Monday the 21st + final party night for everyone(1) who hasn't left during the day; no striking of the communal spaces before dawn. Burn "officially ends" at dawn without additional note or ceremony.
Tuesday the 22nd is for striking of the common spaces and departing. 🌄 All yurts & the Roundhouse must be struck and returned to their original state by noonish; and then we could have a final goodbye meeting (say 12:34?) and disperse(2)
1) Anyone who wants, but we do ask that they pre-register their intention to stay for Strike Tuesday so that we have an idea of how many of us are up for it. The more the merrier!
2) Anyone who wants to stay beyond Tuesday can directly arrange this with the site, as normal (this is not the concern of this dream/burn).
fox of light Tue 29 Oct 2024 8:57PM
Clarification: The Build proposal and the Strike proposal are separate dreams (each costing £300).
It is concievable that we will end up having only one of them, or neither, or both!
My argument for accepting them is that each one we accept will effectively yield an extra burn day (a Monday) for all participants! (not only those who come for Build Sunday or stay for Strike Tuesday)
Carl Wed 30 Oct 2024 8:31AM
Build / Strike
For build if there's demand for it (particularly from space-owners) then I think this is a reasonable use of funds, if people would like to get ahead of that then great. I am not personally one of those people ;)
For strike I would like to sound a note of caution. At the moment, strike takes place when nearly everyone is still there, happens quite quickly because there are numbers, and can be fairly do-ocracy as since it is fairly obvious what needs to be done as we are all leaving on the same day. There is a communal sense of clearing out. If you extend the rental into a strike period, that is lost, and now you have some (most, I would guess, since it's a new working week the next day) who will leave on Monday, and a few who will stay, and it won't be so clear what Monday-leavers need to contribute. It fuzzes the ending, and might lead to strikers being left with a bigger job than they really signed up for.
For these reasons I would be against having a strike period given we have been quite good at clearing up together so far.
Carl Wed 30 Oct 2024 8:49AM
Under 18s
This is a debate in my head, I do not want to tell anyone they cannot or should not come to a burn, it is antithetical to how I see the community.
But. I do feel less comfortable with children at a burn. One of the things I appreciate about burns is the sense that everyone is an independent adult that is looking after themselves, and has the freedom to join or leave any thing as they wish... eg these people have a sexual energy that I don't want to be involved in, I can move somewhere else; this conversation is too controversial or serious for me, I can move somewhere else; this workshop is bringing up unwanted emotions, I can leave. It grants much more scope and freedom for those things to exist because we're all in control of what we're involved in. But children don't have that judgement, if they are around I have to censor.
I don't personally think there is much to see that children can be harmed by though, I think we underestimate how uninterested they are in 'adult stuff'. But who knows if that's a correct judgement, I don't! And I don't know if it's a legally sound opinion.
I don't want to go so far as saying we shouldn't have under-18s at the event, but I don't personally know how to integrate them yet.
Rachel Wed 30 Oct 2024 8:56AM
Re: Build/Strike: Very much agree with Carl’s points above on build and strike. Personally I would consider coming early to build but I would not be willing to use an extra day of annual leave to strike. I would also be concerned about the potential for spaces to then remain open on the last burn day and for those remaining to have less support in clearing things out.
That said, in terms of whether we fund these things from dreams budget, I feel the voices of the space adopters (I.e. snuggery contributors) are most important here as they end up taking on most of the responsibilities for build and strike.
Edit: Re memberships generally, I strongly feel membership sign up should be on our website and folks should not have to sign up to Wrike or loomio to become members (though I do feel joining these should be encouraged and supported). If our website isn’t ready by the time it needs to be then we can use something simple like google forms. Re: actual payment and concern about bank details being publicly available, we can have an automated email sent to folks once they’ve registered, with the bank details.
Have proposed on telegram previously a couple ways to promote engagement if we feel that is needed.
1) During membership sign up have a required tick that they have or will sign up to Wrike. They could also be provided with and a clear screenshot guide on how to sign up with troubleshooting (given all the difficulties thus far) and a designated email (NOT telegram handle) could be provided for folks to request invite to Wrike.
2) In the membership form they could also be asked to indicate one area of interest that they’d like to commit their support to (kitchen, welfare, specific space curation, cabaret, etc). Then we could have a reception creature-esque person, or someone who is happy to act as an onboarding person in a particular area, contact folks interested in different areas and help them get involved and get them subscribed to updates for said area on Wrike for example.
Jakub Hajko Thu 31 Oct 2024 12:45PM
I agree with Carl and Rachel too. I'd be happy to come up on Sunday (for whenever I manage to get there), but I would not commit another day for strike. Sam vocalises my thoughts on it rather well.
For the rest of it I don't have any better ideas and I find the proposals reasonable.
Oberon Tue 5 Nov 2024 9:46AM
@Jakub Hajko I also think an extra day of build is a great idea and I would happily attend. Would recommend against an extra day of strike for the reasons already said, mainly that it could end up putting the bulk of the strike workload on a small group who stay the extra day
Zoe Ironstone Mon 11 Nov 2024 4:09PM
@Jakub Hajko +1 on yes extra build day, no extra strike day. Most of us are procrastinators - we will not do the boring, necessary things that mark the end of the fun until we absolutely have to. It would just be a tighter strike day with fewer to help, imo.
Isabelle Wed 6 Nov 2024 6:53PM
Hi @Rachel Thanks a lot for your input! I've just explained some parts about the buying process and payment details in my reply to Madeleine above, so I invite you to check that as well as part of my response to you, so my comments don't get too long... x
Yes, we're thinking of using a Google form.
I'm explaining the above, because I'm hoping that you (and others who have the same concern) can see the work that I've already put into integrating various different principles while writing this (mostly inclusion, decentralisation, and communal effort), based on feedback already received.
I get that it may feel more convenient for some to receive the payment information in emails, however that is
a) A less decentralised solution (and lots of extra work, as Sam said) and
b) Saying that this would not be inclusive/accessible enough, because signing up for Loomio might put someone off and cause them to not buy a membership - I feel that this would be focusing on accessibilty (not even proper Inclusion) only, in an unbalanced way, to the detriment of other principles.
The suggestion to make the process of membership buying a mutual thing, where each member starts to actively do something and interact with the community from the first moment of the commitment to attend - this was not a new idea of mine this year. There are very important reasons why we want to invite a group of people who have "buy-in" and actively engage with each other, not just pay and receive a ticket like they would for a "normal" festival.
Inclusion is not the same as accessibility. Even if we did equate the two: I do see and acknowledge that this may feel like an inconvenience to some. But in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with this feeling of a dynamic tension that comes from holding multiple principles at the same time, imperfectly, as we can. Rather than trying to hold the inclusion principle perfectly while disregarding the others.
I'd like to understand better what is your concern, what you feel would be lost, if we don't send out emails with payment details? I'm also open for other new strategies, if they do a similar job at balancing the different principles at play here.
Rachel Sun 10 Nov 2024 11:54PM
@Isabelle hi Isa, having had more time to think on this I agree with your approach and my concerns are resolved. Thank you for your response.
Darya Sun 10 Nov 2024 9:09PM
@Rachel great note about wrike sign up guide!
Sam Lee Wed 30 Oct 2024 11:22PM
This is the first year that I won't have co-authored the budget + membership AP. This I'm grateful for, that you fox and Isa are stepping forward and making things happen. I can give a little perspective on the reason for past decisions:
Dreams work well as the mechanism for distributing funds in an inclusive/ accessible/ transparent/ crowd sourcing way (decentralised). It works well that we don't need to centrally forecast budgets for (yet un-manifested) teams/ tasks.
Year 1 and 2 our Dreams pot was voluntary donation based and collected an average £18/ person. This feels pure and good because it is what people can afford. Everyone shared the fixed costs and some donated £0 and some £70. Year 3 we wanted a bigger dream budget so asked for a minimum donation. I think this was already going off track.
1) For this year, I think include whatever is decided for Build/ strike as a fixed cost.
2) My utopian suggestion for dreams funding would be to have a voluntary donation pot at point of sale and then fill the pot up more from fundraising events that we do within the community.
This will also be the year that I step down properly for membership backroom work. It's a LOT of work, so I wish for you to create systems that the least work possible and doesn't burn you out. I think bank transfers could be good, automation helps too, can't automate receiving a bank transfer with a confirmation so that's at least 130 checks (spread out over a few months), you don't want multiples 2x, 3x 4, of these steps (million workload) (I personalised each membership certificate for year 1...... then came make your own membership).
Build and strike: I like that CB has always had a "all for one" approach where we all build/ strike together, rather than a festival style approach of building for others to come and consume. I'd suggest to just book the whole site for the Sunday before and then everyone can arrive and be part of the process together. I'd say stick with the same Monday leaving day and finish the burn with a Sunday closing ceremony so we can all end the journey together.
Lastly, I think I'd move away from mixing membership email collection from coms newsletter collection. Keep membership email for confirmation only, separately. Have a different opt in newsletter list that rolls over each burn.
Zoe Ironstone Fri 1 Nov 2024 7:24PM
@Sam Lee Your last point about membership email vs comms email is well-taken, and will be added into DSP as long as Isa believes it's doable. I agree with you on that - cleaner and simpler in the long run. I personally hate getting CB emails to the email I originally gave; it's not (consciously) what I submitted the details for in the first place, and it's not where those kinds of emails would usually come in so it feels all wrong when I get one haha.
Darya Sun 10 Nov 2024 9:13PM
@Sam Lee love all Sam says
Zoe Ironstone Fri 1 Nov 2024 7:21PM
Hi! Thanks for all this work on clarifying information and giving all the major details that new burners will need to know 🙂 In principle I think your main chunk of text seems on point, and excellently clarifies all the main points needed. I'm sure we will discuss later on in the website construction how/where it all links up/is placed, but thank you for the solid content.
I mainly jumped on here to urge us to hold back on the part about child memberships until that element is properly discussed and concluded. It's such a huge topic that it needs an AP of its own, which Aella is currently in the process of putting together. So could we please side-bar that conversation for now? I think embedding it in the main discussion about membership details isn't really doing it the justice it deserves. 🙏
I haven't thought in detail about the extra strike day tbh so won't comment right now. I'll be back if/when I do haha.
Madeleine Sat 2 Nov 2024 10:33AM
@Zoe Ironstone
Yes this would be wise.
If consensus is reached that we do want to safeguard and include minors then there needs to be something like an "accompanying adult membership" which will need to include additional information about their agreed upon responsibilities.
At other events a system of identifying accompanying adults and their children via wristband works well and satisfies some safeguarding (specifically around lost child criteria). It is also a way of monitoring that relevant info has been received and agreed to by said accompanying adult.
Zoe Ironstone Sun 3 Nov 2024 1:16PM
@Madeleine For anyone reading this thread, Madeleine's AP addressing child safeguarding at CB is now live here: https://www.loomio.com/d/ZoHG563k/evaluating-capacity-for-adequate-safeguarding-of-minors-at-celtic-burn So hop on over there if you want to discuss in more detail.
Tyler Wagner Thu 7 Nov 2024 11:27PM
Build/Strike: I don't feel strongly about this. As a parent, I can rarely commit to Build and Strike as it is. The proposal is slightly more likely to exclude me from participating in those, but that shouldn't crowd out those who want to enjoy more time together.
Payments: bank transfer is fine with me, but please think about how you will track these. "What's this payment from D B Smith, I only see a playa name, FreeHugs ShirtCocker, registered. How do we reconcile these?" Do we use the same email address as our reference number, and deal with the 18 character limit?
Children: No concern with the pricing.
Let's keep the conversation on inclusion of children to the other AP.
Sarah Parkes Sun 10 Nov 2024 12:38AM
Build & Strike-
Sounds like a good idea to have an extra day to build with those who have capacity. With regards to striking I hear Rachel's reservation that it may fall on less people to strike if it gets pushed back a day. That could also mean that people who can't attend the whole week may be able to have more time that end of the week if the Monday still has a full programme.
This year it will fall on Easter Monday so many people will not be at work anyway that day.
As a parent I am limited on how much time I can manage away from my family.
Payment -
I think Tyler makes a good point about people including the name they will use at the burn or on registration to make it easier to reconcile who has & hasn't paid.
Seems a good idea to take payments in one go & reduce admin. I also agree with the proposal for refunds & reselling.
With regards to the child tickets, that needs resolving in the other AP.
Sandy Ryalls Sun 10 Nov 2024 4:37PM
The basic terms of handing membership in this AP sound fine.
One detail is what bank account? Does this wait until the AP on umbrella organisation is published and decided and, presumably a bank account is opened under that?
Or is there another option?
On dedicated build and strike days, I Love it. Yes please.
Richard North Sun 10 Nov 2024 4:52PM
He people of the corn, hope it's not too late to comment on this. I only have 2 things to say without going into another long message so in short:
Dreams budget; I feel this should be volunteery rather than a minimum £35. At ticket purchase stage there could be prompts to amounts (£15/£25/£35/£45...) but essentially, allow members to make their own mind up as to how much they would like to donate. To me, set amounts with a minimum puts the onus on money rather than participation and my understanding of dreams is we see what we got and run with that rather than over engineer. And if you don't get full funding, the dream owner has the choice to self fund or ditch it. Up to the owner to pitch the dream just right for good participation levels....which leads me beautifully into my next point. 👇
Xtra build and strike; the container is 1 of the most beautiful and crucial facets of spending time with eachother (IMO) and anyone who turns up to a burn 1/2 way though will tell you a) it takes a while to land and b) there's that feeling of catching up/missed out. Sam said if you want to make the burn longer to allow more build and strike then why not make it 2 or 3 extra days...what do you really need to build in 3 days?🤷 I think there's enough time within a week to build, burn then strike. Sounds like to me the question is engagement and not having a select few do the lions share rather than extending the days. Strike is always a mo fo and we'd love to stay in the afterglow forever never going back to the lap top but haters gown hate so suck it up, make a tea and crack on.
Suggestion; Have a dedicated pep team to get folk excited about build and strike and make it part of the burn...it could be a dream if you need money for materials...you could fluff, paint faces, glitter bomb people, dance for entertainment, rally troops and tea, technical support, be called junior chief superintendent Feathers McFluff....all in the name of engaging people to participate.
Believe in the people and power to them 🫵✊
Carwyn Sun 10 Nov 2024 7:35PM
Also sneaking my comment in at the 11th hour...
Regarding the membership AP, I don't think there should be an option for 16-18, or any under 18s for that matter to buy a membership regardless of if they have a suitable guardian. We are organising an adult's playground, whatever definition or meaning you derive from the event. However, if over 18s need to bring under-18 dependants then we should welcome that as part of radical inclusion but as others have warned here, this comes with added liabilities and a complex burden to those who wish to freely express themselves or explore altered states in a safe environment, which is being discussed in another AP.
As per the Build and Strike proposal, I welcome the idea of extra days for the burn but disagree with the concept of splitting the activities of Building and Striking from the core burn experience. At my first burn this year, the build, burn and strike phases provided an easy and enjoyable narrative for me to enjoy my first experience and contribute where I could. Having an early bird build phase on Sunday gives those with the motivation, first access to the site to establish their dreams. Having the main build on Monday gives everyone arriving on the "first day" a free day to land, plan, collaborate and build in a condusive environment. Holding the opening ceremony to the burn phase on Tuesday morning, when most have landed, still gives an adequate full 6 nights of burning, before Monday's bank holiday closing ceremony when most will leave. This will make Tuesday's leaving strike much easier and bittersweet for those who remain to the last.
How this is expressed financially, I don't know as we don't yet know membership signups and voluntary donations amounts but I am still in agreement with the AP's overall intentions, stand against whatever the notion of a "true burn" is and thank the authors and contributors for their efforts.
Sam Lee Mon 11 Nov 2024 11:48AM
@Carwyn I disagree about the part that were making an adult playground, well, I do think we're doing that but more than that I think we're making a sustainable community, and that needs to be fully age inclusive.
I do really agree with the part about build being for everyone, so that everyone can be in the same flow and help where they can. It's not quite like other burns where we are putting in a power grid, toilets, structure etc. When everyone is allowed to arrive at the same time then it creates more cohesion. I don't think build needs to be separated from "the first day of burn", I think build should be the first day for everyone. We all make the burn, not just a few, not like a festival
Guy Tue 12 Nov 2024 5:51PM
@Carwyn As far as I am aware - new starter safeguarding plans for <18's are being put together now , and that's the main thing atm for that side before selling memberships?
Yeah, no separate category and am unsure where that came from, it's been pointed out already that 16-18 is treated as same issue with safeguarding so.
We should add a simple Vote on this sent out via email to see if there is interest and availability on different options, before moving forward on date changes or allocating communal funds?
Simplify it nay?
Darya Sun 10 Nov 2024 8:51PM
My thoughts on the main text, for the rest - tag me if needed.
on build/strike day:
with my experience of 2 burns, one of them invested un build and strike of a space:
I support idea of build, would really help to have more burn time and will allow to have set the space earlier.
Don t feel to add day for strike, because of the last day being sunday: finishing sunday and leave alltogether feels nicer than the have 2 days of goodbyes as it was at 2023.
/surely come for build.
on buying memberships:
be invited to wrike - fantastic, maybe reach a reception creature to be invited, great to see what s going on.
loomio - don't see a nessesity to become a member, you may read it before having an account. +kind no objection just see less obligation into the involvment if you don t feel like
so I would offer to do all the payments infos through wrike.
it would be nice to write a note about exceptional option of paying the deposit in 2 payments for people who can t efford to pay full deposit at once. that still would be more work for Reception Creatures, but less because it would be made only by special request and gives some flexibility for those who need it.
all the rest - my total support.
Gareth Mon 11 Nov 2024 12:24PM
'Scuse the delay in replying - have a strong emotional barrier towards creating Y.A.F.L. (Yet another fucking login). And I do broadly agree with a lot of what has been said.
Re. Proposed sale date 15/12 - I have strong reservations. For many it's the busiest month and the hardest for cashflow. With a larger community than ever and a return to school holiday dates, no doubt we will sell out, and if we do so before January the busiest and poorest in our community stand to miss out. (Potentially, of course - I ain't no shaman.)
By far the best solution, imo, is to postpone until early January, and a fair compromise would be to at least allow deferral of payment for approx 1 month.
Re. Build and strike being handled by a small team outside of event dates - yes, to an extent. As mentioned above, this makes more sense for build than strike, and I personally would love to get there a night early and ease in slowly with a handful of others. But the build we do on the first day should, imo, be limited and well defined.
For example, it makes sense to put up any additional tents and structures, as well as to get spaces to a stage where the people arriving the next day can do their own build with minimal fuss, but a small team trying to do everything for everyone feels bad all round. As camping space is extremely limited, perhaps THE most important thing to hash out on a first day would be to have and follow a clear camping and parking plan (but that warrants an AP of its own, which I'm happy to author in the new year).
Re. Payments info only being offered on wrike and loomio - hard veto on the basis of radical exclusion. Putting info in such spaces is fine, but the reasoning is flawed as loomio, for example, is no less public than any other website - a login is not needed to read all posts and replies.
Best solution, imo, is to also send the payment info directly to the email address people put down when they fill in their details to buy a membership. This can, I believe, be automated. Each person can also be given a unique reference to put on their bank transfer which might minimise admin with checking who is paid. On that note, I'm more than happy to provide some assistance with such admin work in the new year.
Re. Forced dreams budget - I broadly agree with above points that it should instead be up to each individual whether or not and how much to donate to this pot, but not having seen the books and budgets from previous years, I will leave that in your hands.
That's all that comes to mind. Thank you for getting this AP stitched together Isa, and love to you all. x
Rachel Mon 11 Nov 2024 12:25PM
@Gareth 100% agree on delaying membership sales until January
Gemma Darroch Mon 11 Nov 2024 4:47PM
No new opinions at this late stage, don't worry. Just wanted to say I'm super keen for extra build/strike days. Reading the reservations about and extra strike day I can see that maybe a trial of extra build day and register interest for strike could be a good option. Really keen for a build/strike team, I'd volunteer for that :)
Atlas · Tue 29 Oct 2024 8:18PM
I'd like Celtic Burn to not have kids. Just as a personal preference. I think kids are fine with witnessing drug use and sex. I prefer to use drugs and have sex without kids around. I also have an easier time being silly and expressing myself without kids around.