Sun 27 Oct 2024 3:03PM

2025 Memberships and Budget AP

I Isabelle Public Seen by 99

Decision on the Membership and Budget Advice Process (AP)

AP closed on: 12/11

Decision made by: Isa & fox

Celtic Burn 2025 membership sale will start on December 15th, midday UK time (more detailed information about the event as a whole will be available on other pages of the website)

130 regular memberships will be available via a Google form to collect identifying information, with bank transfer details provided upon submission of the form. The link to the form will be available on Loomio and Wrike. The membership page will contain an invitation and a kind request to join Wrike, along with an explanation of our participatory ways of working, but this will not be a condition to proceed with the purchase.

There was a concern expressed by some that funds may be low before Christmas. To accommodate for this, we will extend the payment window into the new year by including a note: “Please make the payment within a week, or by January 15th.”

Membership prices

Based on advice received, the basic membership cost will now be 110 GBP (instead of 140 last year)

and all contributions for Art/Dreams will be voluntary this year: £ 30/50/70/choose your own 
{{ Sam Lee + Mark have an idea to instigate a co-created fundraiser in Edinburgh before Celtic Burn to add to the Dreams pot. }}

Optional Celtic Kitchen membership (breakfast and dinner): 30 GBP

A separate membership registration form is to be filled and submitted for every CB25 participant; participants under 18 must be registered alongside a legal guardian and will receive their membership for free. 

The terms and conditions for minors to attend are subject to change based on the results of the Child Safeguarding AP: https://www.loomio.com/d/ZoHG563k/evaluating-capacity-for-adequate-safeguarding-of-minors-at-celtic-burn/0

Build & Strike

The Build initiative has received supporting advice and will go ahead - a cost of 600 GBP for the additional day will be included in the fixed site cost.

If you’d like to arrive early for Sunday Build (instead of on Monday), please add your name to this list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z8wpSPZqDqbYvnWTsZpxaScby6SIWwLG72LNFeA0jd4/edit?gid=1757554534#gid=1757554534&range=A1

The Strike initiative did not receive enough supporting advice and will not go ahead this year.


Hi everyone,

I've had conversations with some of you about the different options for this year's membership sale (both at the recent in-person CB meetup and online).

Following on from those, I've now written down a proposal for how all the membership information could be published on our new website, plus there's an additional proposal (see last section below - this second part is not meant for publishing on the website in this form, but is for our discussion and decision here).

Looking forward to your plentiful comments, questions and suggestions for improvement! :-)

This AP will remain open for 2 weeks, until November 11th, to gather advice and discuss, then I [Isa] will update the final proposal with any new or improved ideas and close the AP.

Proposed membership information on celticburn.org (i.e. publicly available):

"Celtic Burn 2025 will take place 14th-21st of April near Dumfries, Scotland (the exact location will be shared with membership holders later).  This is an event inspired and guided by the 10 Principles of Burning Man

Please read all of the below important information.   If you’re a first time Burner or first time Celtic Burner and if you’re feeling unsure about anything - you're invited to join our Telegram group and say Hi! <3 We would love to pair you up with a lovely member of our community who can show you around the different platforms we use to organise this Burn in a decentralised way.


The basic membership covers site rental and other fixed costs, it does not include food. You can buy an optional kitchen membership at the same time. 

  • [Total fixed cost will be very similar to last year: 

    • venue hire: GBP 12600

    • events insurance: ~200

    • fees (website, bank account, etc.): ~200 

    • modest safety buffer 

This means overall membership prices could stay the same as last year:]

  • Basic membership 140 GBP = 105 GBP fixed costs + a minimum additional contribution of 35 GBP (the same as last year) from every member

These contributions would go towards art/creative projects, as well as must-have non-venue costs that will benefit all participants like Welfare, AND - here is the new bit in this proposal! - can also be used to fund 1 day Build & 1 day Strike either side of the Burn!  2 full extra Burn days without an increase in membership prices, you say? Yes; please read below* fox’s proposal with details on this new part!

  • Extra Dreams/Creative projects contributions (optional) - for those who are comfortable spending a bit more to support the Arts: 0/15/40/choose-your-own GBP 

  • Kitchen membership 30 GBP (optional): vegan/vegetarian dinner plus breakfast, proposal is to now include breakfast in kitchen rather than Dreams budget

Dream proposals will be made in Wrike (this year’s community-chosen replacement for Trello), and the Dreams contributions will later be allocated to Dreams/Art/Creative projects through a community process conducted by a yet-to-be-assembled Dreams-team.

SALE  Memberships are sold through a simple sale, on a first come first serve basis. There are 130 regular memberships available. 

GETTING INVOLVED This event is co-created by us all, using Holacratic, decentralised, distributed, do-ocratic, cooperative, and as-transparent-as-possible organisation. If you’re coming to Celtic Burn, we would love to meet you and we want to co-create with you!

Before you buy your membership: 

  • If you’re not on Loomio yet (where we make decisions), please sign up now.

  • if you know anyone who is already part of our community, please ask them to invite you to our Wrike workspace (where we manage tasks), so can share your Dreams proposals, adopt spaces and co-create many more wonderful things. If you’re newly joining us, you can also email celts.burn@gmail.com and someone will invite you to Wrike.

You will find the form to enter your membership details (name, email, phone number) and get the bank transfer details in Loomio and Wrike (because unlike the rest of what’s written here, we prefer not to make the bank account information publicly available on the website).  

PAYMENT In order to save on significant Typeform/Stripe fees, payment will be by simple bank transfer this year. After you’ve filled in the form with your details, secure your membership by transferring the full amount. [Experience has shown us that a deposit option is hard to administer without an automated system and caused confusion and lots of extra work on reminders; this was one of the main points of feedback that the Reception Creatures wanted to do differently this year. For these reasons we are not, at this point, planning to offer the deposit option for CB 2025.]

CHILDREN Accompanied children under the age of 16 years can come for free. If you plan on bringing children, please let us know when buying your membership. Humans 16 to 18 years old must purchase a regular membership, and also be accompanied by a legal guardian.

RESALE / MEMBERSHIP TRANSFER You can resell your membership as long as you don't charge more than you paid for it. There will be no waiting list. Transfers are the responsibility of the members.  When you have agreed on a transfer, email your Reception Creature to let them know and to affect the change.

REFUNDS There will be no refunds. If you cannot attend, you are welcome to resell your membership at any point (see above).

After you’ve made the bank transfer, you will receive a confirmation of your membership from a Reception Creature. These will be emailed manually, so please be patient with us. 

Celtic Burn is non profit and any surplus goes back into the community."

[Proposed launch of membership sale is December 15th]

*CB25 Build & Strike proposal

(this part is for our discussion here and will not be published on the website in this form)

I (fox) have a big dream for Celtic Burn 2025 that I want to share with you all today:

A dream where anyone who feels called to can arrive a day earlier for Build and/or stay a day longer for Strike, and we all get to enjoy two additional full Burn days!

I feel that there are good reasons that many burns have their dedicated Build & Strike days (outside of the official event dates), and that it's time for our burn to have those as well!

  • With our Monday to Monday booking as it currently stands, the booking would yield us 6 full burn days - Tuesday to Sunday inclusive.

  • If we do have Build on the preceding Sunday, and Strike on the following Tuesday, then we'll get two extra burn days (i.e. workshops and parties, content days; as opposed to "build/strike only" days) - making ours a true 8-day burn - Monday to Monday inclusive.

I am in favour of the second option and would love to hear if there are another 20 or so participants (hopefully more!) who feel similarly.

I have spoken with the site owners and asked about the option of booking the three family yurts (Larch, Wych Elm, Oak) on Sunday the 13th and on Tuesday the 22nd.

Both dates are possible at a cost of £100 per yurt per day (i.e. £600 extra booking)

 + £10 per day per camper ⛺ for however many people would like to join, and the site owners will throw the Roundhouse (our dancefloor) in as a freebie!

So: Build of the major communal spaces (yurts+roundhouse) on the 13th and Strike on the 22nd April- both possible and provisionally reserved!

A concrete request: Please let me know if you would like to be part of this dream and could commit to being there for either of those days!

This cost could be subsumed into the existing (planned) Dreams budget, so there would be no need to increase or change the overall membership price for it, same as with any other dream.

The reason why we’re proposing this now (not only later at the Dreams allocation stage) is that we’d need to make the decision about extending the yurts booking now, in order to confirm this with the site and secure them for the 2 extra days.

THE END. Thank you for reading it all! :-) Please let us know your thoughts.


Rachel Liberty Sun 27 Oct 2024 7:20PM

Thanks for making this AP, lots of good things to think about!

It would be good to include a description of "what is Celtic Burn" for those who are not familiar.

Children prices- I wasn't aware that there had been a decision about whether to have children at the event after last year's concerns. Did I just miss that?

Extra Build and strike days. Build day yes, sounds good. I'm not in favour of the strike day I think it would just leave a small number of people doing all the clear up and that doesn't sound like fun.


Isabelle Mon 28 Oct 2024 9:19AM

@Rachel Liberty  Regarding the website: Yes, I definitely imagine that the website will have other pages with more general information about CB (which won't be written by me). My proposal here is only for what the content of a page on memberships could look like.


Atlas Mon 28 Oct 2024 7:50AM

Am in favor of one extra build day because build is my favorite part of burns, and commit on being there. Not sure about the extra strike day, Rachel's concern is very valid, and with having to travel back to a different country and needing to take time to decompress etc I am not ready to fully commit to that one.


Atlas Mon 28 Oct 2024 7:50AM

also interested whether there was a discussion about children!


Isabelle Mon 28 Oct 2024 9:12AM

Thanks Rachel and Rin! Your question, Rachel, points to the different things we can mean when we say "take decisions" and the different ways that can happen in our community, which I think is always a good thing to get a little clearer between us, so I appreciate that opportunity :-)

Two types of things have been decided so far and have informed what I've written down here: 

a) "big" community-affecting decisions that were taken here on Loomio - the one relevant here is the decision about the dates and existing site booking 

b) any smaller decisions not taken to Loomio, where someonehas identified a task and a team of realizers has taken it on (-> Wrike was chosen by a group of "Techies" suggesting and testing different alternative platforms, and -> there is a group working on a website and making decisions about that between them) 

Apart from the above, everything else I've written here around memberships is a proposal,

i.e. no one has so far (before this AP) initiated a decision on any of those other aspects, which means these are currently all at the discussion, looking-for-input, stage (so yes, that would include the question about children). 

Please imagine each of my points followed by the question "What do you think, shall we do it like this? Or if not, how?"


Madeleine Tue 29 Oct 2024 11:09AM

I will make a few sperate comments here:

1) Yes to build day, strike may need to be given more thought and I agree with above as to why. Personally I would be aiming to stay an extra night either side in my van anyway.

2) I'm not sure the membership process sounds as straight forward as it could be. I don't think I'm clear on how that will work, from details to payment. Would the person signing up fill in their details and then be assigned someone to help them access Wrike to find the bank details and then make payment? I don't think people will respond to that the way they are intended to.

I would propose bank details for payment are sent as a secure email and that an intro to platforms (Loomio, Telegram and Wrike) are part of a "membership validation process". This would mean (probably reception creatures) being responsible for validating memberships.

It could be worded "Once you have registered yourself for membership here, you will receive an email to inform you of how to make your membership payment via bank transfer. Reception creatures will also assist in validating your membership which involves registering for our community organisation platforms so that you are able to participate" Or something similar.

3) CHILDREN. Whilst I understand that other burns are inclusive of minors, I do not believe that means CB needs to be. I question CB's capacity for adequate safeguarding as it currently stands. The demand for child memberships is not very high in spite of many being parents; most parents do not want to bring their children to the burn. With the best will in the world, it seems efforts to include minors have been poorly executed and lack something of a "reality check" in terms of how this event might be perceived and the potential repercussions.

We do not have trained designated safeguarding leads. We do not yet have designated family areas (nor in my opinion the capacity to implement them properly whilst still allowing people some freedom). We do not agree about the ideology of creating seperate family areas/adult only areas. We do not agree about who takes responsibility for ensuring the safeguarding of children. It should be clear that it is inadequate to allocate that responsibility to their guardian only.

So I propose that Celtic Burn makes the RADICAL move to trial itself as an over-18s only event. The burn community are free to host any number of burn adjacent family-friendly get togethers, or attend other burns with family provision.


Sam Lee Thu 31 Oct 2024 8:03AM

Hey @Madeleine, this is a radical proposal, it's a big change to the essence of the burn. I appreciate that you care about child safeguarding and are bringing this to light at Celtic Burn (CB), it sounds like you have lots of experience.

I hear you saying that if we can't meet basic child safeguarding standards then the burn shouldn't go ahead with children. I think it would be more helpful for the tone to be - What safeguarding measures can we put in place to make this the best burn experience for everyone.

A lot of work has gone into making CB what it has become, a friendly welcoming inclusive community. The decentralised way in which we work makes more of an approach of distributing the responsibility and everyone caring for each other rather than volunteer leads taking large amounts of responsibility. From Celtic Burn has come a beautiful community that exists year round in Scotland.

My biggest reasons for saying "What safeguarding measures can we put in place", instead of "let's trial CB as an over-18s only event" is that CB is Scotlands 'main' burn, the burn that the community pivots around. This is the burn that I think should stay as inclusive as possible and be the example to welcome new people into the community.

I have two children and have taken them to many burns. It's not easy. In fact it's really hard because of the extra responsibility I have, compared to being there alone, but the amount of support and gratitude I've received for bringing my children, being celebrated for being a parent and getting to share my community with my children makes it all worth while.


Isabelle Wed 6 Nov 2024 12:53AM

Hi @Madeleine  I want to respond to your point 2) about the payment details, as I agree that's not as clear as it could be in my proposal (thanks for that prompt :-) ) The current plan is that members fill in a Google form with their details, and the payment details are at the end of that form. The link to the form will be in Wrike, but also in Loomio - meaning that new members do not need to be assigned someone to invite them to Wrike in order to get their membership. It's just a sign-up link for Loomio, which they can follow themselves in the moment and go ahead with the process.

I do get the concern that we don't want to put up too much of a barrier to people buying their membership, by, for example, putting the entire membership sale process only inside of Loomio (as was actually the case for a previous CB!).

I want to stress that this proposal I've written here already integrates various rounds of feedback I've received in person and on Telegram. The proposal has changed to having all the information that you can see here publicly on the website (not "hidden away" somewhere), and also to only requesting, but not requiring people to sign up for Wrike at the point of getting the membership.

I'm sharing all this because i would like you (and others who have this concern) to see the work that I've already put into integrating various different principles here (inclusion, decentralisation/participation, communal effort).

We're already trying to minimise the number of individual emails to be sent out by Reception Creatures (or anyone), and my concern about an additional membership validation step is that that would create a lot of extra emailing work x130...

I'm wondering if what I've explained above about the form and Loomio makes it clearer for you? xx


Madeleine Sun 10 Nov 2024 3:50PM

@Isabelle That is clearer, Isa, thanks.

I'd like to reframe my "proposal" to trial without under 18s to be more aligned with what I actually mean since it's clearly been too contentious of a topic.

Just because I prefer the simplicity of adult only events, and do certainly require at least some adult-only space to relax, I also recognise that to be adult-only is not aligned with the initial hopes for Celtic Burn.

Please interpret my input as simply a wish not to sell child-memberships/accompanying adult memberships without incorporating additional important info about what level of responsibility any accompanying adults must consciously take, and our safeguarding plan, as it emerges.

Thanks 🙏


fox of light Tue 29 Oct 2024 7:41PM

The BUILD plan summarised:

People(1) arrive AND build the preplanned communal spaces(2) on Sunday. Sleeping places are the campground, no barns rental(3). First morning meeting and "official" opening of the burn is Monday morning (11:11).

1)Anyone who wants, but we do ask that they pre-register their intention to arrive on Sunday (as opposed to Monday) so that we have an idea if it looks to be a lot of people (i.e. more than 30), which I deem unlikely. But even if that does happen we'll easily deal with it ^^

2)Three rented cosy yurts + free roundhouse dancefloor ^^

3)Though realistically speaking these are highly unlikely to be booked by anyone else on Sunday, as it's between two events, and Pam is generally holding the day for us; so we could have a chat with her about creating our arts gallery or gate art or whatever in the Nith barn lounge anyway (as another freebie), and I'm optimistic about getting access to the kitchen building as well; but we can see about that; these are all small details which don't need to be pinned down within this initial proposal.

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