Fri 13 Feb 2015 11:47AM
sesame snaps
hola i know sesame snaps is a tm for the coop and everyone loves them, but i dont want to be buying them anymore, because they are not organic. if we could have a discussion about that, it would be great, because unless we agree on it and i am explicitly told we have decided to keep buying them.. well ill just keep not buying them. so what do you think: should we stop selling sesame snaps because it is non organic?

Ava Stacey Sun 22 Feb 2015 1:22PM
I think it would be nice to do less non-organic stuff but the sesame snaps are really popular :L Listen to me with my free-market fundamentalism! Maybe the future of our soil, etc... is more important than that? I'm on the fence...
Marcel · Sat 21 Feb 2015 9:28AM
I think we do usually buy non-organic things if the organic version is too expensive (or does not exist?). I personally love the sesame snaps and especially like the fact that they are very cheap in comparison to all the other unafordable snacks we usually have.