Types of units: Rental or Ownership?
If the town were to encourage greater housing diversity, would you like to see the focus be on rental units or units to own? Why?
Al Romano Mon 7 Aug 2023 7:32PM
Choosing between the two, my bias would be towards "units to own" because generally homeowners would tend to have a more vested financial interest in the running of the town. A mix of the two I think would be better than just rental units.
[email protected] Thu 13 Jul 2023 7:24PM
Rentals are a priority.
Tom Murley Wed 12 Jul 2023 6:23PM
Rental should be the priority. Housing prices are up, mortgage rates are up and building costs are up. Which means greater down payment requirements and higher monthly costs. This at a time when the Millennial generation is falling behind Buying housing is more and more unaffordable. Just look at what condos are selling for in Maxwell Woods and other developments. They are often at or above the median CE price of $700,000. Frankly we need apartments, and higher density as that reduces cost per unit and hence more affordable
Dana Schauf Wed 12 Jul 2023 4:12PM
I’d like to see a mix of rental/ownership, but to start, I think focusing on rentals is a higher priority.
douglas babkirk Fri 30 Jun 2023 7:44PM
rentals allow for more diverse socioeconomic groups to move here
Amit Oza Fri 30 Jun 2023 4:23PM
@douglas babkirk @Maureen Clancy @Bill Goodykoontz Thank you for your feedback, we appreciate your participation. Would you like to elaborate on why you see rentals as where the focus should be?
douglas babkirk Wed 28 Jun 2023 1:10AM
affordable rental units
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Amit Oza Fri 30 Jun 2023 4:19PM
@Mylan Cohen Thank you for sharing, what you shared shows an interesting model.
Mylan Cohen Tue 27 Jun 2023 11:56PM
I would start with rental as a priority though eventually affordable ownership could be a long-term goal. There was an excellent article in the New York Times Magazine on May 23, 2023 citing Vienna as a model in this regard (by Francesca Mari - if you have a subscription, see https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/23/magazine/vienna-social-housing.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare).
Eliza · Mon 7 Aug 2023 9:36PM
I consider rentals to be the highest priority.