***Vote this week or Next: Fiscal Sponsor or Not to Fiscal Sponsor?***

Here's a good test of loomio. for a group wide finance decision coming up 4/9 or 4/16.
This is a two step decision
whether to use a fiscal sponsor
which fiscal sponsor to use
This Discussion deals with Step 1 Whether to Use a Fiscal Sponsor - please keep the discussion focused on that.
All other finance matters will have their own discussion/decision space

Poll Created Tue 8 Apr 2014 12:22AM
We should have a fiscal sponsor Closed Wed 16 Apr 2014 11:07PM
We decided to have a fiscal sponsor..
Details on Decision doc http://natgat2014.titanpad.com/41 and Notes doc http://natgat2014.titanpad.com/7
A fiscal sponsor does the books, the taxes, a lot of work that would take up organizers' time. Worth the time and energy of organizers to the overall success of the event.
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 100.0% | 9 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 5 |
![]() ![]() |
9 of 14 people have participated (64%)

Tue 8 Apr 2014 12:25AM
Finance is one of the hardest roles to fill or accept, not to be taken lightly. I think using a fiscal sponsor is one place where paying for services is not objectionable.

Tue 8 Apr 2014 9:40AM
A fiscal sponsor is reassuring to donors. They get tax breaks and the money is available for important materials like food and printing.

Sally G
Tue 8 Apr 2014 8:33PM
It makes donations tax-deductible (though the Occupy part of me hates the entanglement!) and provides expertise that we are unlikely to have without sponsorship.

Thu 10 Apr 2014 12:13PM
makes sense. deductions are not always tax deductible though; depends on the kind of 501 (c)
Julia Clark
Thu 10 Apr 2014 9:00PM
I cleaned out 2 phishing attempts from the JCorg inbox today, And in the recent light of the Heartbleed exploit. A fiscal sponsor would have security tools in place, than would be feasible for a short lived funding event.

Daniel Hong
Tue 15 Apr 2014 11:15PM
Alliance for Global Justice has a history of working with Occupy groups across the country on behalf of finances, including Occupy Wall Street, OccuCards, and Occupy Sandy. They've earned my trust, as I have seeing their hard work via email lists.

Jackie Tue 8 Apr 2014 12:44AM
Edited the description so it was shorter and the decision section would not be so far down the page. Also the title.
the rest of the original description:
We would still have to make a final decision on the call until the Loomio decision comes up, and even then it might be best to keep both for a time. But this would be a hella strong temp check if everyone who is part of the ngwg and hasn't been able to participate on calls would test the decision loomio. Finance decisions are among the most difficult to make in Occupy, and should include everyone.
sent to ng list.
Now that we have a date, we can begin to fundraise!
We need to get a Donate link and buttons on the sites asap. This requires determining how we will raise funds for the general fund.
The finance group has been busy putting together the reasons why or why not to use a fiscal sponsor and some details about what two fiscal sponsors offer. A third was mentioned on last week's call - have reached out to Steven Payan for info.
Please, anyone with info to add or revise, add to the google doc or reply here.
added to the agenda:
Finance - Donate Link Button essential.
Step 1:
choose whether to have fiscal sponsor
choose fiscal sponsor
Fiscal Sponsors Info- Pros and Cons of fiscal sponsorship
NatGat2014 Finance WG Agenda

Sally G Tue 8 Apr 2014 8:32PM
I think a fiscal sponsor makes sense; dealing with money is not only “fraught” for most Occupyers, but requires expertise that most of us do not have.
Jackie · Tue 8 Apr 2014 12:32AM
I created the proposal so we can see opinions develop.
I don't see an option for a second decision on one discussion, like which f.s. to use, so will create a separate discussion.
I also have lost where the "invite people to this proposal" is - I know I saw it previously.