Sun 31 Jan 2016 12:53PM

General Meeting Minutes

K Katy Public Seen by 286

GA General meeting



Izzy (facilitator), Marcel, Luke (minutes), Tudor

Carried over action points

• Looking for someone else to take over role of treasurer (25/1/2016)
• Luke to clarify with union the 238.61 green exchange money.

• Luke (plot), Christa (food hub), Izzy W (campaigns) to ensure that this is discussed in next working group meeting.

• Plan A - bike powered film to fit in with a campaign we are running - Christa and Izzy W to organise

• Proposal from Noelie - to contact former Green Action members and compile a list of contacts and skills which the current/new Green Actioners can draw on. Agreed - Noelie to action this. (done but no feedback received Luke will ask)

• Izzy W to send round instructions on how to use loomio (25/1/2016)

• Marcel to improve footer at bottom of email (struggling to log into account!) 25/1/2016)

  • all members to join loomio and discuss bike powered GIAG ideas (Done) • Katy to put minutes on loomio, minutes also to be printed off and put in folder in food co-op to keep a hard copy record (Sent round, printed off?)

• Tudor to share document with wider group via email/loomio and print a copy to put in the store (print version done) (25/1/2016)

• Luke to share revolution document again on loomio and as google doc via email. (Do Loomio)

• All - add to GA Manual the record (name and date your addition), so that future years can benefit form our shared knowledge (Tom was working on Goosemore) (25/1/2016)

Beer Brewing Workshop Feedback

Really successful! Around 10 people. Used the new shed. Chris to add record to GA revolution document


Foodhub – just need money for stool
Allotment – Approximately £100 for core running costs (rent, Gloves etc…) £200 green fund money in account is the remainder of the Green Fund Money and ours to use.

General GA budget – no discussion

Political stance

info graphic looks great! Summary is really clear.
Chris Write up needed and bring to AGM to be added to constitution.

Adding too document – 8 people
Modify/take away from document – AGM

Campaigning on behalf of Green Action process –
Post proposal on FB, Email and Loomio
7days to object (term time only!)

Let list know that proposal is going ahead

GIAG – feedback

Bike Cinema – Izzy update hidden café can’t be booked as GIAG as season is ended. Leadership race is barrier at this time.
Next term social?

Idea – Big Social to engage new people as we have missed the GIAG opportunity (allotment)

Next GIAG deadline is in August. Needs to be in GA Manual Dates of deadlines IZZY to add

AGM planning

20 member quorum. Need student numbers, members in the shop
Not super long! Practical meeting, finish early, go to pub

Suggested last 2 weeks of teaching Luke set Doodle for second week of term 25th April with one hour of social after 2h meeting 5-8 6-9
Not take too long so people can take part in important decisions

Publicity – lHard copy (Izzy), FB (Izzy), email Luke, social shout out (Chris) lots of New members recently signed up in shop –

1)Assign new committee President Treasurer Secretary
Check in with people who have roles.

Check food hub and allotment. They need to have the essential orders eg. Goosemoor
Important available to book rooms, comes to meetings, checking emails booking GIAG.

2) How does the rest of the year look – practical (Summer at the shop e.g. personal orders?! Food hub on this?)

3) Plan very start of term – who, when (timeline), how to get involved

4) Next year ideas (especially start of term around October – can we commit to this in advance) brief idea map.

5) Political stance agreed (5min consensus or move on to pub and re visit)


Working groups to discuss points 2 + 3 + 4 (Chris to arrange allotment meeting)

Meeting Streamlining

High quality signs in pack for meetings with meetings. consensus handbook, poster about consensus process. Minutes hard copies.
Izzy to ask charity shop for folder
Luke to buy some Consensus handbooks and housing book one for GA

Block book meetings for next year?
Not always on the same day.
Izzy to ask help desk
Calender in advance, to give to new members at the beginning of the year. Expectation to com allong to the meetings

General meeting 25/1/2016
Present: Noelie, Izzy, Ivan, Marcel, Luke, Gauthier, Tudor, Joy, Tom, Katy, Izzy W, Christa, Fern

1 Reports from Working Groups
2 Finance and budgeting
3 Give it a go
4 Communication
5 Political stance
6 GA revolution
7 Next meeting

Working Groups

Plot: Meeting on Sundays at 2pm (join mailing list for more info - send blank email to allotment-subscribe@lists.riseup.net). Have set up Bokashi composting. Will be putting on the roof of the shed soon. Planning a brewing workshop in Feb (Chris to send out doodle poll).

Food Hub: Set up new timetable for shifts - red and blue pen for maybe and definitely covering shift . Next food hub meeting - to discuss twin cafe and zapatista coffee.

Campaign: Housing co-op group are meeting Thursday 12th Feb at Chemic for anyone interested in being involved - evening of music and chance to get to know eachother. Also meeting every 2 weeks on Thurs evening, 6pm, at Packhorse pub, from 28th Jan.

Finance and budgetting

Andrea taking over form Joy as treasurer until May. Looking for someone else to take over role of treasurer - this person can working with Andrea until they take over, giving a good amount of time for a handover. Andrea is also going to be away a lot, so would appreciate some help. Being treasurer involves making sure weekly invoices are paid, and that the account has enough money in it.

There are 2 accounts, the membership account and the food hub account. Membership money goes into membership account. Current balance if this is £647 - 493.19 bought forward from last year, 238.61 green exchange funding and 198 from this years membership.

Action point - Luke to clarify with union the 238.61 green exchange money.

Food hub account - £1258.91 opening balance this year. £4072 income this year, £4664 outgoings. Now 1143.70 balance. Usually £300 or less a month on wholesale order. Spent one off cost of £270 on better storage containers for food. Income less than outgoings, but also have a lot of assets in terms of stock in shop and also money in the till. Discussed that we don't need this much money in this account, it has been accumulated over the years, however it is useful to have back up as a contingency in case something breaks (fridge or till for example).

Option - could set up other accounts e.g. an allotment account. Would need a signatory from allotment group - this would allow this group to get money out and pay bills. This could take some pressure off committee members. Must be a student to be a signatory. This can be discussed further in working group meetings.

Proposal - working groups to meet and discuss whether they would like to spend any money on development of their own group and of green action in general for this year and make a list of items and cost. Also to think about any potential income they could generate. Bring these ideas to the next general meeting to be discussed. A budget for each working group can then be decided for the year - this process could happen again next year. An amount of money will be kept as a contingency fund. This will give groups autonomy to spend money on smaller cost items - rather than having to wait to bring it to a general meeting for a decision. The working groups will be accountable to wider GA and will report back on their spending. More costly items can be bought to the general meeting for a decision.

Action point - Luke (plot), Christa (food hub), Izzy W (campaigns) to ensure that this is discussed in next working group meeting.

Regular outgoings each year include £123 allotment fee, £35 radical routes membership, £35 website.

Give it a go
- can receive 2 lots of £200 funding each year through running a giag each semester. To get funding must hand in list of 20 student names who are not members who attended the giag.

Plan A - bike powered film to fit in with a campaign we are running - Christa and Izzy W to organise
Plan B - brewing/cider bottling on plot

Social idea - 21st birthday party, proposal to invite former members

Proposal from Noelie - to contact former Green Action members and compile a list of contacts and skills which the current/new Green Actioners can draw on. Agreed - Noelie to action this.


Loomio - online decision platform. Join Green Action Loomio and follow discussion you are interested in. You can choose how you want to be updated (can have daily update, or only be notified about certain conversations). A good way to communicate if you can't come to meetings - can make proposals using loomio and these can be agreed/blocked.

Action point - Izzy W to send round instructions on how to use loomio
- all members to join loomio and discuss bike powered GIAG ideas
-Katy to put minutes on loomio, minutes also to be printed off and put in folder in food co-op to keep a hard copy record

Political Stance

Campaign group had meeting to decide on GA's political stance - by deciding our stance, this will help us to react quickly to take direct action, rather than waiting for a general meeting.

Proposal - for the wider group to see the document before the next general meeting, and to discuss/finalise it at this meeting. Agreed.
Action point - Tudor to share document with wider group via email/loomio and print a copy to put in the store

Green Action Revolution

The GA revolution (meaning both cycle, and revolution) document aims to keep a record of what we do to build up an amazing resource for future green actioners.

Action - add to the record (name and date your addition), so that future years can benefit form our shared knowledge
-Luke to share revolution document again on loomio and as google doc via email.

Next meeting:
Katy to send round doodle to organise meeting
Luke to take the minutes
Izzy W to facilitate
To discuss - working group budgets and political stance


Joel MH Sun 31 Jan 2016 2:42PM

Quick clarification:

For the Housing co-op group meeting at the Chemic, is this on Thursday 11th or Friday the 12th Feb?


Katy Sun 31 Jan 2016 8:00PM

Hmm I wrote down Thursday 12th, but can see that that doesn;t exist, I have a feeling its the Thursday as thats when the open mic is on...Izzy Ward, can you confirm?


Luke Tilley Mon 8 Feb 2016 12:10PM

Friday the 12th, its very own event! Possibly thinking to bottle the cider at Cornerstone before hand or on the Saturday Luke


Katy Wed 10 Feb 2016 11:29PM

Could do Saturday night cider bottling? :)


Izzy Ward Mon 14 Mar 2016 2:05PM

I have a green folder from the charity shop we can use, not as great as a box but close.
Also the HelpDesk said only committee members can do block booking, but it should be online.