Opening Up the Creative Commons Aotearoa NZ Loomio

Kia ora koutou -
As part of a renewed committment to working in the open, we're planning to open up the Creative Commons Aotearoa New Zealand Loomio to anyone who is keen to see what we're up to. We're also planning to use Loomio to more actively report on what we're doing, as we're doing it, and also share our plans, ideas, mistakes, disagreements - as much of it as we possibly can.
Our broader hope is that we can substantially grow the active community of folks dedicated to growing the commons in Aotearoa. We're going to be working through what this looks like over the next few months, keeping in mind the range of views within the community. CCANZ's goals - which most of you hopefully share! - are ambitious indeed, and the only way we're going to achieve them is with help from folks like yourselves.
This means that the focus of the Loomio is likely to expand beyond consulting on organisational matters (like hosting and funding) to more granular threads on our many projects, as they progress, week by week.
The upshot is that there's likely to be a reasonable amount more activity on Loomio - from us, but also from other folks. For some of you, this may mean you'll wish to alter your email settings in Loomio, or otherwise filter updates from this group. Others may be less comfortable with this group working in the open, and may wish to leave, which we completely understand (though we hope you don't!)
We're also going to include a 'Help Grow the Commons' icon on the homepage, which will take people to this group. This will likely mean that membership of this group will tick upwards over the next few months.
I think our reasons for keeping this group private were understandable, though as an open organisation, the feeling among staff and the CCANZ advisory panel is that we need to continue to err on the side of openness and inclusiveness.
Finally, there are a number of open questions as to how this will be structured and implemented, including how we can collectively recognise of folks that help us all out. We're going to continue to work this through - but rest assured, opening up the Loomio and increasing our transparency and reporting are just the first steps.
Happy to hear any comments or feedback in the thread below!
Thanks all,

Danyl Strype Fri 2 Oct 2015 4:03AM
I'm really thrilled by this announcement! Used well, Loomio is a great tool for community engagement, allowing a lot of information and ideas to be shared, and even decisions made in the open, without flooding people's email boxes.
Some observations from my experience with Loomio. Firstly, I second Matt's comment about checking your email settings. Secondly, thoughtful use of subgroups helps keep message volume under control too. Thirdly, as the group grows, it becomes increasingly important to clearly name discussion threads, and subgroups, to help people find and participate in the discussions they are most passionate about.

Matt McGregor Sun 4 Oct 2015 9:38PM
Update: I've just opened the Loomio for anyone to join. Discussions can now be set for public or private view.
Nigel Robertson · Thu 1 Oct 2015 9:07AM