The flight from fringes of reddit.
Should we? Do we dig sots community enough to splinter / spread from reddit? If yes... what actions should we take beside agreeing that it would be a swell idea to be buncha of spooks somewhere else.
Kyle Browning Mon 6 Jul 2015 3:25AM
If there were a real life activity/event/happening/eschaton going down near me, I'd show up.
solxyz Mon 6 Jul 2015 3:52AM
although i think that getting away from reddit is a very good goal, i also think that as long as reddit is reddit, moving over here is problematic. if all the currently active membership of sots moved over here, then it would be bumpin' here for a while, however no new people would get exposed, we would have no new membership, and as old members move on for various life or death reasons, we would wither.
still, if people start talking using this site, id join in.
jint3i Mon 6 Jul 2015 3:54AM
Why not use both? Recruit with reddit, loomio for administrative functions.
brian Mon 6 Jul 2015 4:06AM
Maybe we can't replace reddit quite yet but this seems to offer something unique here. I think this is cooler than irc because we can actually try to make some kind of decisions.. what should we decide about though? what are the issues for sots? maybe we could try to help launch this new subreddit as an active arm of sots (mostly brainstorming and decompiling existing trends). Requirements for a reddit replacement would be a current priority.
solxyz Mon 6 Jul 2015 4:17AM
we have an administration? is that why the tuition keeps going through the roof?
our posting is our recruiting..., i dont see how we could separate it, but maybe i dont see what youre getting at.
jint3i Mon 6 Jul 2015 4:48AM
Reddit has more reach than loomio. Practically speaking getting a few like minded people into any old forum should do. Realistically, use the tools best suited for the task.
As far as administrative functions, read decision making to effect some outcome. Reddit certainly does not facilitate such a process natively.
Jack Duncan Mon 6 Jul 2015 10:59PM
I didn't mean to suggest loomis as a replacement for Reddit. It's there because I thought it'd be easier to reach an agreement and action via loomis than reddit. I don't think loomis is feasible replacement.
Brian is right, we need to determine what we're looking for in not-reddit. /r/criticalactivism would be a good start in determining that. The latest furor seems to be settling down, so we might be better off planning our actions instead of taking actions now. I think it would be amazing if we get something under our sleeve, ready to be pulled out the next time there's a big shitstorm.
Another idea; till we determine the ideal not-reddit, what do you guys think about spreading seeds all over popular not-reddit? Vorat, Snapwhatever, and so on. Do you think it'd be possible to get a bot or such to keep all of those forums identical in terms of posting / submits?
Ex: zummi posts an awesome article on reddit. bot picks it up and reposts it to vorat, snap, etc.
jint3i · Mon 6 Jul 2015 3:15AM
Let's do an activity. You know, in real life. Turn some heads. Draw back the curtain. Responsibly, of course. A bit of mischief never hurt anybody.