
Framing questions for Ourspace

NT Nigel Taptiklis Public Seen by 199

When we met last night, we ran through the exercise of naming our own reasons for being here, involved with the Climathon and more importantly in relation to Ourspace.

Here are the four questions we asked ourselves and read to each other. Feel free to enter your own answers in the discussion below.

What brings you here?

What do I want Ourspace to be?

What do I bring?

What can I give?

Quick Loomio hints:

  • You can italicise with a '*' on either side of your sentence or word.
  • You can bold text with a '**' on either side of your sentence or word :)

Nigel Taptiklis Wed 8 Jul 2015 5:23PM

Thanks @sethhickling for the suggestion to think of purpose and problem concurrently. I found this helpful, my thinking on the purpose side is:

People-friendly densification: helping people to do co-housing and infill housing well.

And in a nutshell - Building up Better.


Damian Sligo-Green Thu 23 Jul 2015 10:09AM

What brings you here?
I'm interested in developing Business models, frameworks and coalitions around co-housing, co-living spaces. I'm interested in this from Financial & Legal Structures, Ecological and Human Centered Design and the means to share these and activate communities of residents, designers and business in effective networks.

What do I want Ourspace to be?
I want it to be a source of news, resources, Open Source tools and a mechanism or channel for consultation on Co-housing and collaborative living.

What do I bring
My skills include Project Management, Strategy, Business Development & Collaborative process and design processes and I have a strong desire to work effectively with multiple stakeholders. My experience spans working in the Financial, IT and Marketing sectors. I have strong interest in Ecological systems, Permaculture, Collective equity, ownership and determination and (fortunately) my work crosses over many of these in working through Enspiral.

What can I give?
At the moment, I'm really interested in supporting the direction the group wants to take both collectively and individually. I can give 5hrs pw until September at which time I'll re-evaluate.

Feel free to email me on [email protected] :)


Damian Sligo-Green Thu 23 Jul 2015 10:21AM

@nigeltaptiklis @lucaskengmana @chrisrowe @drewarensberg @carolinetaylor @sethhickling others? Or are they all in the other group?


Caroline Taylor Sun 26 Jul 2015 7:11AM

And here's my answers:
What brings you here?
I want to work with others to have a real impact on the wicked social problems facing us (including climate change, social inequality, poverty and community disconnectedness).

What do want Our Space to be?
Something that helps move Wellington/New Zealand/the world forward in unlocking barriers to better living that is connected, healthy, available to all and a positive or as low as possible environmental impact. I see Our Space as part of an ecosystem addressing the wicked problems facing us.

What do you bring?
Enthusiasm, questioning, listening and writing skills, systems thinking (including social labs/ULabs practice), legal and management skills, networks, a broad view and meditation and presencing skills and practice.

What can you give?
Energy, networks and 5-6 hours a week.

Purpose: I like Nigel's suggestion with a change to "People and nature friendly densification"


Drew Arensberg Tue 28 Jul 2015 6:02AM

What brings you here?
30% of an income is spent on housing, you're in your house for 15 of 24 hours every day, and where your home is located determines many sociological characteristics that shape your being and as an extension, our society. Housing affects us all, and we have the technology, drive, and collective intelligence to change the way our housing affects us for the better. I'm working to do so and OurSpace seems to be a good place to do it.

What do want OurSpace to be?
I want OurSpace to be a platform that unlocks unused yet culturally rich land for the affordable development of the worlds most innovative housing, for those who most need it.

What do you bring?
desire to help people accomplish their goals, connection to wikihouse, connection to Living Future Institute, connection to passivhaus, connection to Tuhoe LB, a friendly openness to grabbing a beer and a chat (good beer no shit beer).

What can you give?
Energy efficiency knowledge and modelling, web design advice, graphic design advice

Chris' responses:

What brings you here?
I want to create warm and healthy homes for all New Zealanders

What do you want OurSpace to become?
A method to making this happen, and soon.

What do I bring?
Building engineering. Construction industry knowledge, wikihouse team connection, passivhaus knowledge

What can I give?
4-6 hours of time. Support for Drew.


Nigel Taptiklis Thu 30 Jul 2015 8:22AM

What brings me here?
My work and interest in systems and participatory approaches to co-creative climate change innovation.

What do I bring?
Networks, connections to wellington's growing climate change knowledge and innovation ecosystem.

What do I want OurSpace to be?
A catalyst that sets the vision, design and culture to live together better - the low carbon vision 'the mainstream' will buy into.

What can I give?
I'm pretty swamped and can only manage a few hours a week, including turning up on Wednesday. I'll help connect with other networks and support, and add some creative systems thinking.