Mon 30 Dec 2019 9:54PM

Hosting Guests

MJ michelle jackson Public Seen by 11

I love that we host guests at Prime Produce and I think that should continue doing that. What has been bubbling up for me is a feeling that we need more structure around hosting. This thread is to discuss hosting. The intention of the discussion is for it to eventually lead to a Loomio proposal for PPAC hosting guidelines which members would vote on.

Leaning on the lens of creating and maintaining a cooperative, supportive, financially sustainable space, below are some thoughts/questions:

1) Requesting a contribution from repeat guests either in the form of a daily desk fee ($25) or taking on a service task to support the space.

Service tasks could include: helping with the garbage, recycling, composting, putting back dishes into the cupboard, making sure that the dishwasher has been run, watering plants, sweeping floor, working on marketing materials, help with updating outdoor community board, offering up opportunities to members/residents such as a skillshare, etc.

2) The use of conference rooms and meditation room by members for their guests. How does that work now? How could that work? Contribution by guest or building/operations service task?

3) What does it mean to host? i.e. When a host leaves, then guests need to leave or another member needs to host. If another member picks up hosting, they need to understand who in the space is being hosted. Is there a check in process for guests? How are we explaining the hosting process to guests?