
Use of Trust Cloud To Confirm Community Transparency & Validate Current Admins

O oswgwhe Public Seen by 65

IMHO, there are two kinds of moles.

1.) Well meaning persons who can’t control their confusion. This type is hard to spot, and when you try to get rid of it, the full weight of “acceptable community standards” prevents you from getting rid of it. Sacramento has one of these today.

2.) Inadvertent or intentional vicious persons originating from whatever corner. These may or may not be government agents or socio-paths.

Either type succeeds by causing the group’s members to accuse each other, with the mole always appearing to somehow hold the politically correct high ground.

I'm citing the pain from last Friday's Structure WG conference call. It caused two people from Sacramento and one person from Southern California, who were on that call, to “quit”, amidst accusations against each other, and accusations from "leaders" on the call. The “mole's" manipulation made it seem that he had the high moral ground. Or that by listening to him it was best for the group.

Does the National group have someone of the first type that is intimately active with us today, causing our pain? Making us think the pain came from us!? And that he has no fault?

Or will we be plauged by one of the second type? If its just an official, trying to set us up the way people in Earth First were set up and then given stiff jail sentences, I think we will be able to spot them. On the other hand, although I am preparing our own internal and group-wise security protections, things could get dicey.

Please lay into me if the answer is no. I don’t really enjoy writing these things. :-((


Mon 30 Jun 2014 7:18PM

I have no particular desire to admin these groups, but if I did, I've no history of Facebook or Twitter, so I'd get a low score (maybe no score). Seems like an arbitrary discriminatory policy. (I'd block but the reframing of "Block" squelches that.)


Justin Wed 18 Jun 2014 5:39AM

I'm not sure you read the proposal & what voting a BLOCK means.

Games are great but not why I'm here comrades

TO refresh you on the choices & what voting block means


YES= This is a great idea, Ill make one now!
ABSTAIN= The idea is good, Ill make one if Im already an admin, otherwise.. eh
NO= The idea is not good, Im not making one
BLOCK= I’m a mole gaming OWS pls BAN Me


Sally G Wed 18 Jun 2014 7:53PM

Was the description writer/editor on the Friday call, or did he listen to it? (not sure who put in the description) I disagree with the statement made. Anonymous and the Zapatistas use masks for a reason; I would honor their perception of danger and/or their intention to put focus on their cause rather than themselves.


Justin Wed 18 Jun 2014 8:06PM

Sally please go look at Trust Cloud. It uses platforms you already use. No need to inject your personal politics or to speak for others during a conversation about establishing community trust in a very narrow setting.

Handling community resources & personal anonymity are two separate matters. If you are going to front line an online asset you cannot do so from behind monikers & multiple accounts.

In the end this is not about 'life situations' but movement work flow.


Sally G Wed 18 Jun 2014 9:44PM

Good points, Justin. I will check it out.


Tricia Thu 19 Jun 2014 11:41PM

I signed up and have a score of 748 https://trustcloud.com/!/Matericia


Daniel Hong Fri 20 Jun 2014 2:41PM

I signed up and have a score of 722.


Sally G Sat 21 Jun 2014 5:47PM

What happens for those not on Facebook, Linked In, etc.? The site indicates that the service is “currently free”, which suggests possibility of being a paid service in the future—we will be finished with NatGat by then, of course, so may be moot. Do we know anything more about the founders? There is not much actual company information on the page.


Justin Sun 22 Jun 2014 8:08PM

Folks not on FB & Twitter wont be stepping up to manage the social media.



Justin Sun 22 Jun 2014 8:09PM

Ps these sites will always be free. Please check the parinoia. Not relevant here to the topic of transparency in relation to admin access of assets


Sally G Mon 23 Jun 2014 3:21AM

I hope that you are right about continual free service; I understand that those not on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., not asking for control of those NatGat accounts, but Loomio might be an exception to that, as discussions appear somewhat self-contained.


jemcgloin Tue 24 Jun 2014 9:31PM

Justin, having block defined as "I'm a troll..." or "I'm a racist..." makes the whole poll seem like a snarky waste of time. If you want me to take your polls seriously you need to define options that don't assume your side is good and any other opinion is evil


jemcgloin Tue 24 Jun 2014 9:34PM

How do we know the trust cloud is not run by the NSA?


Justin Tue 24 Jun 2014 11:00PM


Please read the proposal.

This is only for people stepping up for social media.


Donna Piranha Tue 24 Jun 2014 11:15PM

Another Occupier told me about these multiple accounts and that is not just silly, it is unacceptable. How can we ever have trust when we find out that some people have multiple accounts? That being said, i now have 2 accounts myself because i could not ever log into the old one, so now i have this new one. The old one is non-accessible so if it cannot be removed, then it will look like i have 2 accounts, even though i will just use this one.

Anonymous people are fine, obviously, ... unless they start being assholes. i agree that for the most part ... peeps should be as real as they can to impart trust. When information is Googled that casts doubt upon the veracity of an Occupier's identity, trust will always be affected unless there is truthfulness and transparency. That is why the founding patriarchs were wise to include Freedom of the Press in the First Amendment. The press was intended to act as an unbiased "check" for lies and corruption. Have you noticed the difference in our calls since having a journalist on them to make sure that everyone is accountable? It's interesting, isn't it? <3


Sally G Wed 25 Jun 2014 3:48AM

Actually, Donna, I really have not noticed that big a difference. Journalism in large part is not what it once was, of course; “our guys” aside. MSM has been so corrupted itself that the so-called “alternative media” has sprung up to do what once was respected journalistic work. Embedded reporters in military zones are extreme examples. (BTW, I had a fairly long discussion with Jerry, the reporter on our calls—he is doing his homework.)


Justin Wed 25 Jun 2014 3:53AM

Jerry is a goof. The guy has three facebook accounts. Don't get me started lolz. Link me as you all plug into trust cloud. seems you can give + in skills ect.. kinda neat the way it links into the ideas of gift economies with it.. check out some of the platforms you can use with it- the free ones, naturally.


Cal Wed 25 Jun 2014 6:36AM

People could be an admin of Loomio who aren’t on any other social media and therefore wouldn’t have a meaningful trust score. Some of us have built trust over several/many years, based on what we do, what we've added, how we listen, how we be, how we aid others in empowering themselves, and more -- and it would take years to replicate that in social media.


jemcgloin Wed 25 Jun 2014 12:45PM

Justin, you completely blew off my concern, which was based on a reasoned suspicion of push polling.
Polls that make it obvious what the "right" answer is, have no scientific validity, except to try to shape people's opinion, which is not what a poll is supposed to do.
This fact is not dependent on what wg one is in.


jemcgloin Wed 25 Jun 2014 12:55PM

Oh and Justin, read your own proposal. It doesn't say that this is limited to "people stepping up for social media."


Justin Wed 25 Jun 2014 7:40PM

This isn't a poll.

Blocking is not an option if you could take the time to read the proposal @jemcgloin!

great convo going & and neat seeing folks give the love on trust cloud with the +k system.

very cool.


Cal Wed 25 Jun 2014 8:04PM

But you're using a polling/decision making tool, but saying that you're not doing a poll/proposal. Doesn't seem like a great tool for that purpose.


Justin Thu 26 Jun 2014 2:49AM

If you only look at it that way.

Loomio like the Occupy Organizational spaces that gave birth to it is a place for facilitated discussions within a framework of consensus based decision making...

It allows for inclusive & transparent dialog that is accessible to new & old stakeholders unlike the listserves.

Coming to consensus is a process, not a poll. Depending on the context the tools are quite flexible: from modified consensus to spokes councils.. it all flows from discussion & being able to adapt depending on the mater/ issue at hand.

I'd suggest joining the Loomio Group- they are asking for input on the next features to the platform, including be able to customize the options for weighing in on things.


Justin Thu 26 Jun 2014 1:49PM

Stepping up to be responsible for group resources involves a need for transparency & accountability.

People who want to preserve their anonymity would not be on social media or asking for Admin status.



Julia Clark Fri 27 Jun 2014 8:23AM

Eh, I have a klout score I never check and it goes up all the time.. Every box I have gets a new ID, so not much with OMG you have more than one ID People that know me can find me.. Waves to the friendly that found me driod.... these are not the droids you are looking for move along....

That said I love tests! And nifty new ways to measure me!

I am quantum :)

Nevertheless, there is a time for anonymity and then there is not.
Anonymous ( proper) actions have already been discussed and recused.
That said, I am having to low key my locations to protect my internet.
Quite a conundrum here.

Even so, that does not even begin to address the master skills of corporate PR firms to create cover
http://oolith.wordpress.com/2013/07/20/from-the-desk-of-jco-research-notes/ <<< just the easiest to find

Sorry folks, any test can be shammed, for the most part.
This test is just one of many things you should weigh when concluding if a person/s or group is a honey pot, shill, dog, cat, wolf, sheep, ad nausum


Julia Clark Fri 27 Jun 2014 8:28AM

/me puts some lube on and gets me card.
I loved [redacted] before he [redacted] so why wouldn't I


Julia Clark Fri 27 Jun 2014 8:54AM

Whoo hoo! @justin2 donate $10 so I can get my trust cloud score higher.


Julia Clark Fri 27 Jun 2014 9:09AM

I got 748. that will do. I at least matched @triciafromphilly , i wanted top, but I do not feel like entering emails, right now.
I could get top score if @justin2 would chip in $10 for myTrustCheck :'(


Justin Fri 27 Jun 2014 2:59PM

Awesome you made a Trust Cloud profile- Care to link us to it & weigh in on the proposal @juliaclark?


Julia Clark Fri 27 Jun 2014 3:10PM

It is under Oolith , one of my normal names. If the thing works like to says you should be able to find it @justin2 . Maybe that is what the $10 they asked for is for


Julia Clark Fri 27 Jun 2014 3:13PM

Hmm does not seem to work so good when I put in Justin Stone-Diaz you did not exist.... @justin2


Justin Mon 30 Jun 2014 9:58PM

@cal how is this discrimination? People who don't use FB & Twitter would not have ability or interest to admin those platforms. Having first hand experience with Social Media is a prerequisite for taking on additional responsibility isn't it? It's about Transparency & Accountability to our communities.


Cal Mon 30 Jun 2014 10:05PM

But aren't you talking about Loomio? Your proposal begins: "There are people running multiple accounts on Loomio..." (not FB & Twitter). It seems to me that a person who has had first hand experience being responsible for admin'ing forums and online would seem well qualified. FB and Twitter were neither the first nor the only such things.


Justin Tue 1 Jul 2014 5:19AM

Great seeing folks on Trust Cloud!


Julia Clark Tue 1 Jul 2014 9:53PM

@justin2 spot me a $10 to get my #'s higher on there .
I bet you could comp me that tenner on the trust cloud site. :)


Justin Tue 1 Jul 2014 10:24PM

@juliaclark I am not sure what you are talking about. Good luck on that


Julia Clark Tue 1 Jul 2014 10:51PM

Ofc you don't .


Justin Wed 2 Jul 2014 1:04AM

Julia you seem to have alot of time to spend on this & trolling others.

We could really use your energies focused on the discussions & work ahead.

Thanks for your time & look forward to supporting your efforts.


Julia Clark Wed 2 Jul 2014 1:05AM

Justin quit singling me out for your hate. K' thanks in advance.


Justin Wed 2 Jul 2014 1:38AM

@juliaclark That is ironic as I just asked you why you were doing the same.

How about you focus on the work on not on trolling people actually doing work lolz.

#PlayNice & Get over your negative self centered humor.

#BacktoWork, Comrade


Julia Clark Wed 2 Jul 2014 1:57AM

Quit sniffing my skirts!!!
Take your self-praise glory blackhole and suck someone else. Cheers
And do not forget your Easter bunny costume.


Tricia Wed 2 Jul 2014 9:59AM

trust noun 1. firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

Obviously the Trust Cloud does not engender trust. That has to be built the old fashioned way.

Trust is built during each interaction and by being reliable, strong, loyal and kind.

It's destroyed at every insult, instance of deception and underhanded act.


Rolling Stones - Get Off My Cloud


Julia Clark Wed 2 Jul 2014 1:44PM

The Rolling Stones - Under The Radar (2005)
